Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Jangan Macam-macam In Indonesian

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar kalian? This time I want to talk about jangan macam-macam in the Indonesian language. We will also be going to watch a scene that I took from an Indonesian movie where this phrase is spoken.

Jangan Macam-macam In Indonesian Language

If you have any questions regarding the Indonesian language, you can ask me directly. You can see how to do that on my About Me page. 

If you are a beginner in the Indonesian language, you can learn step by step with My Lesson Here.

So let's get started.

Jangan Macam-macam In Bahasa Indonesia

Let's translate this word for word before I explain this phrase. Jangan means don't, macam-macam means variety. So, if we translate this word for word, the translation will sound weird. But, let's translate this word for word for once.

Jangan macam-macam, if translated to English, means don't make variety. Sounds weird, right? You will hear this phrase a lot in daily conversation in Indonesia.

The real meaning of jangan macam-macam is "don't act foolishly." This phrase is usually spoken when someone is asking someone else not to do a stupid thing or not to do a weird thing. This phrase also said when someone is mad at someone else. It's kinda like saying, "Don't fuck around with me!"

You will get a better understanding of this phrase when you see the scene from a movie. I will explain the situation that happens in that movie so that you will know and understand it easily.

How to Pronounce Jangan Macam-macam

You can say [jangan macam-macam] or you can say [jangan macem-macem]. The difference between the two is that [jangan macam-macam] is more formal than [jangan macem-macem].

Let's hear how to pronounce [jangan macam-macam] down below.

And now, let's hear how to pronounce [jangan macem-macem] down below.

You can choose the two of those, it doesn't matter. But in daily conversation, you will hear [jangan macem-macem] more often.

Jangan Macam-macam in a Movie Scene

Let's watch the scene that I took from an Indonesian movie, Tetangga Masa Gitu, down below.

The conversation in the scene with English translation is as follows.
Angel: Saatnya mulai bergaul. Yuk! Ayo. (It’s time to socialize. Come on! Let’s go.) 
Adi: Ngapain sih? (What are you doing?) 
Angel: Kenapa sih ah? (Why?) 
Adi: Angel, aduh! (Angel, come on!) 
Angel: Kenapa sih? (Why?) 
Adi: Udah jangan macem-macem deh! (Please, don’t do something stupid!) 
Angel: Senyum! Hai. (Come on, smile! Hi.) 
Bintang: Hai. (Hi.) 
Bastian: Hai. (Hi.)
The situation in that scene is that the wife is asking her husband to get to know their new neighbors. But the husband is kind of like don't what to do that, and think maybe her wife is going to do something stupid, that's why he said that phrase [jangan macem-macem] to his wife.

The husband was asking her wife not to do something stupid by saying that phrase [jangan macem-macem].

Example Sentences Using The Phrase Jangan Macam-macam

Here, 3 example sentences using this phrase jangan macam-macam.

Example Sentences
English Translation
1. Jangan macem-macem deh sama dia! Nanti loe bisa berurusan sama polisi.
1. Don’t fuck around with her! Or you’ll get arrested by the police.
2. Kalau tak ingin ditangkap, jangan macam-macam.
2. If you don’t want to get arrested, don’t do something stupid.
3. Jangan macem-macem dengan pola pikir Anda.

3. Don’t play around with your mindset.

So, I think it's a wrap. If you have any questions, just write down in the comment section below and I'd be happy to answer all of your questions that you may have. 

That's all for now. Take care and bye-bye.
