Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Meaning of Nyolot In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, we are going to talk about an Indonesian slang term, that is [nyolot]. [Nyolot] is used mostly in Jakarta. When you're in Jakarta, you will hear this term is saying often.

As always, we are going to be watching scenes from movies and whatnot where this word is spoken by Indonesians to better understand how Indonesians use it in their daily conversation.

Meaning of Nyolot In Bahasa Indonesia

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So, let's get started!

Nyolot In Bahasa Indonesia

Nyolot is an expression that someone shows when emotionally expressing his argument and forces it to the other person. The expression is shown by using words or behavior that are not very pleasing and a person who hears or experiences it usually will become angry.

You will hear nyolot mostly in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. This word came from Betawi people and it's a common word in Jakarta.

How to Pronounce Nyolot

I have recorded my voice saying this word. So, you can hear it down below.

And now we will watch 2 scenes that I took from 2 movies that are from Mimpi Metropolitan and Jakarta Magrib.

Nyolot In Movie Scenes

In the first scene, we're going to watch from Mimpi Metropolitan. There are Bambang and Melanie, they were in a fight. Bambang said something to Melanie that made her angry.

Let's watch the scene below.

The conversation from the scene with English translation is as follows.
Melanie: Kalau gue ngomong, tatap mata gue! Selama ini loe udah nyuekin gue, sekarang apa, heh? Mau nganggep gue ngga ada, gitu? (Look me in the eyes when I talk to you! All this time you've been abandoning me, and now what? You want to pretend that I do not even exist? Is that what you want?) 
Bambang: Ya udahlah mba. Mau gimana pun saya, kan ngga ngaruh buat mba. (Whatever you said. No matter what I've done, it means nothing to you, right?)
Melanie: Gue udah bilang ya, jangan panggil gue mba, Bambang. (I have said it to you before, please don't call me "mba", Bambang.) 
Bambang: Ya, suka-suka saya lah. Mba Melanie. Mba Melanie ngelakuin apa aja, saya kan ngga marah. (What I wanted to call you, it's all up to me. Mba Melanie. You did what you wanted to do and I'd never got angry with it, aren't I?) 
Melanie: Iya, loe itu emang ngga marah, Bang. Tapi loe itu nyolot, tahu ngga? Gue itu jadinya bingung Bang, harus gimana. (Yes, you were never got angry with that, Bang. But your behaviour made me mad, didn’t you know that? It made me confused, Bang! I really don’t know what to do!) 
Bambang: Ya udah, ngga usah gimana-gimana. Lagian kan, kita ngga akan ke mana-mana, mba Melanie Agustin! (Do nothing then. Besides, we won’t going nowhere, mba Melanie Agustin!)
I need to explain something here. When Melanie said, "Please, don't call me mba!" Mba is an honorific title for women and when a man and a woman is getting closer in their relationship. It's weird if they talk to each other using honorific titles. It makes some kind of distance between them. That's why Melanie asked Bambang to not using honorific title "mba" when calling her name.

Now, let's watch the other scene from another movie, Jakarta Magrib.

The transcript of the conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows.
A: Kalau gue sih, ngga pernah ada urusan sama mereka, ya. (As for me, I never have problems with them.) 
B: Yah, kok loe malah jadi kaya gitu sih? Tadi loe bilang, katanya loe keberatan gara-gara mereka suka berantem, tuh! Masa sekarang jadi ciut? (Why did you act like that now? You’ve just said that you were not pleased with them because they often fight. Why are you now becoming such a coward?) 
A: Lho? Loe kok jadi nyolot sih? Loe kalau ada masalah, loe omongin aja sama mereka langsung. Ngga usah bawa-bawa orang lain, dong. Lagian, ngga ada untungnya buat gue, nyuruh mereka bubar. Buat apa? (What?! What is it with you? If you have problems with them, you better talk to them directly. Don’t involve other people with your problems! Besides, what's in it for me to ask them to break up. What for?)
So as you just saw from the scene, the woman was saying something not pleasing to the ear and then the word "nyolot" came out from the man's mouth.

Example Sentences

I will give you 3 example sentences using the word "nyolot".

First example,
Omongan loe kok nyolot gitu sih?
The English translation is as follows.
Your words are not very pleasing to hear. What's wrong with you?

Second example,
Jangan suka nyolot jadi orang, ntar loe digebukin orang-orang sini, baru tahu rasa deh.
The English translation is as follows.
Don't be such an asshole. You'll get kicked by these people around here.

Third example,
Loe kok jadi nyolot gitu sih? Kan gue mah cuma ngasih tahu doang, kali.
The English translation is as follows.
Why are you being such a jerk? I was just giving you the information.

I think that's a wrap. If you have any questions regarding this, please write it down in the comment section. Thank you very much and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
