Aku Meaning In Indonesian

I Have a Crush On You In Indonesian

Learn Bahasa Indonesia With TV Series - This time, we're going to watch a clip that I took from a TV Series called Mimpi Metropolitan. In this clip, Melani is saying that she has a crush on Bambang. 

First, we're going to watch the clip with Indonesian subtitles, and then you can read the transcript with English translations in it, and then I will explain the vocabulary used in the clip.

I Have a Crush On You!

If you have any questions regarding the Indonesian language, you can ask me directly. You can see how to do that on my About Me page. 

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So, without further ado, let's dive in!

Watch the Clip With Indonesian Subtitles

Let's first watch the clip with Indonesian subtitles below. You can watch the full movie HERE.

And here is the transcript with English translations in it.

Melani: Makasih ya, Mbang. (Thank you, Mbang.)

Bambang: Iya, Mel. (No problem, Mel.)

Melani: Kok lo masih baik sih sama gue, Mbang? Padahal gue sering bikin lo kesel, Mbang. (Why are you still being nice to me, Mbang? Even though I often made you pissed.)

Bambang: Saya ngga pernah merasa kamu bikin saya kesel kok, Mel. Dan sekarang, saya lagi berusaha untuk menjadi cowo yang ngga baperan. Saya mau menjadi Bambang Soedarmo yang dulu pernah kamu kenal. Biar kamu nyaman ama saya. Hehe. (I never felt that you made me pissed, Mel. And now, I'm trying to be a man whose not easily get offended. I wanna be Bambang Soedarmo that you knew me before. So that you will feel comfortable being around me. Hehe.)

Melani: Lo nyaman sama gue, Mbang? (So, you feel comfortable with me, Mbang?)

Bambang: Kalo itu sih kamu pasti udah tau Mel, jawabannya. Mel? Kok masih berdiri di situ? Mau saya gendong? (I think I don't have to answer that. You already knew the answer. Why are you still standing there? Do you want me to piggyback ride you?)

Melani: Tapi gue yang ga nyaman sama lo. (But I'm the one who doesn't feel comfortable being around you.)

Bambang: Loh? Kenapa, Mel? Saya salah apa lagi, sih? Oh, soal gendong barusan? Saya cuma becanda, Mel. Maaf, ya. (What? Why is that, Mel? What have I done wrong to make you feel like this? Was it about piggyback ride thing? I was just kidding, Mel. I'm sorry.)

Melani: Bukan! Bukan lo yang salah. Gue yang salah, Mbang. Gue ngga tahu sama perasaan gue sendiri. (No! The problem is not you. I'm the one who is the problem.  I don't even know my own feeling.)

Bambang: Kamu kenapa sih, Mel? Kamu tu udah dua kali lho ngomong kaya gitu. Sekali lagi kamu ngomong kek gitu. Saya kasih piring ganteng. Mau? Hehe. Yuk ah. Pulang. Udah malam. (What's wrong, Mel? You have told me twice like this before. Once again, you're telling me this; I will give you a handsome plate. You don't want it, right? Hehe. Okay, then, I'm leaving. It's late.)

Melani: Gue suka sama lo! (I like you!)

Bambang: Kenapa, Mel? Kamu ngomong apa tadi? (What? What did you just say?)

Melani: Bambang Soedarmo! Gue suka sama lo! (Bambang Soedarmo! I have a crush on you!)

Next, I will explain what happens in the clip, and we will also learn the vocabulary used in this clip.

Vocabulary From the Scene

First, I will explain the scene, and then I will explain the vocabulary used in the scene.

In this scene, Melani is a girl who is born and raised in Jakarta, so she used to using [gue] [loe] in her daily conversation. On the other side, Bambang is born and raised not in Jakarta. He is from Central Java, so in this scene, he used to using [aku] [kamu].

[Gue] or [gua] or [gw] is informal for [I]. It is used mostly in Jakarta, and its surrounding cities, like Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi.

[Loe] or [lo] or [elo] is informal for [you], and it's like [gue] is used mostly in Jakarta.

[Makasih] is short for [terima kasih] = thank you. You will hear [makasih] is spoken in daily conversation. It's a casual way of saying [terima kasih]. You can answer [makasih] with [sama-sama], or in this clip, Bambang answers it with [iya]. [Iya] means [yes].

[Baik] = good. [Baik], in this case, means being nice to someone.

[Bikin] is informal for [buat]. It means to make.

[Kesel] is informal for [kesal]. It means pissed off.

[Merasa] = to feel.

[Sekarang] = now.

[Cowo] or [cowok] is informal for [pria] = men.

[Baperan] came from the root word [baper]. Baper is an abbreviation for [BAwa PERasaan]. It means you include your feelings in something you do or get emotionally involved in something. In this scene, baperan means easily get offended.

[Ama] is short for [sama] = with. You will hear in it conversational Indonesian but not in writing.

[Nyaman] = comfortable.

[Menjadi] = to become.

[Tau] is short for [tahu] = know. Don't get confused with [tahu], that means tofu. In [tahu], that means tofu, you pronounce the letter [h], but in tahu, which means [know], we don't pronounce the letter [h] in there.

[Kamu kenapa sih?] is said if you see something happened to someone, and you want to know what is happening with him or her. But you need to watch your intonation because if you say it with a raised voice, it means [what's wrong with you?].

[Gendong] is to carry someone on your back, piggyback ride.

[Perasaan] = feeling.

[Ngga] is informal for [tidak] = no.

[Tu] is short for [itu] = that. In conversational Indonesian, people tend to drop letters or words when they speak.

[Udah] is short for [sudah] = already.

[Becanda] = [bercanda] = kidding.

[Kaya] = [kek], in this context [kaya] means [it's like]. [Kaya] morph into [kek], when it's spoken fast. [Kaya] can also mean [rich] but in this context it means [it's like].

[Piring ganteng], this phrase is from [piring cantik]. Cultural context: In the supermarket in Indonesia, there is often a bonus when you buy a laundry detergent, and the bonus is that you got to get a [piring cantik = pretty plate]. In this scene, Bambang modified [piring cantik] into [piring ganteng] just to make fun of it.

[Gue suka sama loe] or [saya suka sama kamu], this sentence is spoken if you have a crush on someone.

[Kamu ngomong apa tadi?], this sentence is used if you didn't what someone just say to you.

So, I think that's all for now. If you have any questions, just leave it in the comment section below, and I'll be happy to answer your questions. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
