Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Bucin Meaning In Bahasa

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [bucin], and as always, we will watch examples from movies, mostly and whatnot, where the word is spoken by Indonesians.

Bucin Meaning In Bahasa

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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.

Meaning of Bucin In the Indonesian Language

[Bucin] is a crushing word. It comes from the word [budak] combined with the word [cinta], and it becomes BUdak CINta. [Budak] means slaves, and [cinta] means love. [Bucin] literally means a slave of love.

You call someone a [bucin] when they are deeply in love with someone. If someone is deeply in love with someone, imagine this. They will do anything for the one they love. They become like a slave to their loved ones. So, someone deeply in love is called [bucin].

How to Pronounce Bucin

Here is how you pronounce [bucin] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, let's watch examples from movies (mostly) where the word [bucin] is spoken by Indonesians.

Examples of Bucin In Use

The first example we are about to watch is taken from a movie called Garis Waktu (2022). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation from the scene with English translations is as follows.

April: Namanya Senandika. Gue suka sih perform-nya. (His name is Senandika. I like when he performs.)

Sanya: Perform-nya aja? (Just when he performs?)

April: Eh, gue serius. Kali aja lo bisa kolaborasi gitu sama dia? (Hey, I'm serious. Maybe you two can collaborate?)

Sanya: Ha? Kolaborasi apaan? (What? Doing collaboration? What kind?)

April: Iya, kolaborasi. Kalo pun ngga mau, mungkin lo bisa kasih tahu dia gimana caranya supaya lagu dia itu banyak yang dengerin. Suaranya bagus. Lagunya juga bagus. Sayang banget, kan? (Yeah, doing a collaboration. If you don't want it, maybe you can give advice to him on how to get more people to listen to his songs. His voice is good. His songs are also good. It's too bad if nobody knows him.)

Sanya: Cie, ada yang lagi falling in love, ya? (Wow, somebody's in love in here.)

April: Nya, ngga gitu juga kali. (It's not like that, nya.)

Sanya: Bucin. Ngecek-ngecek hape. Tu pasti dia lagi chat, ya? Coba liat dong fotonya? (You fell head over heels in love for him. Checking the phone. It must be him texting you, right? Can I see his photo?)

April: Engga ada foto. (He has no photos.)

In this scene, April asks her best friend, Sanya, to help her promote Senandika's songs. Senandika is a person whom April met on the street when she had a flat tire, and then Senandika helped him replace her tire.

Sanya notices that her best friend, April, is falling in love with Senandika. That's why then Sanya says this to April.


Because April seemed to fall head over heels in love with Senandika.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Namanya..(name of someone)..] is used when you introduce someone to someone. You say [namanya] and then follow with that person's name.

[Suka] = like.

[Sih] has no meaning. It's a phatic expression and emphasizes the word before [sih].

[Gue] is informal for [saya] = I. For more about this, you can read my article, Gue Meaning In Bahasa.

[Lo] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article, Lo Meaning In Bahasa.

[Kalo] is informal for [kalau] = if.

[Kalo pun] = even though.

[Kasih tahu] = give advice.

[Dengerin] is the colloquial way of saying [mendengarkan] = to listen to something.

[Nya] in [suaranya] and [lagunya] refers to someone. [Nya] here functions as a possessive pronoun. [Suaranya] means [suara dia] or his or her voice. [Lagunya] means [lagu dia] or his or her song. [Fotonya] means [foto dia] or his or her photo.

[Sayang banget, kan?] is a phrase usually said when something or someone has potential, but no one knows about it.

[Banget] has the same meaning as [sekali] = very. For example, [gede banget] means very big. [Enak banget] means very delicious.

[Cie] is usually used when you are teasing someone or messing with someone for fun.

[Ngga gitu juga kali] is used when you deny what someone says. In this case, Sanya guesses that her best friend, April, is in love with Senandika, but April, here, is denying it because she still doesn't know what her feeling toward him at the moment.

[Ngecek-ngecek hape] means checking the cellphone repeatedly to see any new messages.

[Hape] = cellphone.

[Tu] is short for [itu] = that.

[Coba liat dong?] is used when you ask someone to see something.

The second example is taken from Najwa Shihab's YouTube channel. Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Najwa: Coba sungkem dulu ma Ibrahim, suamiku. Hai Baim sayang. Ini bandel nih. (Why don't you sungkem to Ibrahim, my husband. Hi Baim honey. He is a bad boy.)

Jovial: Waduh! Bucin lho. Bucin lho semuanya. (Oh my God! She is a slave of love. Everyone is a slave of love.)

Najwa:  Bucin lho. Kan aku bilang cinta itu harus ekspresif. (Yes, a slave of love. I told you that you need to express your love.)

Jovial: Oh ya. (Okay.)

Najwa: Makanya.. lagu.. Tau ngga sih? (That's why.. the song. You know what?)

Jovial: Halo sayang. (Hi honey.)

Honestly, even though I'm an Indonesian native speaker, I don't really get what they are talking about in this scene. I guess because Najwa Shihab here is suddenly calling her husband, and that's why Jovial says,

Waduh! Bucin lho.

I guess Jovial refers to Najwa, and here he is calling Najwa [bucin] because she suddenly calls her husband.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Coba] = try.

[Sungkem] is a Javanese word that literally means to do prostration. Cultural insight: [Sungkem] is usually done by children to their parents or by younger persons to older people. This picture represents [sungkem].


[Sungkem] is usually done on Eid al-Fitr or when someone marries at a wedding to their parents. But [sungkem], if spoken in this context, means a sign of respect, salute, and amazement from one person to another. You can use [sungkem] to your friends in this manner to sign respect to another. For example:
Woi, sungkem loe ama gue! (Hey, give a sign of respect to me!). This is usually said just to mess around with your friends.

[Suami] = husband.

[Ma] is a common reduction for [sama] = with.

[Sayang] is a name that you call someone you love.

[Bandel] = [nakal] = naughty.

[Aku] is informal for [saya] = I.

The third example is from Kitab Kencan, Episode 1 (2023). Let's watch the scene below.

Below is the narration from the above scene with English translations.

Narration: Meskipun mereka berdua sering bucin-bucin bikin iri tapi Rani ngga pernah ngga serius tentang kerjaannya. (Even though these two are so love-struck that everyone's jealous of them, Rani has never been not serious about her job.)

[Sering bucin-bucin bikin iri] has the same meaning as [sering bermesraan bikin iri]. This phrase means that this couple often shows their love in front of everybody or in front of their friends, and makes everybody jealous of them.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Meskipun] = [walaupun] = even though.

[Mereka] = they.

[Mereka berdua] = both of them.

[Sering] = often.

[Bikin] is the informal way of saying [membuat] = to make.

[Iri] = jealous.

[Tentang] = about.

[Kerjaannya] = [kerjaan si Rani] = her job, Rani's job. The word [nya] here refers to Rani.

     Read also: Kabur Meaning In Indonesian

I guess this is a wrap. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
