Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Ember Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [ember] in Indonesian. As always, we are going to be watching examples from movies, YouTube videos, comics, and others where Indonesians use the word [ember].

Ember Meaning In Indonesian

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So, let's dive in! 

Ember In Indonesian

[Ember] in literal meaning means bucket. If you type in Google and look at the image result, you will get something like this.


But what I want to talk about in this article is the slang term meaning of the word [ember] that is used in daily conversation in Indonesia.

[Ember] as a slang term has 2 meanings:
1. [Ember] refers to a person who can't keep a secret. 
Example sentence:
1. Mending loe jangan cerita sama dia deh. Dia mah orangnya ember. (It is better if you don't tell him. He's a blabbermouth.)
2. Loe jangan suka ngember deh! Ngga baik membicarakan rahasia orang. (Please, don't be a blabbermouth. It's not nice to talk about someone's secret.)
[Ember] is a noun, whereas [ngember] is a verb. [Ngember] is the act of telling the secret to somebody, and [ember] is the person.

2. [Ember] is a word that you say when you agree with what someone says.
Example sentence:
1. A: Enak banget ya nasi gorengnya? (This Nasi Goreng is so delicious. Don't you think so?)
    B: Ember! (Yup! I agree with you.)

How to Pronounce Ember In Indonesian

This is how you pronounce [ember] in Bahasa Indonesia.

Next, we will look at examples where the word [ember] is used by Indonesians.

Examples of Ember In Use

The first example we are about to watch is taken from Hersubeno Point's YouTube Channel. Let's watch the clip below.

Below is what he says in the clip above with English translations.

Hersubeno Arief: Ridwan Kamil bahkan tanggal 5 September 2023 lalu itu telah melempar sinyal ke media. Ini kemungkinan akan menjadi calon wakil presiden Ganjar Pranowo. Dia menyatakan begini, "Kalau pekan depan ada breaking news harap maklum." Itu, pernyataan itu dia sampaikan setelah dia bertemu dengan Ketua Umum DPP PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri. Namun diduga gara-gara pernyataannya itu nama Ridwan Kamil itu langsung dicoret karena Megawati tampaknya tidak senang dengan orang yang suka ngember seperti itu, ya. (Ridwan Kamil even sent a signal to the media on September 5, 2023. This will likely be Ganjar Pranowo's vice presidential candidate. He said, "If there is breaking news next week, please understand." He made this statement after meeting with the PDI-P General Chairperson, Megawati Soekarnoputri. However, it is suspected that because of his statement, Ridwan Kamil's name was immediately dropped because Megawati doesn't seem happy with people who can't keep a secret.)

[Ember] in this clip is said as [ngember], and it is a verb like what I explained above. [Ngember] is the act of telling a secret.

Vocabulary From the Clip

[Bahkan] = even.

[Tanggal] = date.

[Telah melempar] = sent.

[Melempar] = to send.

[Dicoret] = crossed out.

[DPP] stands for Dewan Pimpinan Pusat = Central board.

[PDI-P] stands for Partai Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan = The Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle.

     Read also: Kan In Indonesian

I guess this wraps up today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Buh-bye.
