Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Pala Loe Peyang Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I am going to talk about the meaning of the phrase [pala loe peyang] in Indonesian, and as always, we are going to be watching examples from movies and whatnot where the phrase is spoken by Indonesians.

Pala Loe Peyang Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

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So, let's get started.

Pala Loe Peyang Meaning

Pala is short for "kepala", meaning head. There are a lot of written variations of "loe", some people write it as "lu", some people write it as "lo" but it's all the same. I am myself prefer to write it down as "loe". Loe, lu and lo have the same meaning. The meaning is you.

"Loe" came from a local language in Indonesia. It came from Betawi people that lived in Jakarta. But now, it spreads all over Indonesia and if you watch an Indonesian movie, you will hear it a lot. Loe has the same meaning as "kamu".

"Peyang" means your head is not in a symmetrical shape or flathead. If you're searching in Google "flat head" then you'll find lots of pictures of the shape of heads that's not symmetrical in shape.

So, the meaning of "pala loe peyang" if translated word for word means,
Your head is flat.
Or simply saying like,
That's the real meaning of "pala loe peyang".

This phrase is usually used in its figurative meaning. When someone says this phrase, it means that (s)he doesn't believe in what other people are saying. For example, two people are speaking to each other and the one who's listening doesn't believe in what the speaker is saying. Then, (s)he might say this phrase.

Or as in the scene that we will watch below. Let's watch it first then I'll explain the best I can.

Here is the transcription of the conversation from the scene with English translation.
A: Nah itu berarti kalau sampe istri ngulang kalimat suami, itu artinya, "Pala loe peyang! Enak aja loe naro meja pingpong di ruang keluarga gue." Itu! (If a wife happened to repeat what the husband was saying, it means what she was saying is, “That’s not gonna happen! I won’t allow you to put a pingpong table in my living room.” That’s what it meant!)
I will explain the situation first. Bastian (who's wearing a blue shirt) wants to buy a pingpong table and then he's saying to his wife that he wants to buy a pingpong table but the wife not clearly saying that she agrees with her husband and Adi (the one who's speaking in that scene) heard that and he saw when Bastian was saying to his wife about his decision to buy a pingpong table.

And then, Adi knows what will happen. He knows that Bastian's wife will never let him buy that pingpong table. And he explains it to Bastian that his wife will never let her buy that pingpong table but Bastian didn't believe because his wife hadn't said a thing about it.

So, Adi tries to explain to Bastian that he will get a rejection from his wife. He explains to Bastian the situation and why his wife hasn't said a thing about it. He said that Bastian needs to be able to read from that situation that it's actually the wife had rejected him politely.

That's why I translated "pala loe peyang" into "that's not gonna happen!". It's a strong rejection word in this situation.

If you don't believe what others are saying, you can also use this phrase. For example, your friend says that he will pass the exam with the highest score and then you say to him.
Pala loe peyang! Ngga mungkin itu bakalan kejadian! Loe aja ngga pernah belajar!
If translated into English, the translation kind of like this.
I don't believe you! It will never happen! Coz, I never saw you studying!
Here, you're expressing your disbelieve to what he was saying by using this phrase "pala loe peyang".

I want to explain a little about the words in that conversation. Words like "sampe", "ngulang", "naro" is the informal version. The formal version are "sampai", "mengulang", "menaruh". If you still have something that you don't understand, you can ask me and I will gladly answer your questions.

Example sentences Using This Phrase

1) A: Eh, loe kan mau putih? Mandi air panas aja yang sering, bikin kulit cepet putih tuh katanya. (You said that you want your skin to be whiter. You need to take a bath with hot water then, I heard that it makes skin whiter.)
B: Pala loe peyang! Loe percaya aja informasi ngga jelas kaya gitu. (What the heck?! How can you believe such a thing?)

2) A: Deketan! (Closer!)
   B: A.. apanya, sayang? (What is it, honey?)
   A: Sayang, sayang! Pala loe peyang! Duduknya deketan dikit! (Did you just call me honey??! WTF! Sit closer!)

A Song Titled Pala Loe Peyang

I found a song titled "pala loe peyang" by the legendary band in Indonesia, Slank. Let me embed the song below.

The lyrics in that song, I took just a small portion from that song's lyrics, that is,
Pala loe peyang. (You have a flat head.) 
Enak dikemplang. (It's so nice to hit your head.)
So, the lyrics in here, they use the real meaning of "pala loe peyang" and not the figurative meaning.

I hope you understand my explanation about this phrase "pala loe peyang" and I think that's all for now. I'll talk to you soon and bye now.
