Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Dengerin Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? This time, I want to talk about the meaning of [dengerin] in Bahasa Indonesia. We're also going to watch scenes from Indonesian movies where this word is spoken. I want to also talk about the basic word from this [dengerin] and then all the variations that can come up with this word.

Dengerin Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

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So, let's jump right in.

Dengerin In Bahasa Indonesia

The basic word for [dengerin] is [dengar]. This is the dictionary word when you open the Indonesian dictionary. In Bahasa Indonesia, although there are no tenses, the changes of the word when added by prefixes and suffixes are so complex, because it can also change the meaning.

Dengar means to listen or to hear. Dengar can change into various form, that are [dengarkan], [dengerin], [mendengar], [ngedenger], [mendengarkan], [ngedengerin], [memperdengarkan], [terdengar], [kedengar], [kedenger], [kedengaran], [kedengeran], [didengar], [didenger], [didengarkan], [didengerin], [diperdengarkan].

There are so many, right? I will give you each form 2 example sentences so that you can understand it. I will also give you scenes from Indonesian movies whenever I see one of them so that you can understand them better.

How to Pronounce All the Various Form of Dengar

Let's hear one by one. I'm going to record my voice saying one by one, so that you can listen to my voice.

Let's hear down below how to say dengar.

This is informal for dengar. When you write down in writing you better use dengar instead of denger. Let's hear down below how to say denger.

Let's hear how to pronounce dengarkan down below.

Dengerin is the informal form of dengarkan. Let's hear down below how to pronounce dengerin.

Let's hear down below how to pronounce mendengar.

Ngedenger is informal for mendengar. Let's hear down below how to pronounce ngedenger.

Let's hear down below how to pronounce mendengarkan.

Ngedengerin is the informal form of mendengarkan. Let's hear how to pronounce ngedengerin down below.

Let's hear how to pronounce memperdengarkan down below.

Let's hear how to pronounce terdengar down below.

Kedengar is more informal than terdengar. Let's hear how to pronounce kedengar down below.

Kedenger is more informal than kedengar. You will hear in daily conversation.

Let's hear how to pronounce kedengaran down below.

Kedengeran is informal for kedengaran. Let's hear how to pronounce kedengeran down below.

Let's hear how to pronounce didengar down below.

Didenger is informal for didengar. Let's hear how to pronounve didenger down below.

Let's hear how to pronounce didengarkan down below.

Didengerin is informal for didengarkan. Let's hear how to pronounce didengerin down below.

Let's hear how to pronounce diperdengarkan down below.

Now, let's watch movie scenes where this various form of dengar is spoken.

Various Form of Dengar In Movie Scenes

Let's watch the basic word [dengar] in this scene below.

The conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows.
Alan: Tak bisakah kau menungguku, hingga.. (Can't you wait for me, until..) 
Prima: Woi! (Hey!) 
Alan: Alamak. Ah! Kau ini Prima, bikin kaget saja! Kau dengar baik-baik! Sekali lagi kau masuk ke kamar kos kaya gitu, kutumbuk kepala kau! (Oh my! You, Prima! You shocked me! You listen to me carefully! Once again, you come into this room like that, I will punch you in the face!) 
Prima: Iye, iye maap. Ngga usah ngegas gitu! (Sorry, sorry. No need to talk to me like that!)
Let's take a look at the sentence that is spoken in the scene using the word [dengar].
Kau dengar baik-baik!
Kau is you, baik-baik means carefully. So, the translation for this sentence is,
You listen to me carefully!
Because Alan really shocked when Prima came into the room like that, he was angry and by saying that he wanted Prima to really listen to him.

Let's watch another scene where this [dengar] is spoken. We will again see [dengar] in the scene below.

The conversation in this scene with English subtitle is as follows.
Alan: Jadi kau benar? Kau mau dengar ceritaku? (So, you want to hear my story?) 
Bambang: Iya mas. (Yes, I do.) 
Alan: Jadi begini ceritanya. (So, this is how the story goes.)

Next, we're going to watch the other forms of dengar.

Next, let's watch a scene. This is from Dilan 1991, a famous movie in Indonesia. Let's watch the scene below.

The conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows.
Dilan: Milea, kamu tahu aku bisa berhentiin ujan? (Milea, do you know that I can stop the rain?) 
Milea: Caranya? (How?) 
Dilan: Ujan, berhenti! (Rain, stop!) 
Milea: Mana? Kok ngga berhenti? (Why doesn't it stop?) 
Dilan: Oh iya. Ngga bisa denger dia, ngga punya kuping. Aku juga bisa berhentiin motor ini, kamu tahu? (I forgot. He couldn't hear, he doesn't have ears. Don't you know that I can also make this bike stop?) 
Milea: Itu sih tinggal direm aja, iya kan? (You just need to hit the brake, am I right?) 
Dilan: Kok kamu tahu? (How do you know?) 
Milea: Bayi juga tahu, Dilan. (Even a baby knows, Dilan.) 
Dilan: Bayi ajaib bisa naik motor. (He's a magical baby then if he can ride a bike.)
I want to explain a little bit about this conversation. Ujan is short for hujan, means rain. Berhenti actually you hear in the scene being pronounce as [berenti], you don't pronounce the letter h there. This is in daily conversation, because if it is in a formal context then you need to pronounce the letter h, [berhenti].

