Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Gila Ya Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? This time, I will talk about the meaning of the phrase, [gila ya], in the Indonesian language. As usual, we will watch a scene from an Indonesian movie where this phrase is spoken. 

Gila Ya Meaning In Indonesian Language

If you have any questions regarding the Indonesian language, you can ask me directly. You can see how to do that on my About Me page. 

If you are a beginner in the Indonesian language, you can learn step by step with My Lesson Here.

So, without further ado, let's talk about this.

Gila Ya Meaning In the Indonesian Language

In my previous article, I have talked about the meaning of [gila], and although it is the same word, it has a slightly different meaning and different usage.

[Gila] can have many meanings depending on the context, but [gila ya] usually only has one meaning. [Gila ya] is usually used to express astonishment about something. That something can be positive or negative.

An example sentence where [gila ya] is used to express something positive.
  1. Gila ya! Cepat banget larinya! (Wow! He runs so very fast!)
In this context, you are amazed at how fast he can run. So, in this context, it is used in a positive meaning. Below is how you pronounce this example sentence.

And below, I give you an example where [gila ya] is used to express something negative. Negative in the meaning that you don't believe that it is happening in a negative way to you.
  1. Gila ya! Ngga habis pikir gue! Bisa-bisanya loe nipuin gue! Padahal selama ini gue udah baik sama loe. (This is unbelievable! I don't believe that you tricked me like this! I've been good to you all this time.)
In this case, you don't believe that your friend just tricked you. You've been good to him all this time, and now you just found out that he cheated you. So, [gila ya] is used to express this astonishment about something bad.

Below is how you pronounce the sentence above. Let's hear it.

Next, we will watch a scene that I took from an Indonesian movie where this phrase [gila ya] is spoken.

Gila Ya In Movie Scenes

This clip is taken from an FTV called Pacar Kontrakan. Let's watch the scene down below.

The conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Caty: Udah jelas belum? (Is it clear to you now?)

Aladin: Udeh, udeh, udeh. Cakep! (Yes, yes, yes. This is great!)

Caty’s friend: Intinya, yang mesti lu lakuin selama lu terikat kontrak adalah pertama, elu harus akuin Caty sebagai cewe lu selama satu minggu. Kedua, elu harus ikutin semua perintahnya Caty. Oke? Kalo lu langgar, lu harus ganti rugi. Apalagi kalo sampe orang tuanya Caty tahu kalo lu cuma pura-pura jadi cowonya Caty. Lu harus ganti rugi 3 kali lipat dari nilai kontrak. (The thing is, what you need to do for this contract is, first, you need to admit that Caty is your girlfriend for one week. Second, you need to follow everything that Caty’s told you to do. Okay? If you break it, there is a penalty for you. Especially if Caty's parents find out that you're just pretending to be Caty's boyfriend. You have to pay three times the contract value.)

Aladin: Oke tuh. Prikitiw. Tapi gue butuh uang muka dulu. Kalo orang Betawi bilang, "Uang panjer, bos." (Okay. Deal. But first, I need the down payment. We, as Betawi people, say this, “Uang panjer, bos.”)

Caty’s friend: Ada uang panjernya, ngga? (You got any down payment for him?)

Caty: Gila ya! Tadinya gue pikir ni orang baik, lugu, polos tahunya demen duit. (This is unbelievable! At first, I thought that you were a nice guy, innocent, and never thought that you like money.)

Caty’s friend: Ngga, Cat. Semua orang jaman gini udah suka duit semua. Palagi orang kaya gila kaya dia nih. Yaduh. (Oh no, Cat. Everybody nowadays loves money­­--moreover, this crazy person. Come on.)

Aladin: Nah! Udah mulai pinter loe. (Now you’re getting smart!)

Caty’s friend: Emang dari dulu juga gue pinter! (I have always been smart!)

Caty: Ya udah deh, gue panjerin dua juta, gimana? (Okay then, what about if I pay you 2 million rupiahs as a down payment?)

Aladin: Sah! Gue terima. (Okay. Agree.)

In this scene, Caty asked Aladin to become her boyfriend for one week because, at that moment, Caty just broke up with her boyfriend, and then her parents want to see and to know her boyfriend. So, she decided to pay someone to become her boyfriend for one week to meet her parents.

She doesn't want to just say to her parents that she just broke up with her boyfriend because if she does that, her parents will introduce her to a man who will become her husband. She doesn't want that to happen. That's why she pays someone to pretend to become her boyfriend.

She promises to pay Aladin 10 million rupiahs, but then Aladin asks for a down payment. When Aladin asks for a down payment, she kind of surprised because she thought that Aladin is just a nice guy, innocent, and not thinking about money, but actually he is not.

So, [gila ya] in this context is used to express astonishment about something negative.

Vocabulary In This Scene

Let's learn vocabulary from this scene.

[Udah] is short for [sudah]. It means [already] You will hear [udah] a lot in daily conversation in Indonesia. Usually, we say this [udah] rather than [sudah]. [Sudah] is more formal than [udah].

[Jelas] = clear.

[Belum] = not yet.

[Udeh] has the same meaning as [udah]. In Jakarta, you will hear Betawi people, Jakarta's indigenous people, say this rather than [udah].

[Cakep] means [pretty], but in this context, he said this because the contract was so good for him. [Cakep] in this context means [great].

[Lu] or [elu] is informal for [kamu]. About this, you can read my article, Loe Meaning In the Indonesian Language, for more detail about the meaning of this word.

[Ikutin] is informal for [mengikuti], which means [to follow]. [Lu harus ikutin semua perintahnya Caty], if I make this into formal sentence, it would be [Anda harus mengikuti semua perintahnya Caty] or in English [you must follow all of Caty's order.]

[Akuin] is informal for [mengakui], which means [to admit].

[Cewe] is informal for [perempuan] or [wanita], which means [girl].

[Cowo] is informal for [laki-laki] or [pria] which means [boy].

[Prikitiw] does not have any meanings in this context. It is just an expression that he agreed with what she said.

[Uang muka] is the same as [uang panjer]. It means [down payment].

[Ni] is short for [ini], which means [this]. In daily conversation, native Indonesian people tend to drop letters or words when they speak.

[Palagi] is short for [apalagi] = moreover. This is also an example where native Indonesian people drop letters when they speak.

[Ya udah] is used when you want to end a conversation. More explanation about this phrase [ya udah], you can read in this article, Ya Udah Meaning In the Indonesian Language.

[Terima] means [to accept]. In this context, Aladin accepted what Caty's had to offer. That's why he said [gue terima], which means he agrees with what Caty's has to offer.

So, I think that's all for now about the meaning of this phrase [gila ya]. If you have any questions regarding this, just post a comment in the comment section, and Insha Allah, I'll be glad to answer your questions. Take care and bye-bye now.
