Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Songong Meaning In Bahasa

Apa kabar semuanya? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [songong] in the Indonesian language. As always, we will watch examples from movie scenes where the word [songong] is spoken to better understand how to use the word.

Songong Meaning In Bahasa

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So, without further ado, let's talk about it.

Meaning of Songong In the Indonesian Language

Actually, [songong] originally comes from the Betawi language. You will encounter a lot of words taken from local languages in Indonesia when you learn Bahasa Indonesia, and this one is just one of the examples.

[Songong] means arrogant. So, if you call someone [songong], you are not only commenting on his arrogance but also the remarkable fact of his arrogance transcending any sort of self-awareness.

How to Pronounce Songong

Here is how you pronounce the word [songong].

Next, we will see examples where the word [songong] is used.

Examples of Songong In Use

The first scene we are about to watch is taken from Kukira Kau Rumah (2021). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Pram: Ooo, itu punya loe? Itu teorinya banyak yang salah. (Oh, that's yours? A lot of theories there are wrong.)

Niskala: Ngga ada yang minta pendapat lo sih, sori. (I never asked for your opinion, sorry.)

Pram: Tanpa loe minta gue boleh dong berpendapat? Kecuali loe Orba. (Without you asking, I can still give my opinion, right? Unless you are from the New Order era.)

Niskala: Eh! Woi! (Hey!)

Octavianus: Oit! Nis.. Niskala. (Hey! Nis.. Niskala.)

Niskala: Songong banget sih lo? Jangan mentang-mentang lo senior ya, lo bisa meriksa tugas orang seenaknya. (What an arrogant person you are! Just because you're a senior, you can't just judge other people's work.)

Pram: Sori, gue cuman mo nolongin loe doang. (Sorry, I was just trying to help.)

Niskala: Emang ada yang minta ditolongin sama lo? Ngga ada, kan? (Did I ask you to help me? No, right?)

In this scene, Niskala calls Pram [songong] because Pram, without asking, just judged the assignment paper she had been working on. Pram said to her that a lot of theories that she used in the assignment paper were wrong.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Ooo] is an expression for when you hear something for the first time or when someone told you about something for the first time, and then you just kind of get it.

[Punya] is something that belongs to someone. For example, Ini punya kamu? (Is this thing yours?)

[Loe] or [lo] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article, Loe In the Indonesian Language.

[Itu] = that.

[Banyak] = a lot.

[Salah] = wrong.

[Pendapat] = opinion.

[Berpendapat] = giving an opinion.

[Ngga ada] can mean [no one] or [nothing]. In this context, "Ngga ada yang minta pendapat lo," [ngga ada] means [no one].

[Tanpa] = without.

[Dong] is a word that has no meaning but gives certain emotion to the sentence when it is used.

[Gue] is informal for [saya] = I. For more about this, you can read my article, Gue In the Indonesian Language.

[Kecuali] = unless.

[Orba] is short for ORde BAru = the new order era when President Soeharto lead this country. This is known as the era where if you speak out badly about the government or protest their policy, they will arrest you. What Pram means by saying [kecuali loe Orba] is that if she can't hear his opinion and then she is a person who can be criticized or a person who is a close-minded person who doesn't want to hear other people's views.

[Eh], [woy], and [oit] in this context have the same meaning: to attract someone's attention.

[Banget] = very.

[Mentang-mentang] means because you are in a position higher than someone, then you criticize or look down on that person.

[Tugas] = duty, assignment. In this context, [tugas] means an assignment paper given by the lecturer to their students.

[Meriksa] comes from the word [memeriksa], which is [me+periksa], and Niskala just dropped the syllable [me] into just saying [meriksa]. The base word is [periksa] = to check on something.

[Seenaknya] = as one wishes.

[Tugas orang] = someone's assignment paper.

[Cuman] is the way of saying [cuma] in daily Indonesian conversations = just.

[Mo] is the way of saying [mau] in daily Indonesian conversation = want.

[Nolongin] is the conversational form of the word [menolong] = to help someone. [Gue cuman mo nolongin loe doang] if this sentence is turned into a formal sentence, it would be [saya hanya ingin menolong kamu saja].

[Emang] is the way of saying [memang] in daily Indonesian conversation. We usually drop words and letters when we speak in everyday conversation.

[Ditolongin] is the way of saying [ditolong] in daily Indonesian conversation. [Emang ada yang minta ditolongin sama loe?] if I change this into a more formal sentence, it would be [Memang ada yang minta ditolong sama Anda?]

     Read also: Anjrit Meaning In Bahasa

I guess this wraps up today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading this article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
