Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Bisa Aja in the Indonesian Language

Halo semuanya? Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the phrase [bisa aja] in the Indonesian language, and as always, we will watch scenes from movies, youtube videos, and whatnot where this phrase [bisa aja] is spoken.

Bisa Aja in the Indonesian Language

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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.

Meaning of Bisa Aja in the Indonesian Language

Bisa aja has many meanings depending on the context. The first meaning of this phrase, [bisa aja], is, for example, when you are saying that someone can also do something with something. For example, someone has just received an e-card that can be used to pay for the food, and then your friend asks whether he can also use the card to pay for the drink or pay for other things.

Example sentence:

A: Eh, gue bisa pake kartu ini buat beli minuman juga? Atau bisa buat beli barang yang lain juga? Barang elektronik misalnya gitu? (Hey, can I also use this card to pay for the drink? Or can I also use this to pay for other things? For buying electronic goods for example?

B: Bisa aja. (Yeah, you can also use that.)

The second meaning of [bisa aja] is, for example, when someone is being complimented, and then that person who is being praised wants to sound humble by subtly refusing the compliment.

Example sentence:

A: Sayang, kamu cantik banget deh! (Honey, you look so pretty!)

B: Kamu bisa aja deh. Kamu juga cantik kok. (No, but you're also beautiful.)

The third meaning of [bisa aja] is, for example, when you are doing something that is out of the box or using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas. Let's see an example sentence that I took from a title used for a youtube video.

Bisa Aja

Example sentence from the screenshot:

Duh Tukul bisa aja modusin Acha Sinaga. (Tukul has a way with words when sweet-talking Acha Sinaga.)

It means that Tukul doing something unexpected, maybe with words that he used or the way he acted when he sweet-talks her.

How to Pronounce Bisa Aja

Here is how you pronounce bisa aja. Let's hear it down below.

Next, let's watch scenes from movies where this phrase is spoken.

Bisa Aja in Movie Scenes

The first scene that we are about to watch is taken from a movie called Mimpi Metropolitan. Let's watch it down below.

The conversation in the scene with English translation is as follows.

Bambang: Astaghfirullahaladzim. Aduh. Saya pikir bidadari turun dari langit. (Oh, my God! I thought you were an Angel coming from the sky.)

Melani: Woo, pagi-pagi udah gombal aja! (It's still early in the morning, but you've just already sweet-talked me.)

Bambang: Digombalin pagi-pagi itu bikin hati hepi sampai malam hari. (Got sweet-talked by someone early in the morning would make the heart happy until late at night.)

Melani: Hmm, bisa aja! (Yeah, sureeee!)

Bambang and Melani are in a relationship, and Bambang sweet-talked Melani in this scene, and then Melani was kind of responding to Bambang's sweet-talked with a bit of coy. In this scene, Melani quite agreeing with what Bambang said.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Astagfirullahaladzim] <--- this word actually comes from the Arabic word that means "I seek forgiveness in God." But in the Indonesian language, it uses like, "Oh, my God."

[Aduh] is said when you are hurt by something. For example, you step on a nail on the floor, and then you said, "Aduh!" It means, "Ow! It hurts!" Or [aduh] can also be used just to respond to something but has no meaning like in this situation.

[Pikir] = to think.

[Bidadari] = Angels.

[Turun] = comes down, to go down.

[Langit] = sky.

[Gombal] = sweet-talk, or in literal meaning [gombal] means old clothes that have torn apart. For more about this, you can read this article, Gombal Meaning in the Indonesian Language.

[Pagi] = morning.

[Udah] is the colloquial form of [sudah] = already.

[Bikin] is the colloquial form of [membuat] = to make.

[Malam hari] = evening, night.

     Read also: Ada-ada Aja in the Indonesian Language

So, I think this is all for now. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section down below, and I'll be happy to answer them for you. If I find another scene from movies where this phrase [bisa aja] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.

Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
