Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Apa-apaan Ini Meaning In Bahasa

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the phrase [apa-apaan ini] in the Indonesian language and its meaning. We will also watch examples from movies where the Indonesians speak the phrase [apa-apaan ini].

Apa-apaan Ini Meaning In Bahasa

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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.

Meaning of Apa-apaan Ini In the Indonesian Language

[Apa-apaan ini?] is usually spoken when you see something that is not right and makes you angry. You are shocked and angry, and sometimes people who say this phrase need an explanation, and sometimes they don't need it. 

You need to watch the intonation and also the situation. If it is spoken with flat intonation, the person who hears it usually needs to give an explanation. If it is spoken with a rising intonation, you don't need to give an explanation because they are angry and can't tolerate what happens. It is usually useless if you try to provide an explanation for that person.

[Apa-apaan ini?], in simple words, can be translated as [what is this?] but with anger in it.

How to Pronounce Apa-apaan Ini

Here is how you pronounce [apa-apaan ini] with flat intonation.

And here is how you pronounce [apa-apaan ini] with a rising intonation.

Next, we will watch examples from movies where this phrase is spoken by Indonesians.

Examples of Apa-apaan Ini From Movies

The first scene we are about to watch is taken from a movie called Garis Waktu (2022). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

April’s Father: Duduk. Apa-apaan ini? Belajar dari mana kamu jadi kaya gini? Bikin malu keluarga! Mau ke mana kamu? April. April! Kamu tidak bisa ke mana-mana sampe kamu berangkat ke London. (Sit. What the hell is this? Where did you learn to become like this? You are a disgrace to this family! Where are you going? April. April! You're not allowed to go anywhere until you leave for London.)

April: Apa-apaan ini, pah? (What the hell, dad?)

April’s Father: Harusnya kamu bersyukur. (You should be grateful.)

In this scene, April's father gets angry when he sees the video April made with her boyfriend, Dika. It's a music clip where April and her boyfriend sit and hug, but since April's father does not like Dika, he doesn't like it when he sees the music video where April and Dika hug each other in that video.

You can see her father pronounce the phrase with flat intonation, which means he needs an explanation for that. He keeps asking a question to her, but he is also angry with her. You can see why the father needs an explanation because when April leaves him, his father says this.

Mau ke mana kamu? (Where are you going?)

It means that his father has not yet finished talking to her and still wants to hear her explain about that.

And when her father says she can not go anywhere, April gets angry and says the same phrase but with high intonation.

Apa-apaan ini, pah? (What the hell, dad?)

Here, April doesn't need an explanation why her father does such a thing to her. She just gets angry.

Let's learn the vocabulary used in this short scene.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Duduk] = sit. Usually, when you ask someone to sit down, we will say, 'Silakan duduk,' but in this case, because it is the father to a son, it is okay to just say 'duduk.'

[Belajar] = learn, study.

[Bikin malu keluarga!] is a sentence said when you do something that embarrasses your family.

[Mau ke mana kamu?] is a question asked when you want to know where someone is going to go.

[Pah] is short for [papah]. It means dad.

[Sampe] is the daily conversation style of saying [sampai] = until.

[Berangkat] = depart.

[Bersyukur] = being grateful.

     Read also: Bucin Meaning In Bahasa

I guess this is a wrap. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
