Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Kulbet Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [kulbet] in Indonesian. As always, we're also going to be watching examples from movies, YouTube videos, comics, and others where Indonesians use the word.

Kulbet Meaning In Indonesian

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Without further ado. Let's talk about it.

Kulbet In Indonesian

When you say that someone is [kulbet], it means that the person is cool, doesn't talk much, and shows no friendliness toward others.

[Kulbet] is a slang term. It is used by younger people in Indonesia. [Kulbet] is a combined word. It comes from the word [cool], but Indonesians write it as [kul] and the word [bet].

[Bet] or [beut] has the same meaning as [banget], which I already talked about in my previous article here, Banget In Indonesian. [Beut] or [bet] here means very.

How to Pronounce Kulbet

Here is how you pronounce [kulbet] in Bahasa Indonesia.

Next, we will look at examples where Indonesians use the word [kulbet].

Examples of Kulbet In Use

The first example we are about to watch is taken from a TV Program called Tonight Show Net. Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the clip above with English translations.

Desta: Katanya kamu takut banget ama Surya. Kenapa? (I heard that you are afraid of Surya. Why?)

Eca: Soalnya pertama, kulbet kulbet gitu. (Because, at first, he looked kulbet.)

Vincent: Kulbet tu apa sih? (What is kulbet?)

Eca: Vibesnya mirip kalian. (The vibes are just like you.)

Vincent: Bapak-bapak, gitu? (You mean like old men?)

Eca: Om-om kulbet.

Desta: Om-om kulbet?

 Vincent: Kulbet tu apa sih? (What is kulbet, actually?)

Desta: Nah, ni istilah apa nih? Kita ngga.. ngga.. ngga catch up nih. (What does this term kulbet mean? We don’t know about it.)

Eca: Kulbet itu cool banget. (Kulbet means very cool.)

Vincent: Ooo.. Ooo.. Kulbeut. Kulbeut. (Oh, I got it. Kulbeut, that is.)

Desta: Kamu takutnya takut karena kita cool atau om Surya cool atau karena apa? (So, you’re afraid of us because we are cool and Uncle Surya is cool, or because of what?)

Eca: Ya, karena cool gitu. Trus.. (Well, because you’re all cool. And…)

Desta: Takut apa? Takut suka? Takut, takut diapa-apain? (Afraid of what? Are you afraid that you’re gonna like us? Or afraid that we’re gonna do something to you?)

Eca: Engga, dong. Tapi waktu pertama, om Surya ga banyak ngomong. Kalo om Jegel kan, pertamanya udah ramah gitu. (No, I’m not afraid of that. But at first, Uncle Surya doesn’t speak much. It’s different compared to Uncle Jegel. He’s already nice at first.)

Desta: Ooo. Kalo om Surya cool. (I see. Uncle Surya he doesn’t speak much.)

Eca: Iya. (Yes.)

Desta: Takut kamu? Tapi sekarang udah ngga takut lagi? (So, you’re afraid of that? But now, you’re not afraid anymore?)

Eca: Engga. (Nope.)

As you can see in the clip above, even Desta and Vincent don't know the meaning of [kulbet] because Desta and Vincent are in a different generation from Eca. But then, Eca explains the meaning of [kulbet] there. [Kulbet] means very cool and shows no friendliness, and that's why that makes Eca afraid of Uncle Surya the first time she meets him.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Katanya] is usually used when you hear information from someone.

[Takut] = afraid.

[Banget] = [sekali] = very.

[Ama] is a common reduction for [sama] = with.

[Kenapa] = why.

[Mirip] = looks like.

[Ni] and [nih] is informal for [ini] = this. For more about this, you can read my article here: Ini, Ni, and Nih In Indonesian.

[Beut] is a slang term for [banget] = very.

[Kulbeut] = [kul beut] = [kul banget] = very cool.

[Diapa-apain] = being hurt by someone.

[Udah] is a common reduction for [sudah] = already.

[Bapak-bapak] refers to men who are already married and look old.

     Read also: Kok Meaning In Indonesian

I guess that's all for now. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you, and I'll see you soon. Buh-bye.
