Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Cek Ombak Meaning In Bahasa

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the phrase [cek ombak] in the Indonesian language. Actually, I just watched a movie, and then I found this phrase is spoken in the film, so I guess why not make an article explaining this.

Cek Ombak Meaning In Bahasa

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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.

Cek Ombak Meaning in the Indonesian Language

[Cek] comes from the English word [check], and the meaning is also the same. [Ombak] means wave. In a literal sense, [cek ombak] means [checking the wave].

[Cek ombak] is usually used by surfers when they want to surf. They need to know whether the sea wave is good for them to surf. This is where this phrase is coming from, but nowadays, this phrase is used not only by surfers. It's getting widely used, and this phrase is considered a slang term.

So, when someone says they want to [cek ombak], it means that they want to know the situation. They are curious about something and want to know more about it. They want to see how the problem is going.

How to Pronounce Cek Ombak

Here is how to pronounce [cek ombak] in the Indonesian language.

Next, we will watch a movie clip where the phrase [cek ombak] is spoken.

Cek Ombak In Use

The first clip we are about to watch is taken from a serial TV, Suami-suami Masa Kini (2022), Season 1 Episode 4. Let's watch the clip.

Below is the transcription from the clip with English translations.

Tobi: Ssst.. Ssst.. Ssst.. Ssst! Bima tuh! Samperin yuk? (Hey.. Hey.. Hey.. Hey! That's Bima! Why don't we meet him?)

Ical: Ngapain? Ngga, ngga, ngga, gue di sini aja. (What for? No, I'm not going.)

Tobi: Cek ombak! (Checking the wave!)

Ical: Cek ombak apaan? Ya udah deh. (What? Okay then.)

Tobi: Bima ya? (So, you are Bima?)

Those 3 men are best friends. They have other best friends, so it makes them 4. Tobi, Ical, Yudha, and Raka. Yudha had a problem with his wife. Yudha's wife joined a yoga club where she had an affair with the leader of the yoga club. His name is Bima, and he lives in front of Yudha's house.

So, when Tobi, Ical, and Raka came to his house, they saw Bima. And then Tobi asked Ical and Raka to meet Bima to [cek ombak]. Here, [cek ombak] means that Tobi wanted to know what kind of a person Bima was that made his friend's wife like him. So, that's the meaning of [cek ombak] in this scene.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Ssst] is used as a way to attract someone's attention in this scene, but sometimes [ssst] can also use to ask a person to be quiet.

[Tuh] = [itu] has the same meaning, that is [that].

[Samperin yuk?] is used when you invite someone to meet someone, like in this scene. [Samperin yuk?] is usually used in casual conversation. In a more formal situation, you can say, "Mari kita datangi?"

[Ngapain?] = what for? This word is also used in casual conversation. In a more formal situation, you can say, "Untuk apa?" for this context because [ngapain?] can also mean other meanings.

[Gue] is informal for [saya]. You can read this article, Gue Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia, for more about this.

[Di sini] = over here.

[Aja] is short for [saja] = just. In daily conversation, native Indonesian speakers tend to drop letters, just like in this example. For more about this, you can read my article here: Aja In Indonesian.

[Ya udah deh] is usually used when you unwillingly agree with someone's action or opinion. You can read this article, Ya Udah In the Indonesian Language, for more about this.

     Read also: Ngaco In Indonesian

So, I guess this wraps up the article. If I find another scene where the phrase [cek ombak], Insha Allah, I will update the article again so you will have a better understanding of how to use the phrase [cek ombak].

If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section below, and I'll be happy to answer them for you. Thank you so much for reading this article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
