Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Males Banget Meaning In Indonesian

Halo, semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I'm going to talk about the meaning of [males banget] in bahasa Indonesia. Actually, I have talked about the meaning of [males] in my previous article. So, if you haven't read my previous post, you can read it because it relates to the topic we are about to discuss.

Males Banget Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

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So, let's jump right in.

Males Banget In Indonesian

[Males] collocates with the word [banget] in this phrase. [Banget] means very, really, highly. 

[Males banget] means that you don't like doing things that need to have done or hated doing it. For example, you need to finish your homework, but you don't like doing it, so you can say, "Gue males banget ih ngerjain ini PR! (I don't like doing these homework things!)"

Indonesian people usually use this phrase when they don't like doing something or hate doing something.

Example sentence:
  1. Kalau ngga dia yang minta gue ngelakuin ini sih gue males banget ngerjainnya. (If not she requested me to do this, I will never do this!)
  2. Gue males banget deh ngerjain PR matematika ini. (I really hate doing this math homework thing!)
  3. Loe mau aja disuruh-suruh sama dia? Gue sih males banget! (If I were you, I would not like being told what to do by him!)
Next, let's hear how to pronounce [males banget]. 

How to Pronounce Males Banget

Here is how you pronounce [males banget] in bahasa Indonesia.

You just add the word banget in the previous word [males] that we have already discussed.

Examples of Males Banget In Use

The first clip we are about to watch is from a movie called Ada Apa Dengan Cinta (2002). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation in this scene with English translation is as follows.
Cinta: Liat deh tuh cowo! Nyebelin banget kan? Liat aja gayanya, tuh. (You see that guy! Makes you want to punch him in the face, right? Just take a look at his behavior.) 
Alya: Tapi Ta, loe tetap harus wawancara dia, kan? (But Ta, you still need to interview him, right?) 
Cinta: Duh, males banget, tahu ngga? Ya udahlah, gampang. Tinggal cari data-data doang, di Tata Usaha, kalo ngga walikelasnya. Udah udah deh, gampang gampang. Kita kerjain aja sekarang, deh. (Y'know what? I really don't like this! About that, it's a piece of cake. And I need to do is just looking for his data in the administration room, or talk to his homeroom teacher. Okay, it's really a piece of cake. Let's just do it now.) 
Maura: Ya udah yok. (Okay, let's go then.)
So, as you can see, Cinta really hated that she had to interview him. That's why she said, "Duh, males banget, tahu ngga?"

Vocabulary From the Clip

[Liat] is a common reduction for [lihat] = look.

[Tuh] is informal for [itu] = that. For more about this, you can read my article here: Itu, Tu, and Tuh In Indonesian.

[Nyebelin] is the colloquial way of saying [menyebalkan] = annoying.

[Udah] is a common reduction for [sudah] = already.

[Gampang] = easy.

[Kerjain] is the conversational way of saying [kerjakan] = to do.

[Loe] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article here: Loe In Indonesian.

The second clip is taken from Mimpi Metropolitan (2019). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation in that scene with English subtitles is as follows.

Alan: Prim, aku minta maaf, Prim. Mungkin hari ini aku lagi sensi. (Prim, I'm sorry, Prim. I'm a little moody today.)

Prima: Gue juga, Lan. Sorry ya. (Me too, Lan. I'm sorry.)

Bambang: Jangan sorry doang. Pelukan! (Don't just say sorry. Give a big hug!)

Alan: Dih! (What?)

Prima: Uh! Males banget! (Hell, no!)

Alan: Emangnya Teletubbies pake berpelukan! (Big hugs? You think it's Teletubbies?)

Alan and Prima just had a fight, and then Bambang asked them to make it up. When Bambang said to them that they also need to give a hug, here is what Prima said:
Males banget!
[Males banget] here means that he will not do it.

Vocabulary From the Clip

[Aku] = I.

[Minta] = ask.

[Maaf] = sorry, apologize.

[Mungkin] = maybe.

[Hari ini] = today.

[Sensi] is short for sensitif. When a person is [sensitif], he or she gets angry easily, or you can say moody.

[Peluk] = to hug.

[Pelukan] = gives a big hug.

[Pake] is informal for pakai. It means to use.

The third clip is taken from a TV Series called The East (2015). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Andika: Put!

Putri: He? (What?)

Andika: Kok loe ngga bilang sih kalo misalkan Iren udah balik? (Why don't you tell me that Iren had already left?)

Putri: He? Yang ngga bilang siapa? Elo yang buru-buru tadi. (What? Who said I didn't tell you? You were the one who was in a rush.)

Andika: Menu hari ini gulai ayam? Ya, loe, loe, loe, loe, loe kenapa ngga nahan gue, lagian? (Today's menu is chicken curry? Why didn't you stop me then?)

Putri: Nahan apa sih? Nahan kalo ini? Elo lagi ileran ngeliat Gista? Ihi, males banget! (Stopped you? Stopped you from what? Stopped you from drooling because you were staring at Gista all the time? Yeah, you wish I would do that!)

In this scene, Andika has a crush on Gista, and Putri knows that. Andika, at that time, was looking for Iren because of something related to the job, but on the way looking for Iren, he met Putri and asked her where Iren was.

And then, Gista suddenly appeared, and Andika, because he had a crush on Gista, suddenly he got distracted. He kept looking at Gista.

Andika told her why she didn't stop her and that Iren had already left. Putri was pretending that she didn't understand what Andika meant, and she tried to kid Andika by saying,
Nahan kalo elo lagi ileran ngelihat Gista? (Stopped you from drooling because you were staring at Gista all the time?)
And then she said [males banget], and by saying this, in this context, it means that she didn't want to do that. She didn't want to stop him from drooling because of staring at Gista at that time.

Vocabulary From the Clip

[He?] in this context means [what?].

[Loe] or [elo] is informal for [you]. It is used mostly in Jakarta and its surrounding cities.

[Kalo] is informal for [kalau] = If. 

[Bilang] = to tell.

[Ngga] is informal for [tidak] = no.

[Udah] is short for [sudah]. You will hear [udah] a lot in conversational Indonesian.

[Buru-buru] = in a rush.

[Hari ini] = today.

[Ileran] = drooling. In this context, it is used figuratively. It's like you're drooling if you see something or someone that really interests you. Putri uses the word [ileran] in this scene to describe what Andika did when he saw Gista because Andika had a crush on Gista. It's like Andika wants really bad to make Gista his girlfriend. That's why Putri used [ileran] to jokingly tease Andika.

[Ngeliat] is informal for [melihat] = to see.

     Read also: Bawel In Indonesian

So, I think that's all for the updates. If I find another scene where this phrase is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you very much, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