We in daily conversation usually drop a letter or slightly change the way pronounce the word like in this scene.

Next, still from the same movie, Dillan 1990, let's watch the scene down below where [denger] is spoken.

The conversation in that scene with English translation is as follows.
Dilan: Kamu tahu ngga? (You know what?) 
Nandan: Apa? (What?) 
Dilan: Aku suka Lia. Tapi malu euy mau bilang. (I like Lia. But I don't have the courage to say it.) 
Nandan: Itu barusan bilang. (You have just said it.) 
Dilan: Bilang ke kamu, bukan ke Milea. (I've just said it to you, not to Milea.) 
Nandan: Tapi dia bisa denger, kan? (But she can hear you, right?) 
Dilan: Insya Allah. Lan. (I hope so. Lan.)
So, you can hear some Indonesian people will say [dengar] and some will say [denger].

Next, let's watch a scene, still from the same movie, Mimpi Metropolitan where the word [dengerin] is being spoken. Let's watch below.

The conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows.
Prima: Lagian juga, masih mending gua lah daripada elu penjual DVD bajakan. (After all, I'm still better than you are, the seller of pirated DVDs.) 
Alan: Kau tak suka dengan profesiku? Ha? (You don't like my profession, ha?) 
Bambang: Udah mas, udah. Jangan berantem! Jelek. (Come on, guys. Calm down. Don't fight! It's not good.) 
Prima: Tuh. Dengerin kata Bambang! (See. Listen to what Bambang had to say!) 
Bambang: Maksud saya, jangan sekarang berantemnya. Nanti aja, selesai mas Alan cerita. (I mean, not now if you want to fight. Later, after Alan finishes his story.)
Next, let's watch another scene where [dengerin] is spoken. We will again see [dengerin] is spoken in the scene below.

The conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows
Mamih: Cuman, loe udah bae belom? Masih bersin-bersin, ngga? (Have you got any better? Are you still sneezing?) 
Prima: Ooh. Udah mi, udah. Aman! (Ooh. I'm well now. Don't worry about it.) 
Mamih: Ya udeh. Loe sono, tuh. Dengerin sutradaranya, noh! Ya? Ama besok loe dateng lagi. Soalnya besok tuh ada adegan tawuran, Mami masih kurang 20 lagi ekstrasnya. Loe dateng ye? (Okay then. You go there. Listen to the director! Okay? One more, tomorrow I need you to come again. There will be a fighting scene tomorrow, and I still need 20 more people for this scene. You need to come tomorrow!)
Next, we're going to see the other forms of [dengar].

Next, let's watch another scene from a movie titled Radio Galau. Let's watch below.

The conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows.
Rara: Bara sayang. Tiap malam Mingguan itu, loe selalu sendirian dalam kamar. Dengerin lagu mellow, tulis cerita-cerita cengeng. Semuanya itu ngebuktiin kalau loe itu galau tingkat nasional. (My dear Bara. Every Saturday night, you always stay by yourself in your room. Listening to mellow songs, writing melodrama stories. All of that is proof that you're deeply in a state of dilemma.)
Next, we go to [dengarkan].

Let's watch this scene below where [dengarkan] is spoken.

The conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows.
Alan: Kau sekarang dengarkan aku baik-baik, ya! Aku ini minta maaf sama kau. (You listen to me carefully, right now! I'm was making an apology to you.) 
Bambang: Udah mas Alan, mas Prima, ngga usah berantem. Ngga papa mas Alan. Saya kan juga mo nyari pengalaman. Saya juga mo ngerasain, gimana rasanya disorot langsung pake kamera. (Come on Alan, Prima, don't fight. It's okay, Alan. I want to have an experience on this. I want to know how it feels to be shot by a camera.) 
Alan: Mau? (Do you want it?) 
Bambang: Mau, mas. (Yes, I do.) 
Alan: Nih! Kusorot kau. (Here! Let me shoot you.)
I haven't found another form of [dengar] that I mentioned above, but once I found it, I will update this article.

Example Sentences Using All Forms of Dengar

I will give you 2 example sentences on each form of [dengar]. So, let's start with the first one, the basic form, that is [dengar].

First example sentence.
Semuanya, tolong dengar saya!
The English translation for this is.
Everyone, please listen to me!
Second example sentence.
Coba kita dengar alasan dia dulu mengapa dia bertindak seperti itu.
The English translation for this is.
Let us first listen to his reason why he was acting like that.

