Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Sorry to Keep You Waiting In Bahasa

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about how to say 'sorry to keep you waiting' in the Indonesian language. We also will watch scenes from movies where this phrase is spoken.

Sorry to Keep You Waiting In Bahasa

If you have any questions regarding the Indonesian language, you can ask me directly. You can see how to do that on my About Me page. 

If you are a beginner in the Indonesian language, you can learn step by step with My Lesson Here.

Let's begin, shall we?

How to Say Sorry to Keep You Waiting In the Indonesian Language

To say, "Sorry to keep you waiting," in Bahasa Indonesia, we usually say this,
Maaf sudah membuat Anda menunggu.
And here is how you pronounce it.

This sentence is considered formal because you use the word [Anda] in that sentence. You can change [Anda] with [kamu] to make it less formal.

If you make the person wait for a long time, you can say this,
Maaf sudah membuat Anda menunggu lama.
And here is how you pronounce it.

Or you can switch the order of the two words [lama] and [menunggu] into,
Maaf sudah membuat Anda lama menunggu.
And here is how you pronounce it.

Both have the same meaning even though you change the order of the two words [lama] and [menunggui]. Both are very formal.

You can shortened [maaf sudah membuat Anda lama menunggu] into,
Maaf lama menunggu.
So, in this sentence you drop [sudah membuat Anda]. And here is how you pronounce it.

For daily conversations, we usually say this,
Maaf ya lama
Although this phrase is used in daily conversation, you can also use this phrase in a more formal situation.

And here is how you pronounce it.

Next, let's watch scenes from movies to see how this phrase is spoken.

Examples From Movie Scenes

In this section, you will see examples from movies where the phrase "sorry to keep you waiting" in the Indonesian language is spoken.

The first clip we're about to watch is from a movie called Nada Untuk Asa (2015). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Doctor: Maaf, lama menunggu. (I'm sorry to keep you waiting.)

Nada: Dok! Gimana dok hasilnya? (Doc! How's the result?)

Doctor: Kita bicara di ruangan saya? Yuk? (Let's talk in my office, shall we?)

Nada: Ee, dok.. Dok, di sini aja, dok? (How about here, doc?)

Doctor: Sebaiknya kita bicara di ruangan saya. Ya? (I think we better talk in my office. Okay?)

Nada: Tolong, dok. Saya bener-bener perlu tau hasil tes darah saya. (Please, doc. I really need to know the result of my blood test.)

Doctor: Hasil tes ibu positif. (Your test result is that you are HIV positive, ma’am.)

In this scene, the doctor says the phrase, "Maaf lama menunggu," to his patients. Let's learn the vocabulary used in the scene.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Maaf] = sorry. 

[Lama] = long. 

[Gimana] = how. [Gimana] and [bagaimana] have the same meaning, but [gimana] is usually used in daily conversations.

[Kita] = us.

[Bicara] = talk.

[Ruangan] = room.

[Yuk] is usually used to invite someone to come with you.

[Sebaiknya] is usually used when you are making suggestions to someone about something better to do.

[Tolong] = help.

[Bener-bener] = [benar-benar] = really.

[Perlu tau] = [perlu tahu] = need to know.

[Darah] = blood.

[Tes darah] = blood test.

[Hasil] = result.

[Ibu] = ma'am, this is a polite honorific to address women who are older or have married in Indonesia. You can read my article, Ibu Meaning In Bahasa, to learn more about this.

     Read also: How to Say I Don't Understand In Bahasa

So, I guess this wraps up today's article, and if I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.

If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section below, or you can DM me through my Instagram account.

Thank you very much for reading this article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
