Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Curcol Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [curcol] in the Indonesian language. As always, we will watch scenes from movies to better understand the meaning of this word. 

Curcol Meaning In Bahasa

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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.

Meaning of Curcol in Indonesian

[Curcol] is an acronym for [CURhat COLongan], whereas [curhat] alone is an acronym for [CURahan HATi]. [Curhat] means speaking what your heart really feels. It could mean talking about your most profound feelings, sharing your personal thoughts about something, or rambling about something.

[Colongan] comes from the base word [colong], which in literal meaning means [to steal]. [Colongan] means like in an unexpected moment. 

So, [curcol] means in an unexpected moment, you suddenly ramble about something, or you suddenly say what your heart feels at that unexpected moment. 

How to Pronounce Curcol

Here is how to pronounce [curcol] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, we will watch a clip from movies where the word [curcol] is spoken to better understand how to use it and its meaning.

Examples Curcol In Use

The first clip we are about to watch is taken from a movie called Posesif (2017). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the transcription from the clip with its English translations.

Yudhis: Gue suka banget paus, La. (I really love whales, La.)

Lala: Sayang paus makan pinguin. (Too bad! Whales eat penguins.)

Yudhis: Paus itu binatang yang sangat penyayang. Lembut. Pasti loe suka kok. Terus loe ganti deh, gelang loe jadi gambar paus. (Whales are affectionate creatures. Gentle. I bet you're gonna love them. And then you will change your bracelet into a whale kind of thingy bracelet.)

Lala: Gelang ini hadiah terakhir dari ibu gue, Dhis. Sebelum dia meninggal. Dia tu selalu nganggep keluarga gue tu keluarga pinguin. Dia tu peloncat indah. Jadi, dulu waktu dia loncat, gue sama ayah gue nungguin deh di tepi kolam. (This bracelet is my mother's last gift, Dhis. She gave it to me before she died. She always saw us as a family of penguins. She was a diver. When she jumped off the platform, my father and I would wait by the pool.)

Yudhis: Sori ya, La. (I'm so sorry, La.)

Lala: Ngga papa. Guenya aja yang kesenggol langsung curcol. (It's okay. It's just me that I tend to ramble about her when someone brings her up.)

In this scene, Yudhis accidentally talks about the bracelet Lala was wearing, which was her mother's last gift. Yudhis accidentally brought her mom to Lala's mind through bracelet talking, and because of that, Lala started to ramble about her.

This is what we call [colongan], where Lala suddenly starts to talk about something from her heart. That's why she said, "Guenya aja yang kesenggol langsung curcol." [Kesenggol] here means that Yudhis accidentally made her remember her mother, and then it made her talk more about her mother.

Next, let's learn vocabulary from this short clip.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Gue] is informal for [saya]. You can read my article explaining it here, Gue Meaning In Bahasa, for more about this.

[Suka banget] = like something so much. [Suka banget] is informal for [suka sekali]. In daily conversation, we tend to use [banget] instead of [sekali]. [Suka sekali] is more formal than [suka banget].

[Paus] = whale.

[Sayang] in here means [too bad], but [sayang] can also mean [darling] in another context.

[Makan] = eat.

[Binatang] = animal.

[Sangat] = very.

[Pasti] = certainly.

[Loe] is informal for [Anda]. You can read my article explaining it here, Loe Meaning In Bahasa, for more about this.

[Ganti] = to change something.

[Hadiah] = gift.

[Terakhir] = last.

[Sebelum] = before.

[Meninggal] = die.

[Dia tu selalu nganggep...] <---- [tu] in this sentence is [itu] = that. In daily conversation, you will see many Indonesians drop letters or words, like in this example. You will hear a lot of the word [itu] just pronounced [tu] without the letter [i].

[Nganggep] is informal for [menganggap] = to assume, consider, think. In daily conversation, we tend to use [nganggep] rather than [menganggap], but in a formal situation, you better use [menganggap] instead of [nganggep].

[Peloncat indah] = diver.

[Loncat] = jump.

[Ayah] = father.

[Nungguin] is informal for [menunggu] = to wait. [Menunggu] and [nungguin] have the same meaning. [Menunggu] is more formal than [nungguin]. So, if you are in a formal situation, you better use [menunggu], and if you are in a casual conversation with your friend, you better use [nungguin].

[Ngga papa] = [ngga apa-apa]. [Ngga papa] is usually used in casual conversation, whereas [ngga apa-apa] is usually used more formally.

[Kesenggol] = bumped into someone, but in this sentence [guenya yang kesenggol langsung curcol], it is used in its figurative meaning, not really bumped into someone.

     Read also: Bunda In Indonesian

So, I think this will wrap up for now. If I find another scene where the word [curcol] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update the article again.

If you have any questions regarding this, just leave them in the comment section below, and I'll be happy to answer them for you.

Thank you for reading this article, and I hope it answers your question about the meaning of [curcol] in Bahasa Indonesia. See you later. Bye.
