Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Berada Meaning In Bahasa

Apa kabar semuanya? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [berada] in Indonesian. We will watch scenes from movies, youtube videos, and whatnot where there are examples of the word [berada] being spoken. 

Berada Meaning In Bahasa

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Okay, let's talk about it now.

Meaning of Berada In the Indonesian Language

The first meaning of [berada].
This word is usually used if you want to locate where something is. Example sentences:
  1. Lokasi restoran itu berada di Jalan Permaisuri, no.9. (The restaurant is located at Jalan Permaisuri, number 9.) 
  2. Lokasi rumahnya berada di mana? (Where is his house located?)
The second meaning of [berada].
This term is usually used to call someone who is rich and wealthy. Example sentences:
  1. Dia berasal dari keluarga yang berada. (He comes from a wealthy family.)
  2. Sepertinya dia orang yang berada. (Looks like he is a rich man.)
The third meaning of [berada].
When someone happens to be in a place. Example sentences:
  1. Saat ini saya berada di dalam ruangan rapat. (Right now I'm in the meeting room.)
  2. Ada 53 orang yang berada di dalam ruangan itu. (There are 53 people in that room.)

How to Pronounce Berada

Here is how you pronounce [berada] in bahasa Indonesia.

Moving on, let's look at examples where Indonesians use the word [berada].

Examples of Berada In Use

In this section, you will see examples from movies, YouTube videos, and whatnot where the word [berada] is spoken.

The first example is from Vindes's YouTube channel. Let's watch the clip below.

And below is the conversation from the clip with English translations.

Desta: Ya tapi loe masa kecil loe.. ee.. berada, ya Lan ya? (But, when you were little.. you are [berada], right?)

Wulan: Berada tuh maksudnya? (What do you mean with [berada]?)

Desta: Ya maksudnya 'berada' dalam arti berkecukupan ekonomi. ([Berada], in this case, means you are from a wealthy family.)

Wulan: Ya, tapi orang tua gue ngga manjain gue. Mereka tetep.. ee.. misalnya eyang gitu.. Jadi, gini. Gue tu dibesarkan ama eyang. Makanya nama gue Sri Wulandari. (Yes, but my parents didn't spoil me. They still.. hmm.. for example, my grandparents.. Here's the thing. I was raised by my grandparents. That's why my name is Sri Wulandari.)

In this scene, Desta asks Wulan about her childhood. [Berada] in this conversation means that Wulan comes from a wealthy family.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Masa kecil] = childhood.

[Maksudnya?] = what do you mean?

[Berkecukupan ekonomi] = rich or wealthy.

[Orang tua] = parents.

[Manjain] is the colloquial way of saying [memanjakan] = to spoil someone.

[Gue] is informal for [saya] = I. You can read my article, Gue Meaning In Bahasa, for more about this.

[Loe] is informal for [Anda] = you. You can read my article, Loe Meaning In Bahasa, for more about this.

[Eyang] = grand parents.

[Tu] is short for [itu] = that.

[Ama] is short for [same] = with.

     Read also: Kelayapan Meaning In Bahasa

I guess this wraps up today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section below, or you can message me through Instagram.

Thank you for reading my article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
