Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Where Is the Bathroom In Indonesian

Useful Indonesian Phrases #2 - Halo semuanya? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I'm going to talk about how to ask where the bathroom is in bahasa Indonesia.

Where Is the Bathroom In Indonesian Language

If you have any questions regarding the Indonesian language, you can ask me directly. You can see how to do that on my About Me page. 

If you are a beginner in the Indonesian language, you can learn step by step with My Lesson Here.

So, let's get started!

Asking Where Is the Bathroom

To ask where the bathroom is in bahasa Indonesia, you can use this phrase.
Toiletnya di mana ya? (Where is the toilet?)
You can hear how to pronounce this sentence below.

Or you can say this,
Kamar kecilnya di mana ya? (Where is the toilet?)
[Kamar kecil] is a polite way to address the toilet. In literal meaning, [kecil] means [small], and [kamar] means room, so literally, [kamar kecil] means [small room].

You can hear how to pronounce this sentence below.

So, that's how you ask, "Where is the bathroom?" in the Indonesian language.

Numpang ke Belakang Dong?

Now, let's learn how to ask permission if you're in your friend's house and then you want to go to his/her bathroom.

You can use this sentence,
Maaf, saya boleh numpang ke belakang? (Sorry, may I use your bathroom?)
This is the polite version. You can use this sentence for somebody that you just met or if your Indonesian friends take you to one of their friend's houses and then you want to go to the bathroom. You can use this sentence.

Actually, the literal meaning of this, if translated into English, is,
Sorry, may I go to the back?
[Ke belakang] means to the back, but we know the meaning of this: that someone is asking permission to use our bathroom. So, we don't take this in its literal meaning that is going to the back.

This is how you pronounce it.

If you are very close to your friend, you can change the polite version above into this sentence.
Bro, gue mau numpang ke belakang, dong?
The meaning is the same, the difference is this is only for close friends and the previous one, you can use for anybody.

This is how you pronounce it.

Or, you can omit [bro] and [gue] and just say this,
Mau numpang ke belakang, dong?
And this is how you pronounce it.

I think that's all for now. I'll talk to you soon and bye now.
