Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Jadul Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo semuanya, kalian apa kabar? This time, I'm going to talk about the meaning of [jadul] in bahasa Indonesia. We are also going to be watching examples where the word [jadul] is used and spoken by Indonesians.

Jadul Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

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So, let's jump right in.

Jadul In Bahasa Indonesia

[Jadul] stands for [jaman dulu]. There are two words there, [jaman] and [dulu]. [Jaman] means era, and [dulu] means old. But people in Indonesia shorten it into [jadul], [JAman DULu]. So, [jaman dulu] means,
Old times, or old era or something that is fashionably old.
So, when Indonesian people say [jadul], it has a correlation with old times or old fashion. [Jadul] means something old-fashioned or old-school.

You can say it in a phrase [jaman dulu] or just [jadul]. Whether you say it in a phrase [jaman dulu] or in a word [jadul], both mean the same thing.

How to Pronounce Jadul

Let's hear how to pronounce [jadul] down below.

Next, let's watch examples where the word [jadul] is spoken by Indonesians.

Examples of Jadul In Use

The first example we are about to watch is taken from Komedi Modern Gokil (2015). Let's look at the clip below.

The conversation in the scene with English translation is as follows.
Old man: Halo? Iyo, nduk. Oh. Nganggo montor sing ono AC-ne, yo? Yo wes. Enteni, yo? (Hello. Yes. Using a vehicle that has an Air Conditioner in it, right? Okay. Wait for me then.) 
Dodit: Hape sama orangnya cocok. (The cell phone match with the old man.) 
Boris: Apa? (What?) 
Dodit: Jadul. (They're are both old.)
In this clip, the old man is using one of the indigenous languages in Indonesia, the Javanese language. As you can see, Dodit is referring [jadul] to the phone the old man was using and to the old man himself. Both are from the old eras.

The second example we are about to watch is from Cek Toko Sebelah (2016). Let's look at the clip below.

The conversation in the scene with English translation is as follows.
Pak Ali: Pusing saya ama teknologi. Makin canggih. Haduh! Makin bikin orang ngga bergaul. Untung hape saya itu hape jadul. Boro-boro maen game online, ngecek pulsa aja suka ngehang. (I can't keep up with technology. It's getting more and more sophisticated. Oh my! It makes people don't want to socialize with each other. Thank God, my cell phone is an old fashion phone. Let alone playing online games, sometimes just to check my credit it just went blank.) 
Koh Afuk: Iya. (Oh, I see.)

He was referring to his old phone when he said [jadul]. Next, I will give you 3 example sentences using the word jadul.

Example Sentence Using Jadul

You can say this as jaman dulu or you can say it as jadul. It's all the same. The meaning also the same.

Example Sentences
English Translation
      1.       Balon tiup jadul, mainan anak jaman dulu yang masih ada sampai sekarang.
      1.       Old school inflatable balloons, old-fashioned children's toys that still exist until today.
      2.       Lagu jadul tahun 80an.
      2.       Old school songs that exist in the 80s.
      3.       Cara berpikir loe itu jadul banget deh.
      3.       You have an old fashion way of thinking.

I think this is a wrap. If you have any questions regarding this topic, you can just write down in the comment section below. Thank you very much and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
