Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Halu Meaning In Indonesian

Halo, ketemu lagi sama gue, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk about the meaning of the phrase [halu] in Indonesian. As always, we are also going to be watching examples from movies and others where the word [halu] is used and spoken by Indonesians.

Halu Meaning In Indonesian

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So, without further ado, let's jump right in.

Halu In the Indonesian Language

[Halu] is short for [halusinasi]. [Halusinasi] actually comes from the English language, which is [hallucination]. But the meaning the younger Indonesian people are using actually means [in a state of delusion].

So, it's different than the meaning of hallucination. Although it came from this word, the meaning is different than the word hallucination.

How to Pronounce Halu

Here is how you pronounce [halu] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, let's watch a clip where this word is being spoken.

Examples of Halu In Use

The first clip we are about to watch is taken from a movie called Office Watch, Season 1 (2020). Let's watch the clip down below.

Conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Tiffany: Wuiih, tumben banget ada makanan enak! Beli di mana, kak? (Very rarely, there's good food in here. Where did you buy it, sis?)

Sarah: Ini gue yang masak. (I cooked this food.)

Tiffany: Bisa aja loe becandanya. (Okay, you're joking.)

Sarah: Kakak masak ini karena buat kasih selamet  buat elo. Elo kan punya pacar baru. (I cooked this because I want to congratulate you for having a new boyfriend.)

Tiffany: Loe halu ya? Gue kan pacaran udah lumayan lama. Ini beli di mana, kak? (Are you delusional? I have been in a relationship for quite some time. Where did you buy this, sis?)

Sarah: Ih! Ini gue yang masak! (I made this. You don't believe me?)

Tiffany: Oke, chill. (Okay, relax.)

I'll be explaining a little about this scene, and we're gonna also learn a little bit of vocabulary from this clip.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Tumben] means something that is happening not very often. Tiffany said this word [tumben] because rarely in this house there is good food, so when she was one, she said,

Tumben banget. 

[Beli] means [to buy]. 

[Selamat] is the same with [selamet], you hear [selamet] more often in daily conversation in Indonesia whereas [selamat] is more formal. [Selamat] means [congratulation].

Sarah said that she cooked this meal because she wanted to congratulate her sister on having a new boyfriend. In fact, Tiffany has been in a relationship with someone for quite some time. That's why Tiffany said,

Loe halu ya? (Are you kidding me?)

It has the same meaning as [are you kidding me] in this context, wherein the Indonesian [are you kidding me] means,

Loe becanda ya? (Are you kidding me?)

Tiffany still didn't believe that her sister made this food. That's why she asked her sister again where she bought the food, which made her sister kind of annoyed with her question.

The second clip is taken from an Indonesian FTV called Cinta Dalam Dompet (2017). Let's watch the scene.

Conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Rara: Si Kinan ini cuma keki gara-gara kita punya cowo tajir. (Kinan is just jealous because we got rich boyfriends.)

Kinan: Ih, ih, ih, ih, ih. Halu ye loe bedua ya? Ha? Udah, tenang aja. Gue selalu ada di samping kalian kok. Tenang aja. Ngga usah depresi gitu walaupun jomblo! (What? Are you guys just dreaming? Ha? It's okay, you know? I will always be by your side. You don't need to worry. You don't need to be stressed out like this, even though you're single.)

In the scene above, Rara and Shinta have rich boyfriends, and only Kinan doesn't have a boyfriend. But, Kinan seemed not to believe that their friends have rich boyfriends. That's why she acted like that.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Keki] is a slang word. It means jealousy, feeling displeased, resentful, or annoyed.

[Gara-gara] = because of.

[Cowo] = boys.

[Tajir] = rich person. I made an article explaining this. You can read my article titled Tajir Melintir in the Indonesian Language.

[Bedua] is informal for [berdua] = you two.

[Udah] is informal for [sudah]. Literally, it means [already], but [udah] is used to calm someone down in this conversation. It's like [it's okay].

[Tenang] = relax.

[Jomblo], this term is used when you don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend. 

The third clip is taken from an Indonesian movie called Susah Sinyal (2017). Let's watch the clip down below.

Conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Jessie: Niat deh loe! Ikut-ikutan audisi-audisian buat acara TV gitu. Biasanya loe sebel? (You're really serious about this. Take part in an audition for a TV program. Isn't that you usually hate things like this?)

Kiara: Ini tuh beda Jessoy! Jurinya tu Andien! (This is different! The jury is Andien.)

Jessie: Hmm. (Alright then.)

Kiara: Gue akan bikin dia terpesona. (I will make her amazed.)

Jessie: Sedikit halu sih. Tapi optimis kok. (A bit delusional, I guess. But good, you're an optimist.)

Kiara: Hmm. (Well.)

In this scene, Kiara plans to take part in an audition for a TV program. She usually doesn't like to take part in an audition for a TV program, but because this time the jury will be Andien, that's why she took part in it.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Niat deh loe!] is usually said to someone who has prepared for something. Something that they want to take part in.

[Ikut-ikutan] = to take part in something.

[Gitu] Here is just a filler word. It has no meaning.

[Biasanya] = usually.

[Sebel] is the colloquial way of saying [sebal]. [Sebel] is the feeling of disliking something.

[Tuh] = [itu] = that. But [tuh] in the sentence [ini tuh beda Jessoy] has no meaning. It just emphasizes the word [ini]. Ini tuh beda Jessoy! = Ini beda Jessoy!

[Ini] = this.

[Tu] is short for [itu]. When Indonesian people speak, they sometimes omit letters and words, as you can see in this example. [Itu] here is spoken [tu] instead of [itu].

[Bikin] is the colloquial way of saying [membuat] = to make. [Gue akan bikin dia terpesona] if I turn this sentence into a formal sentence, it will become [Saya akan membuat dia terpesona].

[Gue] is the informal way of saying [Saya] = I. For more about this, you can read this article, Gue in the Indonesian Language.

[Terpesona] = amazed, stunned.

[Halu] in this context means that Kiara just daydreaming that she will amaze Andien, the jury, with her singing video.

     Read also: Nyokap in the Indonesian Language

So, I guess that's all for now. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section below, and I'll be happy to answer them for you. If I find another scene where the word [halu] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.

Thanks for reading my article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.


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