Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Dongo Meaning In Bahasa

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [dongo] in the Indonesian language. As always, we will watch examples from movies where the word [dongo] is spoken to better understand the meaning and to know how the Indonesian people are using this word.

Dongo Meaning In Bahasa

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So, without further ado, let's jump right in. 

Meaning of Dongo In the Indonesian Language

[Dongo] is a slang term. It means stupid. Synonyms for [dongo] are [bodoh], [bego], [blo'on], [tolol], and [goblok].

How to Pronounce Dongo

Here is how you pronounce the word [dongo] in Bahasa Indonesia.

Next, we will watch examples where the word [dongo] is spoken by the Indonesian people.

Examples of Dongo in Use

The first scene we are about to watch is taken from a movie called Teka Teki Tika (2021). Let's watch the scene below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Jane: Semoga entar lahirannya bisa normal, ya. Soalnya aku denger-denger kalo sesar ntar kepalanya bisa panjul gitu. Kaya aku. Kelihatan ngga? Kurang kelihatan, ya? Ini, lho. (I hope you'll have a normal delivery. Because from what I've heard, if you went into cesarean delivery, it might cause the baby to have an unsymmetric head. Like mine. Can see you see it? You can't see it? Here.)

Arnold: I.. iya. (Yes.)

Andre: Kelihatan, kan? (Yeah, we can see it. Right?)

Arnold: Iya, iya, kelihatan kok. Kelihatan. (Yes, yes, we can see it.)

Andre: Kelihatan, babe. (They can see it, babe.)

Arnold: Kelihatan banget dongonya. (Yeah, we can see your stupidity. It's very obvious.)

Laura: Sst, kamu! (Hey!)

In this scene, Jane is doing something that is considered stupid by Arnold. That's why when Jane asks whether they can see it or not, Arnold says,
Kelihatan banget dongonya.
Which means,
Yeah, we can see your stupidity.
Arnold is just continuing the word [kelihatan] with the word [dongo] there to say what's on his mind.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Kelihatan] is something that you can see. An example sentence for this would be [bukunya kelihatan kok dari sini. (yeah, I can see the book from here)].

[Entar] = [ntar] = later.

[Lahiran] is short for [kelahiran], which in this context means [kelahiran bayi] = the birth delivery.

[Denger-denger] is information received from other people that one cannot adequately substantiate.

[Kalo] is the informal form of [kalau] = if.

[Kepala] = head.

[Kepalanya] here means someone's head. [Nya] is a possessive word. For example, bukunya [his or her book], mobilnya [his or her car], and rumahnya [his or her car]. 

[Panjul] is protruding heads on the back.

[Kaya aku] literally means [like me].

[Kurang kelihatan] is what you say when you can not see things clearly.

     Read also: Pede Meaning In Bahasa

So, this is a wrap for today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading this article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
