Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Pulang Kampung Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the Indonesian phrase [pulang kampung]. As always, we are also going to be watching examples from movies, YouTube videos, and others where Indonesians use the phrase.

Pulang Kampung Meaning In Indonesian

If you have any questions regarding the Indonesian language, you can ask me directly. You can see how to do that on my About Me page. 

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So, let's get started!

Pulang Kampung In Indonesian

[Pulang] means to go back home or to where someone belongs. [Kampung] means village. So, in literal meaning, [pulang kampung] means going back to one's native village.

[Pulang kampung] is an activity done by people who work in big cities in Indonesia when big holidays come, like Eid al-Fitr and Christmas. They go to their hometown for a week to gather with their families and relatives in their village.

[Pulang kampung] has the same meaning as [mudik]. Usually, a week before Eid al-Fitr, they go back to their hometown for [mudik] or [pulang kampung]. So, when big holidays come, like Eid al-Fitr holidays, big cities like Jakarta are quiet and not as busy as usual.

If you want to feel the vibe of quietness in Jakarta, come to Jakarta in Lebaran's days. That day, Jakarta is free from traffic jams because a lot of people are going [mudik]. They go back to their hometown for a week.

How to Pronounce Pulang Kampung

Here is how you pronounce [pulang kampung] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, let's look at examples where Indonesians use the phrase [pulang kampung].

Examples of Pulang Kampung In Use

The first example we will watch is from Di Bulan Suci Ini..., Episode 1 (2023). Let's look at the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the clip above with English translations.

Wisnu: Kita ngga pulang kampung tahun ini. (We are not going homecoming this year.)  

Mbok: Kita tu udah lama sekali Nu, ngga pulang kampung. (It's been a very long time, Nu, since we did the homecoming.)

Wisnu: Ngga bisa, mbok. Makin deket Lebaran. Tu lho! Makin banyak paket yang mesti dikirim. (I really can't, mbok. The closer it is to the Eid al Fitr. Look at those packages! The more packages I have to send.)

Ajeng: Emangnya kirim-kirim itu laku, ya? Bukannya.. (Does that delivery service sell? Isn't it..)

Sri: Ngga usah ikut-ikutan! (Please do not get involved in this!)

Mbok: Terakhir kan kita pulang kampung saat Faisal kecil banget. Ajeng juga belum dititip di sini, kan? (The last time we did homecoming was when Faisal was a little kid. At that time, Ajeng wasn't even staying here, right?)

Wisnu: Iya. Mbok, mbok. (Yeah. Mbok, mbok.)

Mbok: He? (What?)

Wisnu: Ngga tahun ini, ya? Beneran ngga bisa. (Not this year, okay? I really can't.)

In this clip, Mbok wants to do homecoming because it has been a long time since they last went back to their hometown. But Wisnu says he can not go because there are a lot of packages that he needs to send.

Vocabulary From the Clip

[Kita] = we.

[Ngga] = [tidak] = no.

[Tahun] = year.

[Ini] = this.

[Tu] is informal for [itu] = that. For more about this, you can read my article here: Itu, Tu, and Tuh In Indonesian.

[Deket] is informal for [dekat] = near, close to.

[Lebaran] = Eid al Fitr.

[Emangnya] is a common reduction for [memangnya], and this word is usually used when you want to ask about something.

[Laku] = saleable, in demand.

[Kecil] = small.

     Read also: Mudik In Indonesian

This wraps up today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
