Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

How to Say Good Morning In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, we are going to learn how to say good morning in the Indonesian language. We will also watch scenes from movies to see how Indonesian people are saying good morning in the Indonesian language.

How to Say Good Morning In Bahasa Indonesia

If you have any questions regarding the Indonesian language, you can ask me directly. You can see how to do that on my About Me page. 

If you are a beginner in the Indonesian language, you can learn step by step with My Lesson Here.

So, let's get started!

Good Morning In Bahasa Indonesia

Good morning in Bahasa Indonesia is [selamat pagi]. [Selamat pagi] is usually spoken between 5:30 AM and 10 AM. You can say it in the whole phrase [selamat pagi], or you can just say it [pagi].

If we translate this phrase word for word, [selamat] means to congratulate or safe, and [pagi] means morning. So, [selamat pagi], if translated word for word, means safe morning or to congratulate the morning. It's kind of weird and doesn't make any sense, actually, if translated word for word, but nice to know.

How to Pronounce Selamat Pagi

Below is how you pronounce [selamat pagi] in bahasa Indonesia.

You can also say it in half phrase, that is, [pagi], and below is how you pronounce it.

Moving on, we will watch examples where Indonesians say good morning in bahasa Indonesia.

Examples of Selamat Pagi In Use

The first example is from a movie called Mimpi Metropolitan (2018). Let's watch it down below.

What he said in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Alan: Selamat pagi, kakak cantik. Kakak, kalau kuperhatikan ya, betul-betul cantik lho kak. (Good morning, pretty sister. Sis, if I look closely at you, you are truly pretty.)

As you can see in the scene above, this phrase is spoken in a complete phrase [selamat pagi].

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Kakak] is an honorific title to address older sisters or older brothers, but on Sumatera island, [kakak] is used to address only the older sisters and not the older brothers. For more about this, you can read my article here, Kakak In Indonesian.

[Kak] is short for [kakak].

[Kuperhatikan] = [aku perhatikan] = I look closely at you.

[Perhatikan] means to look closely at something.

[Cantik] means pretty.

[Kalau] = if.

[Betul-betul] = truly.

[Lho] here is to emphasize. He is emphasizing that she is really pretty. For more about this, you can read my article here, Lho In Indonesian.

The second example is still from the same movie, Mimpi Metropolitan (2018). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation from the scene with English translations is as follows.

Melani: Pagi, mas Alexi. (Morning, Mr. Alexi.)

Alexi: Oh, pagi. Menjelang siang sih tepatnya. (Morning. It’s almost noon, to be exact.)

In this clip, Melani and Alexi say the half phrase [pagi] instead of [selamat pagi]. So, you can choose to say it [pagi] or [selamat pagi].

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Mas] is an honorific title to address older brothers in Java island. For more about this, you can read my article here, Mas In Indonesian.

[Menjelang] = [me+jelang] = near the turn of something. Here, [menjelang siang] means the morning is near to turning into the afternoon.

[Siang] = afternoon.

[Tepatnya] = to be exact.

The third example is taken from a movie called Strawberry Surprise (2014). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation from the scene with English translation is as follows.
A: Pagi, mas. (Morning, sir.) 
B: Pagi, mas. (Morning, sir.) 
A: Masnya ini nunggu siapa ya? (Excuse me, who are you waiting for?) 
B: Ee, saya nunggu galerinya buka. (I’m waiting for this gallery to open.) 
A: Galerinya itu bukanya jam 8, mas. (This gallery opens at 8 AM, sir.)
Here, you see, they say [pagi] instead of in full phrase [selamat pagi].

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Mas] is used to address an older male or the same age as you.

[Nunggu] is the colloquial form of the word [menunggu] = to wait. In conversational Indonesian, you will hear Indonesian people drop words and syllables here and there, like in this scene.

[Siapa] = who.

[Saya] = I.

[Buka] = open.

The fourth example is taken from a movie called Dilan 1990 (2018). This movie is very popular in Indonesia. Let's watch the scene below.

For the conversation in the scene with English translation, you can read my article, Meaning of Duluan Ya In Bahasa Indonesia. I put the conversation and the English translation in that article.

The fifth example is taken from a movie called Susah Sinyal (2017). Let's watch the scene down below.

Here, she says [pagi] instead of the whole phrase [selamat pagi] to her grandma. [Oma] means grandma.

The sixth example is taken from a movie called Devil On Top (2021). Let's watch the scene below.

In this scene, he says [pagi] to his boss.

The seventh example is also taken from Devil On Top (2021). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation from the scene above with English translations is as follows.

Angga: Selamat pagi. (Good morning.)

Sarah: Selamat pagi, Angga. Kamu hampir telat. Tepatnya 1 menit 25 detik. (Good morning, Angga. You are almost late—1 minute and 25 seconds, to be exact.)

So, I think this is all for now about how to say good morning in Bahasa Indonesia. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section below, and I'll be happy to answer them.

     Read also: Selamat Sore In Indonesian

Thank you for reading my article, and if I find another scene where this phrase is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Take care and bye now.
