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Iman Prabawa
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Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I want to talk about the meaning of the Indonesian word [anjrit], and as usual, we will watch scenes from movies where this word [anjrit] is spoken.
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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.
Meaning of Anjrit In the Indonesian Language
[Anjrit] is a euphemism from the word [anjing], which can be used as a curse word or as its literal meaning, dogs. For an explanation about [anjing], you can read my article, Anjing Meaning In the Indonesian Language.
Even though [anjrit] is the euphemism for the word [anjing], there is a difference in how we use these two words. We usually say [anjrit] when something shocked us, or we are amazed by something, or someone has just startled us. But, sometimes, you can also use this [anjrit] like a curse word. You just need to look at the context.
If someone startled you, you could say, "Anjrit! Kaget gue! (Damn! You startled me!)." If something amazed you, you could say, "Anjrit! Keren banget! (Damn! This is so cool!)."
[Anjing] is usually used as a curse word rather than as a word to show how surprised you are. But, sometimes, you will hear something like this: "Anjing! Keren banget! (Damn! This is so cool!") but we usually tend to soften the word [anjing] into [anjrit] when we are surprised by how good something is.
I will give you many examples from movies and other real-life situations where this word is spoken so you can see for yourself how Indonesian people tend to use this word.
How to Pronounce Anjrit
Here is how to pronounce [anjrit] in the Indonesian language.
Next, we will watch scenes from movies where the word [anjrit] is spoken.
Examples of Anjrit In Use
In this section, I will gather scenes from movies where the word [anjrit] is spoken so you can better understand how Indonesian people use this word in their daily conversation.
The first clip is taken from a serial TV called My Nerd Girl, Season 1 Episode 1. (2022). Let's watch the clip below.
Below is the transcription from the scene above with English translations.
Ilham: Udah deh! Ribut mulu loe pada. (Come on, you guys! Stop being so noisy.)
Intan: Anjrit! Loe ngapain di sini? (What the hell! What are you doing here?)
Ilham: Oh, loe mo bales dendam sama kita? Cuman gara-gara edisi terbarunya Bibamagz? (Oh, you want to take revenge on us? Just because our new edition of Bibamagz spread like wildfire?)
Neza: Tenang. Gue ke sini bukan karena itu. Gue ke sini karena gue punya berita soal si Fara. (Easy. I'm here not because of that. I'm here because I've got news about Fara.)
In this scene, Intan is surprised to find Neza in the room. That's why she said, "Anjrit!" In this case, it's like saying [what the hell] in English. So, [anjrit] is used to show a feeling of surprise and a bit of anger because, in this movie, they are kind of enemies to each other.
Next, let's learn the vocabulary used in this scene.
Vocabulary From the Scene
[Udah deh] is short for [sudah deh]. You can change [udah deh] in this context with [udah dong]. [Udah deh] Here, Ilham uses to ask them to stop being noisy.
[Ribut] = noisy.
[Mulu] is short for [melulu] = always.
[Ribut mulu] in literal translation is [always noisy], but here it means that they are being noisy.
[Loe pada] means you in the plural.
[Loe] is informal for [Anda]. For more about this, you can read my article, Loe In the Indonesian Language, where I explain this in more detail.
[Loe ngapain di sini?] is a sentence used in daily conversation to ask what somebody is doing at the time. It means [what are you doing here?]. If I change this sentence into a more formal sentence, it will become, "Anda sedang apa di sini?"
[Mo] is the colloquial way of saying [mau] = want.
[Bales dendam] = [balas dendam] = to take revenge. [Balas dendam] is more formal than [bales dendam].
[Cuman] is the colloquial way of saying [cuma] or [hanya].
[Cuman gara-gara] = because of.
[Cuman gara-gara edisi terbarunya Bibamagz?] <--- If I change this sentence into a more formal sentence, it will become, "Hanya karena edisi terbarunya Bibamagz? (Just because of the new edition of Bibamagz?")
[Gue] is informal for [saya]. It is used extensively in Jakarta and the city's surroundings. So, if you are in Jakarta or in the surrounding cities, you better use [gue] and [loe] when talking to your friends in a casual conversation. For more about this, you can read my article, Gue In the Indonesian Language.
