Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Gercep in the Indonesian Language

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of a slang term in the Indonesian language, that is [gercep]. As always, we will watch scenes from movies where this word [gercep] is spoken.

Gercep in the Indonesian Language

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So, without further ado, let's talk about this. 

Gercep in the Indonesian Language

[Gercep] is an acronym for [GERak CEPat]. [Gercep] is a quick response by someone to something. So, if you hear [gercep] being said to you, it means that you need to move faster or to do something a lot faster than what you do now.

If we break down the two words there, [gerak] means to move, and [cepat] means fast. Literally, [gerak cepat] means to move fast.

[Gercep] is a slang term, or we call it [Bahasa Gaul]. So, don't use this word in a formal context.

Examples of Gercep In Use

In this section, I will gather examples from movies, youtube videos, comics, and everything where the word [gercep] is spoken so that you can understand more and know when to use [gercep] correctly.

The first clip that we are about to watch is taken from a movie titled Cinta Driver Online. Let's watch the clip.

Conversation from the scene with English translations is as follows.

Resya: Oh iya ya. Kok gue ngga kepikiran ya? Siapa tau pas lagi narik, ada cowo ganteng. (Makes sense. Why didn't I think of that? Who knows when I'm at work driving, there's a handsome guy.)

Puri: Yee! Giliran cowo aja lo gercep! (OMG! When it comes to boys, you are quick.)

So, in this scene, the two girls are talking about how they can use their free time doing something that useful and can also making money.

Puri suggests that they work as a rideshare driver because both of them have cars. Resya thought about it for a second, and then she agreed. Then her mind went to think that maybe while she is at work driving the customer, she can meet a handsome boy.

Puri's reaction to that thought was saying [gercep] to Resya. In this context, [gercep] means that Resya was quick in response when it comes to boys. 

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Oh iya ya] is usually said when you agree with what someone has said. You think for a moment about what your friend has just said to you, and then you realize that it makes sense what they just said to you.

[Kok gue ngga kepikiran ya?] is usually said when you agreed with what your friend has just said to you, and then you think to yourself, "Why didn't I think of that?"

[Narik] = to pull, but in this context, it means someone is on duty driving or riding their vehicles and taking someone to their destination. For more about this, you can read this article, Narik in the Indonesian Language.

[Cowo] or [cowok] is informal for [laki-laki] = boys.

[Ganteng] = handsome.

[Giliran [noun] aja..] means like you are saying [when it comes to (something)..]

[Lo] or [loe] or [lu] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read this article, Loe in the Indonesian Language.

Okay, so I think that's all for now. If you have any questions about this topic, just leave them in the comment section below, and I'll be happy to answer them for you.

Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
