Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Bispak Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [bispak] in Indonesians, and as always, we will watch examples from movies where the word [bispak] is spoken by the Indonesian people.

Bispak Meaning In Bahasa

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So, without further ado. Let's talk about the meaning of this word.

Meaning of Bispak In the Indonesian Language

[Bispak] is a slang term, and it is a crushing word. It comes from the word [bisa] and is combined with the word [dipake], and it becomes BISa diPAKe. [Bisa dipake] literally means something that is able to be used.

[Bispak] refers to someone that you can pay to sleep with. Yeah, [bispak] refers to prostitutes, but [bispak] not only for females, but also for males, as long you can pay him or her to sleep with them, and they will be called [bispak].

How to Pronounce Bispak

Here is how you pronounce [bispak] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, we will watch examples from movies where the word [bispak] is spoken by Indonesians.

Examples of Bispak From Movies

The first scene we are about to watch is taken from a serial TV called Cek Toko Sebelah, Season 1, Episode 1 (2018). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene above with English translations.

Yadi: Ojak! Loe naro susu cap Nona Manis di samping tepung Pak Kumis? (Ojak! Did you put Nona Manis milk side by side with Pak Kumis flour?)

Ojak: Emang napa lagi? (What's wrong with that this time?)

Yadi: Wah, gila sih! Masa loe tega sih? Nona Manis saben hari diliatin mulu ama Pak Kumis. Ha? (You're crazy, man! How could you let Pak Kumis see this sweet lady every day?)

Ojak: Hah, nonanya juga bispak ini! (She is not a sweet lady. She's a bispak, though.)

Yadi: Bispak apaan? (What is bispak?)

Ojak: Bisa parkour. (Bispak is bisa parkour (*able to do parkour thingy).

Yadi: Wah, gimana tuh? Eh, lagi dong! Lagi, lagi, lagi! Terus. (What is that? Show me. Do it again! Again, again! Keep going.)

This is a comedy movie, so a lot of that going on in this scene sometimes doesn't make any sense. Let's just talk about the vocabulary used in this scene.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Loe] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article, Loe In the Indonesian Language.

[Naro] is the colloquial way of saying [menaruh] = to put something.

[Susu] = milk.

[Susu cap Nona Manis] means milk with the brand name 'Nona Manis.' [Nona manis] means sweet lady.

[Tepung Pak Kumis] is a flour with the brand name 'Pak Kumis.' [Pak Kumis] means Mister Moustache. So, when Yadi says, "Loe naro susu cap Nona Manis di samping tepung Pak Kumis?' you need to imagine a sweet lady that is put next to a mister mustache.

[Emang] is a common reduction for [memang], and [emang kenapa?] is usually used when you want to know what is wrong with something. In this scene, Ojak puts milk next to flour, and then when Yadi complains about it, Ojak doesn't feel that he has done something bad or guilty, and that's why he asks Yadi, "Emang napa?' 

[Napa] is a common reduction for [kenapa] = why.

[Emang napa?] = [memang kenapa?] = why is that?

[Wah, gila sih!] <--- actually, Yadi says, [gela] instead of [gila], but it has the same meaning. Yadi says [gela] just to emphasize that he's shocked about something that Ojak has done. [Wah, gila sih!] in this context is an exclamation that Yadi is surprised with what Ojak has done, that is, to put milk next to the flour. You see? Because this is a comedy, it doesn't make any sense why Yadi needs to be surprised with this.

[Masa loe tega?] = How could you?

[Diliatin] = [dilihatin] = to be looked at.

[Mulu] is a common reduction for [melulu] = again and again.

[Ama] is a common reduction for [sama] = with.

[Saben hari] = [setiap hari] = everyday.

[Saben] comes from the Javanese language. You will see that sometimes Indonesian people mix the Indonesian language with another local language when they talk, just like in this example.

[(something something) apaan?] is used when you don't know the meaning of a word. In this context, Yadi doesn't know the meaning of the word [bispak], so he asks Ojak using this kind of question form.

[Bisa parkour], in this context, is just something that Ojak made up to answer Yadi's question, "What is bispak?' Because it has the same crushing words as BISa diPAKe and BISa PArKour.

[Wah, gimana tuh?] is a question that asks what something is and what needs to be explained further, and in this context, Ojak is just showing something related to parkour to make Yadi understand.

     Read also: Apa-apaan Ini Meaning In Bahasa

So, I guess this wraps up today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
