Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Gokil Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

Halo teman-teman semua. Ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I'm going to talk about the meaning of [gokil] in Bahasa Indonesia. This word is considered [bahasa gaul]. [Bahasa gaul] can also mean slang. It is usually used by younger people in Indonesia.

We are also going to be watching examples from movies and others where the word [gokil] is used by Indonesians.

Gokil Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia

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So, let's jump right in.

Gokil In Bahasa Indonesia

Gokil is used to describe things that exceed usual expectations. Gokil has the same meaning as gila, which translates to crazy, insane, awesome, and wicked.

For example, if you say,
This is crazy!
That crazy in the sentence you can replace with gokil or gila. If I translate it into bahasa Indonesia, it would be,
Ini gokil!
The difference between [gokil] and [gila] is that [gokil] is spoken by younger people, whereas [gila] is spoken by everyone.

How to Pronounce Gokil

Let's hear how to pronounce [gokil] down below.

Next, I will give example sentences using the word [gokil].

Example Sentences Using Gokil

Let's look at three example sentences that I give you below using the word gokil.

Example Sentences
English Translation
     1.       Gokil! Keren parah ini konser!
     1.       Oh, my God! This concert is so dope!
     2.       Eh, loe mau ngegokil bareng ngga ama gue?
     2.       Do you want to get crazy with me?
     3.       Kata-kata tergokil yang pernah diucapkan mantan gue ke gue.
     3.       That was the craziest word ever being said to me by my former boyfriend.

Next, we will watch scenes from movies where the word [gokil] is spoken.

Examples of Gokil In Use

The first scene is taken from an Indonesian movie called Komedi Modern Gokil (2015). Let's watch it down below.

The conversation in that scene with English translation is as follows.
Boris: Oh, Tuhan! Aduh! Ah. Heh, berdoa apa kau? (Oh, my God! Oh my! Ah. Hey, what are you praying?) 
Dodit: Aku berdoa biar Bajaj rodanya tetap tiga. (I prayed so that Bajaj always has 3 wheels.) 
Boris: Emang kenapa? (Why is that?) 
Dodit: Rodanya tiga aja jalannya kaya setan. Apalagi kalau empat. Bisa gokil! (With just 3 wheels this vehicle ran like crazy. What if the wheels are four? It's going to be insane!)
The driver drove the vehicle very crazy in that scene, making the two men want to throw up. Bajaj is the name of the vehicle. It has only 3 wheels. You see the phrase [kaya setan] there. The literal translation for this phrase is [like a satan]. By saying this, in this context, he means that the vehicle was running like crazy.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Berdoa] = to pray.

[Kau] = [kamu] is informal for [Anda] = you.

[Aku] is informal for [saya] = I.

[Emang] is the colloquial way of saying [memang]. [Emang] is usually used when you want to ask something, like in this example.

[Aja] is the colloquial way of saying [saja]. In this context, [aja] means [only].

The second scene is taken from BRI's YouTube channel movie called Pakai Hati (2020). Let's watch it down below.

In this scene, Bagas has just come to Jogja, and then he goes sightseeing in that city. He is from Jakarta. He stumbled upon Warung Makan Pak Bismo and thought about getting something to eat there. When he went in, he was amazed by how cool that place was. [Warung makan] means restaurant. Pak Bismo means Mr. Bismo. It's the name of a person.

That's why he said this,
Gokil juga ini tempat! (Wow! This place is cool!)
He was amazed by the inside of this place because, maybe from the look on the outside, it didn't seem quite as good as on the inside.

And you can hear how he said it. In this sentence, he reduced the word [ini], which means [this], into just [ni]. He dropped the letter [i] there. 

Let's hear how I pronounce this sentence with the letter [i] dropped and the letter [not] not dropped.

This is common, where native Indonesian speakers omit the letter or word when they speak in Indonesia's daily conversation.

The third scene is taken from a movie called Susah Sinyal (2017). Let's watch the clip down below.

Conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Jessie: Hmm, lucu deh! Pasti Oma loe ya? (So cute! It must be your grandma who did this?)

Kiara: Iya dong. Siapa lagi? Nih! (Yup! Who else? Here!)

Jessie: Pantesan bagus. Ki, gokil! Loe keren parah! Wow! (No wonder it’s good. Ki, this is insane! You are so awesome! Wow!)

In this scene, Kiara shows her singing video to her friend Jessie, and Jessie is stunned by her performance in that video. That's why she said [gokil].

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Lucu] = funny, but in this context means cute. You can say [lucu] to something cute or good.

[Oma] = grandmother.

[Loe] is the informal way of saying [Anda]. For more about this, you can read here, Loe in the Indonesian Language.

[Dong] has no meaning. It is just a phatic expression. In this context, it's just to emphasize the word before.

[Nih] is usually used when you give something to someone.

[Pantesan] is the colloquial way of saying [pantas] = no wonder.

[Parah] literally means severe, but in this context, [parah] means very. [Keren parah] means very awesome.

So, I think this is all for now. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section below, and I'll be happy to answer them. If I find another scene where the word [gokil] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.

Thanks for reading this article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
