Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

How to Say Get Well Soon In Indonesian

Useful Indonesian Phrases #4 - Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this Useful Indonesian Phrases section, we're gonna learn about how to say get well soon in Bahasa Indonesia. 

We are also going to be watching scenes from movies and whatnot where the phrase is spoken by Indonesians.

How to Say Get Well Soon In Indonesian Language

If you have any questions regarding the Indonesian language, you can ask me directly. You can see how to do that on my About Me page. 

If you are a beginner in the Indonesian language, you can learn step by step with My Lesson Here.

So, let's dive in!

How to Say Get Well Soon

You can say this phrase to say [get well soon] in bahasa Indonesia.
Semoga lekas sembuh.
This phrase is formal, so you can use it in a formal situation. And below is how you pronounce it.

Informally, you can say this phrase.
Cepat sembuh ya.
Cepet sembuh ya.
[Cepat] and [cepet] are the same, but you'll hear in daily conversation we usually pronounce it as,
Rather than,
[Cepat] is more formal than cepet. [Cepat sembuh ya] is short for [semoga cepat sembuh ya]. We often shorten things out in our daily conversation in Indonesia, and what we're gonna watch from a scene that I took from an Indonesian movie called Cek Toko Sebelah is the shortened version.

[Ya] here is a filler word. Its function is just to emphasize.

How to Pronounce

Let's hear how to pronounce [semoga cepet sembuh] down below. 

Let's hear how to pronounce [semoga cepat sembuh] down below.

Now, let's watch examples where the phrase is spoken by Indonesians.

Examples of Get Well Soon

The first example we are about to watch is from a movie called Cek Toko Sebelah (2016). Let's watch the clip below.

The woman in that scene says this phrase.
Cepet sembuh ya, om.
Om means uncle. The man who was in bed is his boyfriend's father. Om here doesn't mean that that man is her uncle, but we usually use [om] to address the older person politely.

The second example is taken from Shafeea Hanum's YouTube channel. Let's watch the video below.

Hanum is the name of the kid in the video. Her mother came to her room and said these in that video.
Halo sayang. Assalamu'alaikum. Masih sakit, sayang? Coba. Batuk, pilek. Iya? Cepet sembuh ya. Ini ada hadiah buat Hanum. Cepet sembuh ya. (Hi, honey. Assalamu'alaikum. Still not feeling well? Let's see. Cough, runny nose, isn't it? Get well soon, honey. I've got presents for you, Hanum. Get well soon.)

Vocabulary From the Clip

[Sayang] = honey, darling.

[Masih] = still.

[Sakit] = sick.

[Coba] means try, but in this context, [coba] means that the mother wants to know the condition of her daughter, that's why after she says [coba], she feels her forehead.

[Batuk] = cough.

[Pilek] = runny nose.

I think that's all for now. If you have any questions, just type in the comment section below. Take care, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye-bye now.
