Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

Kabur Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [kabur] in Indonesian. As always, we will watch examples, mostly from movies, where the word [kabur] is spoken.

Kabur Meaning In Indonesian

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So, without further ado, let's dive in!

Meaning of Kabur In Bahasa Indonesia

[Kabur] can mean that you are escaping from someplace, someone, or something. For example, escaping from prison. Example sentences for this would be:
  1. Dia berhasil kabur dari penjara kemarin. (He succeeded in escaping from prison yesterday.)
  2. Loe itu tiap kali ketemu dia pasti kabur deh. (You always try to avoid her when you unexpectedly meet her.) [Kabur] in this sentence means that the person is trying to avoid or not make contact with her.
  3. Percuma aja loe kabur dari kenyataan kaya gitu, mendingan loe hadapin aja. (It's better for you to face it and not try to escape from reality). [Kabur] here means to escape from something.
[Kabur] can also mean something that is blurred or not clear. Example sentences for this would be:
  1. A: Penjelasan gue bisa dimengerti ngga sama loe? (Can my explanation be understood by you?)
    B: Masih agak kabur sih. (Nope, it's still kind of blurry to me.) It means that he still doesn't understand.
  2. A: Keliatan ngga tulisannya? (Can you see this writing?)
    B: Kabur. (Not very clear.)
So, you need to first see the context to know which one is the meaning of the word [kabur]. I hope you can understand it clearly through the examples from the movies I included in this article.

How to Pronounce Kabur

This is how you pronounce the word [kabur] in Indonesian.

Next, let's watch examples from movies where the word [kabur] is used by Indonesians.

Examples of Kabur In Use

The first scene we are about to watch is taken from Surga Belok Kanan, Episode 1 (2023). Let's watch the scene below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Prison Officer: Tahanan kabur! (Inmates escape!)

Prison Warden: Huh! Napi jaman sekarang kok bodoh-bodoh ya? (Well, inmates nowadays are stupid, aren't they?)

Prison Officer: Pak? (Sir?)

Prison Warden: Hmm? Sebentar. (Yeah? Just a sec.)

Prison Officer: Trio GAS, pak. (Trio GAS, sir.)

Prison Warden: Kenapa Trio GAS? Oh! Gagah Abud sama Sakti? Kenapa lagi mereka? Ha? Nyolok-nyolok? Coret-coret? Saya heran mereka dapat pulpen dari mana ya? (What's wrong with Trio GAS? Oh! Gagah Abud and Sakti? What's wrong with them again, ha? Poking? Doing doodles on the walls? I wonder how they got the pen?)

Prison Officer: Trio GAS kabur, pak. (TRIO GAS ran away, sir.)

Prison Warden: Oh. Kabur ke mana? Kamar mandi? (Oh. Ran away to where? Bathroom?)

Prison Officer: Kabur dari penjara, pak. (Ran away from the prison, sir.)

Prison Warden: Kabur dari penjara. Kabur dari penjara?? Kok bisa? Bukannya kalian jagain? Ya udah. Cari mereka sekarang! (Ran away from the prison. What?? How come? Aren't you the one who is supposed to watch them? Okay then. Find them now.)

Prison Officer 1: Iya, pak. (Yes, sir.)

Prison Officer 1: Iya, pak. (Yes, sir.)

Prison Warden: Sekarang!! (Now!!)

Prison Officer 1: Iya, pak. (Yes, sir.)

Prison Officer 2: Siap, pak. (Yes, sir.)

This scene takes place in a prison, and some prisoners manage to escape. And then, two prison officers reported this to their superiors about it. So, in this scene, [kabur] means to escape from prison. But, as you can see, the prison warden says, "Kabur ke mana? Kamar mandi." At the moment, he doesn't realize that Trio GAS is escaping from the prison, so you can use [kabur] if you avoid or run from something or someone.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Tahanan] = inmates, prisoners.

[Napi] is short for [narapidana]. It means inmates. [Narapidana] or [napi] is synonym for [tahanan].

[Jaman] = era, age.

[Sekarang] = now.

[Kok] = [mengapa] = [kenapa] = why. [Kok] is usually used when asking about something. [Kok] in the sentence [napi sekarang kok bodoh-bodoh ya?] can be substituted with [kenapa] or [mengapa]. [Napi sekarang kok bodoh-bodoh ya?] = [Napi sekarang mengapa bodoh-bodoh ya?] = [Napi sekarang kenapa bodoh-bodoh ya?].

Like in the phrase [kok bisa?], you can change it into [mengapa bisa?] or [kenapa bisa] = how come?

[Bodoh] = stupid.

[Pak] = sir. For more about how to use [pak], you can read my article, Pak Meaning In Indonesian.

[Sebentar] is a request for someone to wait a short amount of time. [Sebentar] = just a moment, just a sec.

GAS in this scene is short for the names of the inmates, that is, Gagah, Abud, and Sakti.

[Nyolok] is informal for [mencolok] = to poke.

[Saya heran] = I wonder.

[Bukannya kalian jagain?] is the colloquial way of saying [bukannya kalian yang menjaga?] = aren't you the one who supposed to watch them?

[Ya udah] is usually used when you want to end the conversation. For more about this, you can read my article, Ya Udah Meaning In Indonesian.

     Read also: Sekate-kate Meaning In Bahasa

So, this wraps up today's article. If you have any questions, just leave them in the comment section, and I'll be happy to answer them. If I find another example scene where the word [kabur] is used, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.

Thank you for reading my article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
