Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Pede Meaning In Bahasa

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [pede] in the Indonesian language, and as always, we will see examples from movies, YouTube videos, and whatnot where the word [pede] is spoken.

Pede Meaning In Bahasa

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Shall we talk about it now? Okay, let's dive in.  

Meaning of Pede In the Indonesian Language

[Pede] comes from the abbreviation PD, which stands for [Percaya Diri]. [PD], when you pronounce it, it will be pronounced as [pede].

[PD] or [pede] means that you have self-confidence in you. But, if you have it too much, people will say that you are [kepedean], which means that you are overconfident.

About [kepedean], I have written an article talking about this. You can read the article here, Kepedean Meaning In Bahasa.

How to Pronounce Pede

This is how you pronounce [pede] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, we will watch examples from movies where the word [pede] is used.

Examples of Pede In Use

The first scene we are about to watch is from Wedding Agreement: The Series, Season 1, Episode 2 (2022). Let's watch the scene below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Tari: Ternyata dia besok ulang tahun. (I just found out that tomorrow is his birthday.)

Ami: Siapa? Bian? (Who? Bian?)

Tari: Iya, mas Bian. Ulang tahunnya tanggal 8 Januari. Artinya besok! (Yup, Bian. His birthday is on January 8th. It means tomorrow.)

Ami: Hmm. Terus loe mau kasih surprise, gitu? (I see. So, you want to give him a surprise?)

Tari: Tapi gue harus tahu dulu dia sukanya apa. (But first, I need to know the things he likes.)

Ami: Ah! Gue tahu dia sukanya apa. (Hey! I think I know what he likes.)

Tari: Apa? (What?)

Ami: Selingkuhannya. Canda! (His mistress. Kidding!)

Tari: Ih, bener-bener deh! Masa? Yeeeh, engga lah! (Oh, come on! Please! Nah, I don't think so.)

Ami: Sukanya Btari Hapsari lah. (What he likes is Btari Hapsari, of course.)

Tari: Iya dong. (That's true!)

Ami: Pede luh! (You're so confident!)

In this scene, Ami and Tari are best friends. Tari has just found out that her husband's birthday is tomorrow, and she wants to give a surprise gift to him, but she still doesn't know what her husband likes.

Ami then jokes that she knows things that Tari's husband would like. Because Tari's husband had an affair with someone, and he married Tari just because his mother wanted him to marry her, Ami jokes that Tari's husband must like his mistress.

Then she says that she is joking, and she says that Tari's husband must like Tari for sure, and then Tari agrees with what Ami just said by saying, "Iya dong." [Dong] emphasizes that she really agrees with what Ami said.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Ternyata] is something that you say when you just found out about something. An example sentence for this would be, "Ternyata dia yang melakukannya. (I just found out that he is the one who did it)."

[Besok] = tomorrow.

[Ulang tahun] = birthday.

[Siapa?] = who?

[Mas] is the honorific title to address older men. In this case, Tari addresses her husband with [mas] to respect her husband. For more about this, you can read my article, Mas Meaning In Bahasa.

[Artinya...] = it means...

[Kasih] = to give.

[Loe, elo, lu, luh, elu, loe] is the informal word for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article, Loe Meaning In Bahasa.

[Gue tahu] = I know.

[Gue, gua, gw] is the informal word for [saya] = I. For more about this, you can read my article, Gue Meaning In Bahasa.

[Selingkuhannya] = his mistress.

[Canda] is an informal reduction for the word [bercanda] = kidding.

[Dong] has no meaning, but [dong] in the [iya dong] emphasizes that she confidently believes that. If you omit the word [dong] in [iya dong], then she still believes but is not as confident if she says it with the added word [dong].

[Suka] = like. An example sentence for this is, "Saya suka dia. (I like her/him)."

[Ih, bener-bener deh!] <--- [bener] is the informal word for [benar] = true, really. [Bener-bener] means something that is over the top, for example, [bener-bener bodoh deh itu orang (he is really stupid!)]. Another example of using [bener-bener] is, "Bener-bener jago deh itu orang! (His skills are really, really amazing!"). [Ih, bener-bener deh!], in this context, what Tari meant was, "Ih, bener-bener deh loe bercandanya!" which means what Ami jokes about is too much.

     Read also: Bader Meaning In Bahasa

So, I guess this is all for today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading this article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
