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Iman Prabawa
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Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi ama aye, Iman Prabawa. In this article, we are going to be talking about the meaning of the word [bakal] in Indonesian. As always, we will watch examples from movies and others where the word [bakal] is used by Indonesians.
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So, without further ado, let's get started!
Bakal In Indonesian
[Bakal] in the Indonesian language, depending on the context, can have many meanings.
The first meaning of [bakal] is something that is going to happen or be the case in the future.
Example sentences:
1. Bakal Calon Presiden Anies Baswedan bicara gagasan. (Prospective Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan talks about ideas.)
2. Bakal suaminya adalah seorang dokter. (Her future husband is a doctor).
The second meaning of [bakal] is that it is for something. It has the same meaning as [for] in English.
Example sentences:
1. Uang ini bakal apa? (What is this money for?)
2. Kayu ini bakal kayu bakar. (This wood is for firewood.)
The third meaning of [bakal] is expressing the future tense or inevitable events. It has the same meaning as [will] in English.
Example sentences:
1. Cara loe ini sih ngga bakalan bisa! (Your way of doing it isn't going to work!) (*bakalan is usually used in conversational Indonesian.)
2. Dia bakal pergi juga ke sana kalau menurut gue sih. (She will finally be going there, in my opinion.)
How to Pronounce Bakal
Here is how you pronounce [bakal] in Bahasa Indonesia.
Moving on, we will look at examples where the word [bakal] is used.
Example of Bakal In Use
The first example is taken from Najwa Shihab's YouTube Channel. Let's watch the clip below.
Najwa Shihab: Dialog kita ini nanti akan dibagi dalam tiga bagian. Bagian pertama, kita akan mendengarkan tiap bakal calon presiden spill gagasan mereka. Durasinya 10 menit. Ee, setelah itu di sesi kedua saya akan berdialog dengan bacapres. Dan nanti saya juga akan memberikan kesempatan kepada teman-teman yang hadir di Grha Sabha untuk membantu saya menentukan topik apa yang akan dibahas. (We are going to divide our dialogue into three sections. In the first section, we are going to be listening to each of the presidential candidates to talk about their ideas. The duration is 10 minutes. After that, in the second section, I will have a dialogue with the presidential candidates. And then I will give you guys who come to this Grha Sabha a chance to help me choose topics that we are going to be discussing.)
In this clip, Najwa says [bakal calon presiden], which means someone who will be the candidate for president. So, [bakal] in this clip refers to the first meaning that I explained above.
Vocabulary From the Scene
[Nanti] = later.
[Bacapres] is short for BAkal CAlon PRESiden = prospective presidential candidate.
[Dibagi] = divided.
[Bagian] = section.
[Pertama] = first.
[Mendengarkan] = to listen. The root word for this word [mendengarkan] is [dengar], and then added affix [me+kan].
[Membantu] = to help. The root word for [membantu] is [bantu] with the added prefix [me].
Below is the conversation from the scene above with English translations.
[Tiap] is short for [setiap] = every.
[Gagasan] = idea.
[Kedua] = second.
[Memberikan] = to give. The root word for [memberikan] is [beri] with added affix [me+kan].
[Teman-teman] = friends.
Grha Sabha is the name of the place where the event is held.
[Menentukan] = to determine, to decide. The root word for [menentukan] is [tentu] with added affix [me+kan].
[Akan] = [bakal] = will.
[Dibahas] = discussed.
The second example is taken from a TV Serial called Calon Bini, Episode 1 (2011). Let's watch the clip below.
Akbar: Nyak. Maapin Akbar ya Nyak, ya. Gara-gara bakal biayain kuliah ama sekolah Akbar kita jadi pindah-pindah kontrakan mulu gara-gara kaga mampu bayar. (Mom. Please forgive me. Because of me, to pay for my school and tuition fees, we always move houses that we rent because we can't afford to pay.)
Ibunya Akbar: Bar! Loe kaga usah pikirin macem-macem, ye? Enyak ikhlas! Pan kita pindah ke mari gara-gara ni kontrakan deket ama tempat kerja loe. Ye, pan? (Bar! Don't think too much, okay? It's okay with me. We moved here because this rental house is near to your workplace. Right?)
Akbar: Iye. (Yeah.)
In this scene, [bakal] refers to the second meaning that I explained above. It has the same meaning as [untuk] or [for] in English.
Vocabulary From the Scene
[Ibunya Akbar] = Akbar's mother.
[Nyak] is short for [enyak] = mother.
[Maapin] = [maafin] is informal for [maafkan] and used when you ask for forgiveness from someone.
[Gara-gara] = because of.
[Biayain] is the conversational way of saying [membiayai] = to finance, to pay for something.
[Kuliah] = college.
[Pindah-pindah] = keep on moving from one place to another.
[Kontrakan] = rental house.
[Mulu] is short for [melulu].
[Kaga] = no. For more about this, you can read my article here, Kaga In Indonesian.
[Mampu] = be able.
[Kaga usah] = [tidak usah] = no need.
[Pikirin] is the conversation way of saying [memikirkan] = to think about something. You can also say [mikirin] instead of [pikirin].
[Macem-macem] is informal for [macam-macam] = many things, miscellaneous.
[Ye] = [ya] = right?
[Pan] = [kan] is used to emphasize something. For more about this, you can read my article here, Kan In Indonesian.
[Ni] is short for [ini] = this. For more about this, you can read my article here, Ni In Indonesian.
[Iye] = [iya] = yes.
Read also: Terserah Lu Dah In Indonesian
So, this is all for now. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Buh-bye.
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Hello, I'm Iman Prabawa a.k.a Pak Guru Iman. I love to share about languages. My Instagram, @pakguruiman
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