Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Berisik Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar kalian semua? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I'm going to talk about the meaning of [berisik] in the Indonesian language. As always, we're gonna watch scenes from Indonesian movies where this word [berisik] is spoken.

Berisik Meaning In Indonesian Language

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So, without further ado, let's dive in!      

Berisik In the Indonesian Language

[Berisik] can have different meanings in different contexts. The first meaning of berisik is, in a literal meaning, [noisy]. So, for example, you're in a noisy environment, and then you say to your friend this sentence,

A: Di sini berisik banget ya? (This place is so noisy, isn't it?)

B: Banget! (You tell me.)

Let's hear the audio version of the example sentences above.

The second meaning of berisik is when you have a friend who is talking too much, and you are kind of annoyed by her because she talks too much, and then you say,

Loe itu berisik! Tahu ngga sih, loe? (You're talking too much! You know that?)

If you say this or hear someone say this to you, it means that he or she is asking you to shut up and stop talking. So, [berisik] is often used in conversational Indonesian to stop people from talking because what they just said offended them.

Let's hear the audio version of the example sentence above.

Now, let's hear how to pronounce the word [berisik].

How to Pronounce Berisik

Here is how you pronounce the word [berisik] in bahasa Indonesia.

Now, let's watch the scene where this word [berisik] is spoken.

Example of Berisik In Use

The first example is taken from a movie called Radio Galau (2012). Let's watch the clip down below.

The conversation in the scene with English conversation is as follows.

Bara: Mba. Mba Rara! Loe berisik banget sih! (Sis. Sister Rara! You're so noisy!)

Rara: Eh! Jangan panggil gue mba! Panggil gue Lady Rara. (Hey! Don't call me mba! Call me, Lady Rara.) 

In this scene, Bara said to his sister that she was very noisy because, as you can see, she was listening to some music, and she cranked up the volume while listening to music.

Vocabulary from the Scene

[Mba] is an honorific title used for addressing women your age or older than you. For more about this, you can read my article here, Mba In the Indonesian Language.

[Loe] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read this article, Loe In the Indonesian Language.

[Banget] = very.

[Jangan] is used when you are not allowing someone to do something. For example, Jangan merokok di sini. (Do not smoke here.)

[Panggil] = to call.

[Gue] is informal for [say] = I. For more about this, you can read this article, Gue In the Indonesian Language.

The second example is from the movie Tempe Mendoan Bumbu Cinta (2017). Let's watch the clip down below.

The conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Elsa: Terus kenapa telpon gue ngga diangkat? (Why didn't you pick up my call?)

Marvin: Udah ah. Ngga penting! (Come on. It's not a big deal.)

Elsa: Ngga penting, ngga penting. Penting, tahu ngga?! Gue ngga bisa ke kantor kalau ngga bawa tempe mendoan. (Not a big deal, you said? This is important for me, don't you know that? I can't go to my office if I don't bring any tempe mendoan.)

Marvin: Bos loe tu aneh ya? Sama kaya anak buahnya. (Your boss is weird! Just like her subordinate.)

Elsa: Elo tuh ya! Udah ngambil tempe mendoan gue, tinggalin gue di pasar, sekarang loe bilangin gue aneh. Mau loe tu apa sih? Huh! (You! You took my tempe mendoan, left me in alone at the traditional market, and now you're calling me weird. What is it that you want? Huh?)

Marvin: Ah! Berisik banget sih?! Ya udah, ayo bikin sekarang tempe mendoannya. (Arrgh! You're so annoying! Okay then, let's make tempe mendoan.)

Elsa: Gimana cara bikinnya? Bahan-bahannya aja ngga ada! Elo sih! (How can we make it? We don't have the ingredients! It's because of you!)

In this scene, Marvin says this,
Ah! Berisik banget sih?!
He said this because Elsa was talking and talking, and made him feel annoyed. You can use this word [berisik] when you have a friend who is talking and talking to you, and you feel kind of annoyed with him because he is talking too much.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Tempe mendoan] is an Indonesian dish that looks like the picture below.

Tempe Mendoan
Pic's from Lestari Web

[Tu] is short for [itu]. It means [that]. You can see it is used in the sentence,

Bos loe tu aneh ya? = Bos loe itu aneh ya?

Mau loe tu apa sih? = Mau loe itu apa sih?

In daily conversation, Indonesian people usually tend to drop certain letters. This is one of the examples of that.

[Tuh] has the same meaning as [itu].

[Elo], [loe] is informal for [Anda]. It means [you].

[Udah] is short for [sudah]. This usually collocates with the word [ah]. In this case, [udah ah]. This phrase is usually used to end a conversation.

[Ngambil] is short for [mengambil]. You will hear this type of form a lot in daily conversation in Indonesia. It means [to take].

[Tinggalin] or [ninggalin] is informal for [meninggalkan]. It means [to leave]. You will hear the use of the suffix [in] a lot in daily conversation in Indonesia. Maybe we'll talk about it later.

[Bikin] = [buat], which means [to make something].

The third example is taken from a TV Serial called Tetangga Masa Gitu (2014). Let's watch the clip down below.

The conversation from the scene with English translations is as follows.

Angel: Ngelukis lagi! Ngga ada kegiatan lain? (All you do is painting! Don't you have anything else to do?)

Adi: Ini namanya seni. Kalo ngga ngerti, diem aja deh. (This is called art. If you can't understand this, please just be quiet.)

Angel: Trus.. itu? Namanya seni? Ah! Anak SD juga bisa kali. (That thing? That is what you called art? I guess any elementary school kid can draw that.)

Adu: Berisik! (Shut up!)

This is a conversation between husband and wife, and when Angel says something that offends her husband, Adi says [berisik] to her. So, [berisik] refers to the second meaning I explained above, which is to ask someone to shut up.

Vocabulary from the scene

[Ngelukis] is the colloquial form of [melukis] = to draw. You will hear [ngelukis] a lot in conversational Indonesian. We usually say [ngelukis] in conversational Indonesian rather than [melukis].

[Lagi] = again, but in this context, [lagi] means [always].

[Ngga ada] = nothing.
Ngga ada kegiatan lain? <-- is usually said when all you do is the same thing over and over again.

[Itu] = that.

[Ngerti] is the colloquial form of [mengerti]. In conversational Indonesian, we often drop syllables, like in this example, [me] is dropped, and then it becomes [ngerti].

[Anak SD] = elementary school kids. SD stands for Sekolah Dasar = elementary school.

     Read also: Bete In Indonesian

I think that's all for now. If I find another scene from movies or videos, Insha Allah, I will update it again. If you have any questions regarding this topic, just leave them in the comment section, and I'll be happy to answer your questions.

Thanks for reading this article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