[Tenang] means [calm]. The word [tenang] is usually used to calm someone down.
[Berita] = news.
The second clip is taken from Kukira Kau Rumah (2021). Let's watch the clip below.
Niskala: Ya, berani ga nyanyi di panggung? Lagu lo? (Are you brave enough to sing on the stage? Your own song?)
Pram: Sori banget nih. Nanti bos gue marah. (I can't do that, or my boss will get angry.)
Niskala: Bos lo mana? (Where is your boss?)
Pram: Lagi ngga ada sih. (He's not around.)
Niskala: Jadi, masalahnya di mana? (So, what's the problem then?)
Pram: Masalahnya, gue ngga mau cari masalah. (The thing is, I don't want to get into trouble.)
Niskala: Exactly, makanya lo selalu bermasalah. (That is why you always get one.)
Pram: Justru karena gue ga bermasalah, makanya gue ngga mau cari masalah. (Because I don't get into any trouble in this place, I don't want to get one now.)
Octavianus: Eh, goblok! Kamu dua ni masalahnya apa sih? (Hey, you moron! What is wrong with you two?)
Niskala: Masalahnya, ini Chicco Jerikho KW 2 ngga mau nyanyi buat gue. (The thing is, this fake Chicco Jerikho refuses to sing for me.)
Dinda: Anjrit, KW! KW 2. (Dang, fake goods! Fake goods level 2.)
Niskala: Mirip kan? (Isn't he look like him?)
Octavianus: Hahaha.
Niskala: Mirip kan? (Right?)
Dinda: Mirip. (Yeah.)
Octavianus: Iya, mirip, mirip. (Yeah, he looks like him.)
Niskala: Ya, kalo lo manggung buat gue, bisa gue pertimbangin lah jadi Chicco Jerikho KW 1. (If you sing on the stage for me, I can consider you as a "not-so-fake" Chicco Jerikho.)
In this scene, Dinda feels surprised and laughs when she hears Niskala use the word [KW] to describe that Pram looked like Chicco Jerikho. Chicco Jerikho is an Indonesian actor.
Vocabulary From the Scene
[Berani] = brave.
[Ga] = [ngga] = [engga] = [enggak] = [tidak] = no.
[Nyanyi] is short for [bernyanyi] = to sing. [Berani ga nyanyi di panggung?] <--- if I turn this sentence into a formal sentence, it would be [Berani tidak bernanyi di panggung?]
[Lagu] = song.
[Lo] = [lu] = [elo] = [loe] = you.
[Banget] = very.
[Gue] is informal for [saya] = I.
[Lagi ngga ada] is usually used to state that someone being asked is not around.
[Masalah] = problem.
[Di mana] = where.
[Cari masalah] = looking for troubles.
[Ngga mau] = don't want.
[Makanya] = that's why.
[Goblok] = stupid. [Goblok] is a strong word. You need to be careful when using this word. [Bodoh] has the same meaning, but [bodoh] is more polite than [goblok].
[Kamu dua ni masalahnya apa sih?] <--- this sentence is grammatically incorrect. He should say, [kamu berdua] instead of [kamu dua]. But that's how the Indonesian people use the language. They don't strictly obey the grammar rules.
[Kamu berdua] = you two.
[KW] is short for KWalitas. This term is usually used for fake goods. I have explained the meaning of KW in my article. You can read it here, KW Meaning In Bahasa. [KW] here is used as a joke for Pram because he looks like an artist named Chiccho Jerikho but is not as handsome as Chiccho. That's why Niskala uses the word [KW] here.
[Mirip] = similar, look-alike.
[Manggung] = perform on stage.
[Pertimbangin] is the colloquial way of saying [pertimbangkan] = to consider.
[Kalo] is an informal way of saying [kalau] = if.
Read also: How to Say What Should I Do Next In Bahasa
So, I guess this wraps up for now. If I find another scene where the word [anjrit] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, just leave them in the comment section below. I'll be happy to answer them for you. Thank you for reading this article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
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Hello, I'm Iman Prabawa a.k.a Pak Guru Iman. I love to share about languages. My Instagram, @pakguruiman
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