Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Meaning of Cabut In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Today, I want to talk to you about the meaning of cabut in Bahasa Indonesia. This is a slang word, and we're also going to watch a scene that I took from a movie called Mimpi Metropolitan.

Meaning of Cabut In Bahasa Indonesia

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So, without further ado, let's get started!

Cabut Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

The literal meaning of cabut is "to pull out." For example, when you pull out weeds from your backyard to make your backyard clean.

But here, usually, we use this word with a different meaning, that is,
To leave or to go.
For example, if you want to ask your friend to go with you, you will say this.
Cabut yuk sekarang?
If translated in English, the translation would be,
Shall we go now?
Sometimes, you will hear them say,
This is just reverse from the word "cabut." The meaning is the same. So, you can also say, like the sentence above, just reverse.
Bucat yuk sekarang?
The English translation is still the same, that is.
Shall we go now?
And you will also hear "cabut dulu," for example, in this sentence.
Gue cabut dulu ya.
The English translation would be.
I'm leaving now.
Sometimes, people in Indonesia short this phrase "cabut dulu" into "cabs duls." The meaning is the same. So, back to the same sentence, you can say like this.
Cabs duls.
The English translation is still the same as the previous one.
I'm leaving now.
This word and phrase are used by younger people in Indonesia.

How to Pronounce Cabut

I've recorded my voice saying "cabut." Let's hear it below.

And now, let's hear how to pronounce "bucat" below.

Next, let's hear how to pronounce "cabut dulu" below.

And the last phrase, "cabs duls," let's hear how to pronounce it below.

Next, I will give you example sentences using [cabut].

Example Sentences

Now, I will give you 3 example sentences using this word.

The first example.
A: Eh, gue cabut dulu ya. Loe masih mau di sini dulu? Ngga ikutan cabut juga? 
B: Gue kayanya ntaran aja deh cabutnya. Gue mau di sini dulu bentaran.
The English translation for this would be.
A: Hei, I'm leaving now. You still want to hang out a bit in here? You don't want to leave? 
B: Yeah, I think I'll stay here for a while.

The second example.
Eh, dia udah cabut ya?
The English translation for this would be.
Did he leave already?

The third example.
Gue harus cabut sekarang nih, kalau ngga ntar gue telat.
The English translation would be.
I have to go now or I'll be late.
Next, we will watch scenes from movies where the word [cabut] is spoken.

Examples of Cabut In Use

Here, we will watch scenes from movies where the word [cabut] is spoken to better understand the meaning of this word and how the Indonesian people are using it in their daily lives.

The first clip is taken from a movie called Mimpi Metropolitan. Let's watch it below.

You can read the transcript of the conversation in that scene with English translation in my article titled Meaning of Empat Mata In Bahasa Indonesia.

The second clip is taken from an Indonesian movie called Strawberry Surprise. Let's watch the clip below.

The transcript with English translation is as follows.
Woman: Bos! Bos, kamu ngga papa, bos? (Boss! Boss, are you okay, boss?) 
Man: Dia resign, Ta. Resign karena cinta. (He resigned, Ta. He resigned because of love.) 
Woman: Mungkin emang lebih baik kaya gitu, bos. Bos, pasti ngga mau kan? Punya orang yang pikiran dan perasaannya ngga pernah ada di sini. (Maybe it's better this way, boss. I think you don't want to have a man whose mind and soul was never here, do you, boss?) 
Man: Iya, better gitu sih. Asal Inda ngga ikutan cabut aja. (Yes, I think it's better this way. I'm just hoping that Inda will not also leave.)

The third clip is taken from Perahu Kertas 1. Let's watch the scene below.

Transcript from the scene with English translation is as follows.
Kugy: Kamu kayanya cocok jadi agen Neptunus. (You seem like a good fit for Neptunus' agent.) 
Keenan: Neptunus dewa laut? (You mean Neptunus, god of the sea?) 
Kugy: Yes. 
Keenan: Terus agen maksudnya apa? (Then, what do you mean by Neptunus' agent?) 
Eko: Ini udah mulai gila nih pembicaraannya nih ya. Yuk kita cabut buru-buru ya. Ntar kalau kelamaan di sini, kita diajakin ngelipet kertas. Tuh lihat tuh! (This conversation is starting to get weird. Let's roll out. If you stay long enough in here, she will begin to ask you to fold the paper. You see over there!) 
Kugy: Tapi.. tapi emang gitu caranya. (But-- that's how we do it here.)
In this scene, Kugy thinks that Keenan can be one of the Neptunus agents, and then while they were talking to each other, their friends, Noni and Eko came, and they asked Keenan to get out of Kugy's room because the conversation that they were having was going to be weird.

So, that's why Eko said,
Yuk, kita cabut buru-buru ya.
Buru-buru here means as soon as possible. So, Eko asked Keenan to get out of Kugy's room as soon as possible.

I think this is a wrap for the meaning of cabut in Bahasa Indonesia. I hope you understand what I just explained to you. If you still confused just let me know by commenting in the comment section below this article. 

Thank you very much and I'll talk to you soon.