First example sentence.
Dengerin saya dulu deh.
The English translation for this is.
Listen to me first.
Second example sentence.
Coba dengerin lagu ini deh. Asyik lho!
The English translation for this is.
Listen to this song. It's so cool!

First example sentence.
Mari kita dengarkan dengan baik rekaman ini.
The English translatino for this is.
Let's us listen carefully to this recording.
Second example sentence.
Semuanya, tolong dengarkan pengumuman penting ini.
The English translation for this is.
Everyone, please listen to this important announcement.

First example sentence.
Kutak bisa mendengar suaranya. Apakah kau bisa mendengarnya?
The English translation for this is.
I can't hear his voice. Can you hear him?
Second example sentence.
Mendengar suaranya membuatnya sedih dan ingin menangis.
The English translation for this is.
Hearing his voice made her sad and want to cry.

First example sentence.
Setiap hari dia mendengarkan musik Jazz di rumahnya.
The English translation for this is.
Every day, he listens to jazz music in his house.
Second example sentence.
Saya senang mendengarkan suara kicau burung di pagi hari.
The English translation for this is.
I love to hear birds chirping in the morning.

First example sentence.
Loe lagi ngedengerin apaan sih?
The English translation for this is.
What are you listening to?
Second example sentence.
Gue ngga terlalu suka sih ngedengerin musik pake earphone. Enakan pake speaker.
The English translation for this is.
I don't really like listening to music through an earphone. I prefer the speaker better.

First example sentence.
Di hadapan presiden, para aktivis memperdengarkan cita-cita reformasi.
The English translation for this sentence is.
In front of the president, activists read out lout the ideals of reform.
Second example sentence.
Dia memperdengarkan nada-nada yang begitu indah dari pianonya.
The English translation for this sentence is.
She played such beautiful notes from her piano.

First example sentence.
Di kejauhan terdengar suara orang minta tolong.
The English translation for this sentence is.
There is a voice of a man in the distance asking for help.
Second example sentence.
Mendadak terdengar bunyi ledakan dari kejauhan.
The English translation.
All of a sudden, there was an explosion's sound from a distance.

First example sentence.
Kedengar ngga sama kamu suaranya?
The English translation for this sentence is.
Can you hear the sound?
Second example sentence.
Kedengarnya sih seperti itu oleh saya saat itu.
The English translation for this sentence is.
That is what I heard at that time.

First example sentence.
Ini suara bisa kedenger ngga di loe?
The English translation for this is.
Can you hear this voice there?
Second example sentence.
Kedenger sih sama gue suaranya cuma sayup-sayup gitu suaranya di sini.
The English translation for this is.
I can hear it here but not very clear.

First example sentence.
Kedengarannya sih menarik!
The English translation for this is.
That sounds interesting!
Second example sentence.
Kedengaran aneh kalimat itu di telinga saya.
The English translation for this is.
That sentence sounds weird in my ear.

First example sentence.
Suaranya ngga kedengeran deh.
The English translation for this is.
I can't hear your voice.
Second example sentence.
Gue kaget loe muncul dari mana sih? Suara langkah kaki loe ngga kedengeran sama sekali.
The English translation for this is.
Where did you appear from? I didn't hear your footstep at all.

First example sentence.
Kalimat kamu itu tidak enak untuk didengar.
The English translation for this is.
Your sentences are not pleasing to my ear.
Second example sentence.
Kalau sampai hal ini didengar olehnya, dia pasti akan sangat marah besar.
The English translation for this is.
If she heard this, she would be very angry.

First example sentence.
Omongan loe itu ngga enak didenger, tahu ngga?
The English translation for this is.
Your words are not pleasing to my ear.
Second example sentence.
Kalau ibu lagi ngomong itu mbok ya didenger tho!
The English translation for this is.
If the mother is speaking you better listen!

First example sentence.
Coba didengarkan dulu oleh kalian kata-katanya.
The English translation for this is.
Why don't you just first listen to him?
Second example sentence.
Kata-kata atasannya didengarkan tapi tidak dijalankan olehnya.
The English translation for this is.
He heard what his boss was saying, but he didn't do it.

First example sentence.
Omongan gue ngga pernah didengerin sama dia.
The English translation for this is.
She never listens to me.
Second example sentence.
Mo didengerin atau ngga mau loe dengerin, yang jelas gue udah nyampein.
The English translation for this is.
Even though you don't want to listen to me, at least I have already told you.

First example sentence.
Hadirin diperdengarkan musik yang indah oleh orkestra asuhan Adi Ms.
The English translation for this sentence is.
The audience was presented with beautiful music by Adi Ms's orchestra.
Second example sentence.
Jenis musik yang tepat untuk diperdengarkan kepada bayi.
The English translation for this sentence is.
The right type of music to be heard by babies.
I think this is a wrap. If I find another scene from another movie I will update this article so that you can really see how various forms of the word [dengar] being spoken in real conversation.

If you have any questions regarding this topic, just write down in the comment section below. Thank you very much and I'll talk to you soon.
