Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Loe Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [loe] in Indonesian. As always, we are also going to be watching examples where the word [loe] is used and spoken by Indonesians.

Loe Meaning In Indonesian

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So, let's dive in.

Loe In Bahasa Indonesia

[Loe] is an informal word. [Loe] means [you]. You will see that sometimes it is written as [loe] or [lo] or [elo] or [lu] or [elu] or [eloe] or [luh]. It's all the same, and all have the same meaning. [Loe] is usually in pairs with the word [gue].

[Loe] is used mostly in Jakarta and its surrounding cities, like Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, or we call it JaBoDeTaBek. But nowadays, because many movies are made in Jakarta, these words [gue] and [loe] have spread and are used in more cities in Indonesia.


But if you see it is written as [lho], it is not [loe] like what we discussed here. [Lho] is different and has a different meaning than [loe].

I just saw an ad on the street where there is [lo] in the ad. So, I took a picture of the ad. Let's see the image down below.

Lo Yang Salah Lo Yang Galak

It says,
Lo yang salah, lo yang galak.
If translated into English, it would be,
You are the guilty one, yet you are the angry one.
As you can see in the picture, it is written as [lo].

Examples of Loe, Lu In Use

The first example we are about to watch is taken from a TV Series called Tetangga Masa Gitu (2014)

Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation in that scene with English translation is as follows.
Angel: Sini, sini, dengerin! Album barunya. Keren deh! (Hey, come here! Check this out! It’s his new album. It’s so cool!) 
Adi: Engga, ini si.. Panda, loe ngapain pagi-pagi di sini? (No, this—Panda, what are you doing so early here? 
Panda: Loh? Kata loe kan, gue disuruh jemput pagi-pagi ke sini? Kan kita mau ketemu anak-anak di mall? Lupa ya? (What? You said to me that I need to come here to pick you guys up early in the morning, right? Don't we wanna meet our friends at the mall, right?) 
Adi: Amnesia! (Suddenly, I got amnesia!)

The second example we are about to watch is from a TV series called The East (2015). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation in that scene with English translation is as follows.
Gista: Rin! Sini. Tadi loe nanya, kan? Kapan gue tahu kalau gue jatuh cinta sama suami gue? Jadi mo denger ga? (Rin! Come here. You asked me, right? When did I know that I began to start falling in love with my husband? You wanna hear my story?) 
Karin: Oh ya, kalo loe mau cerita, cerita aja. Gue cuman lagi riset doang kok buat Ini Talk Show. (If you wanna tell me, just go ahead. I’m just doing my research for Ini Talk Show.) 
Gista: Oke. Eh, sini, sini, sini, sini! Gue ceritain ya. (Okay. Eh, could you come over here? I will tell you my story then.)

The third example we are about to watch is from the Usia Panik web series (2019). You can watch the full video HERE.  

The conversation in the scene with English translation is as follows.
Gina: By the way, thanks ya. Selama seminggu ini loe udah mau bantuin gue jadi pacar pura-pura. (By the way, thanks. Thanks for helping me pretending to be my boyfriend for a week.) 
Ervan: Iya. (No worries.) 
Gina: Tapi loe bantuin gue kaya gini, cewe loe ngga marah kan? (But your girlfriend didn’t get mad at you because of this, right?) 
Ervan: He? Ya ngga lah. (What? Nope.)

The fourth example is from a web series called Like Me, Please? (2019). You can watch the full movie HERE.

The conversation from the scene above with English translation is as follows.
Chris: Heh! Briefing dicancel! Jadi bos itu ada jadwal dadakan makanya meetingnya diundur. Makanya lu kalo bangun lu biasainlah, cek handphone. Lihat ada message dari gua. (Hey! Briefing just got canceled. Our boss suddenly has got something to do, that’s why the meeting has been canceled. You need to always check your mobile phone when you woke up so that you’ll get notified. You can check your phone if there is a message from me.) 
Helga: Ups. 
Chris: Coba lihat, ada ngga? (Was there a message from me on your phone?) 
Helga: *smiling. 
Chris: Hmm, ada kan? Hmm. (There was, right?)

The fifth example we are about to watch is from FILOSOFI KOPI, The Series: Episode 1 (2017). You can watch the full video HERE.

Below is the conversation in that scene with English translation.
Ben: Nih! Loe cobain kopinya deh. Loe liat tempatnya. Enak kan? Simple. Kopinya juga enak. (There it is! You need to try this coffee. You see this place? Enjoyable, right? This place is simple. Its coffee also is good.) 
So, you have watched where this word [loe] is spoken in movies. You need to remember that you can only use this word in a casual setting, talking to your close friend.

Do not use [loe] when talking to older people unless they are okay with that. Also, if you're not in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, or Bekasi, I suggest that you don't use it because maybe in that place, they do not use [gue] and [loe].

     Read also: Gue Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

I think that's all for now and I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye now.
