Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Bodo Amat Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, we are going to talk about the meaning of the phrase [bodo amat]. As always, we will also watch a scene from an Indonesian movie where this phrase is spoken.

Bodo Amat Meaning In Indonesian

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So, without further ado, let's jump right in.

Bodo Amat In Indonesian

[Bodo] is informal for [bodoh], which means [stupid]. [Amat] means [very]. So, bodo amat in literal meaning means [very stupid].

But, there is another meaning of [bodo amat], which is very different than the literal meaning of [bodo amat]. 

When you say bodo amat, it means that, you don't care what others think about you.
I found an Instagram post where this [bodo amat] is used. Let's see the picture below.

The headline says this,

Pentingnya bersikap bodo amat. (The importance of stopping caring what others think.)

There are also sentences using [bodo amat] and [bodo amatan] on the headline's side. [Bodo amat] and [bodo amatan] mean the same thing. Let me translate those sentences.

Bodo amatan itu diperluin sesekali. Karena gak semua hal itu harus lo pikirin, harus lo pusingin, harus lo urusin. Gimana? Apakah lo termasuk orang yang bodo amatan? (Sometimes we need to not care about other people. Because not everything you need to think about, to care about, or to take care of. How about you? Are you one of those people who don't give a fuck of things?)

Next, let's hear how to pronounce this phrase.

How to Pronounce Bodo Amat

Here is how you pronounce [bodo amat] in bahasa Indonesia.

And this is how you pronounce [bodo amatan].

Next, I will give you example sentences using this phrase.

Example Sentences Using Bodo Amat

Here are examples of the sentence using [bodo amat]. 

Example Sentences

English Translation

1. Loe bodo amat sih jadi orang? Soal matematika kaya gini aja loe ngga bisa!

1. Oh, my God, you’re so stupid! You can’t even solve this simple math problem!

2. Bodo amat! Emang gue pikirin! Terserah deh loe mau ngomong apaan.

2. Whatever you say! I don’t care! You can say whatever you want.

3. Jangan jadi orang yang bodo amatan sama lingkungan sekitar loe dong.

3. Don't be a nonchalant person who doesn't care about your surroundings.

From the example sentence number 1, [bodo amat] is used in its literal meaning. In the example sentence, number 2, which is an answer from the example sentence number 1, [bodo amat] here means [whatever].

Next, we're going to watch a clip from a movie where this phrase [bodo amat] is spoken.

Examples of Bodo Amat In Use

In this section, I will gather examples that I found from movies, YouTube videos, comics, and whatnot where the phrase [bodo amat] is spoken

The first example is taken from a web series from Umay Shahab's youtube channel. Let's watch the scene down below.

The conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Rendra: Si Jiwo, mana sih ini semua? (Where is Jiwo, and all those guys?)

Vira: Eh, Panjul! Kenapa lu? (Hey, Panjul! What's wrong?)

Rendra: Ah, lu abis darimana sih pada? (Where have you been, you guys?)

Alina: Eh, si knalpot racing muncul. (Here comes miss chatterbox.)

Rendra: Ini ban belakang gue kempes. (I've got a flat tire.)

Vira: Ya elah! Eh, ini motor bagus. Kalah nih ama motor butut. Jalan normal terus. (Oh, please! Your bike is new and shiny but loses to this old bike. This bike doesn't have any problems at all. )

Rendra: Bodo amat ah! (Yeah, whatever you say!)

Vira: Hihi.

Alina: Ih!

In this scene, Vira called him Panjul. This is common in Indonesia. Vira here was calling names to Rendra. She just picked random names that are usually not good to call her friend, Rendra.

Alina also called names to Vira. She called her [si knalpot racing], which literally means [motorcycle racing exhaust], which, in this context, the meaning of [si knalpot racing] is [miss chatterbox]. Motorcycle racing exhaust is really noisy, right? That's why Alina called Vira that name because she talks all the time about trivial matters.

Vira was kind of mocking Rendra and saying that although her boyfriend's motorbike was old compared to Rendra's motorbike, her boyfriend's motorbike didn't have any problems at all. And then Rendra said this,

Bodo amat ah!

This context means Rendra didn't give a damn care about Vira's words for him. 

The second example is taken from an Indonesian FTV Serial, Cinta Dalam Dompet. Let's watch the scene down below.

The conversation in the scene with English translation is as follows.

Reno: Dina, tunggu ya. Jelasin dulu ya. Ya? (Dina, wait a second. I will explain it to you.)

Dina: Udah cukup. Gue ngga mau denger apa-apa lagi. Mulai sekarang kita putus. (That's enough. I don't wanna hear anything. From now on, we break up.)

Reno: Dih, kok putus? Pacaran aja belum. Dina! Lihat! Gara-gara loe kan gebetan gue kabur. (What? Break up? We are not in a relationship yet. Dina! See! Because of you, my crush is running away.)

Kinan: Bodo amat! Kok loe nyalahin gue? Yeee! Bye! (I don't care! Why are you blaming me? Oh, please! Bye!)

In the scene, Reno's crush saw him with another girl, and then she got jealous, and she said she wanted to break up with him, but they were not yet in a relationship. And then, when she was running away, Reno blamed Kinan for that.

Here, Kinan said this:

Bodo amat! (I don't care!)

Kinan said this because she really didn't care about what just happened. Let's learn vocabulary from the scene above.

Vocabulary from the scene

[Jelasin dulu ya], this phrase actually is not complete. This sentence has no subject in it. The complete sentence is [aku jelasin dulu ya]. [Jelasin] is informal for [jelaskan], which means [to explain]. This is common in daily conversation in Indonesia.

[Udah] is short for [sudah]. It means [already]. [Udah cukup] means [that's enough].

[Denger] is informal for [dengar], which means [to listen].

[Pacaran] is when there is a relationship between a man and a woman. In Indonesia, we call this [pacaran].

[Gebetan] is someone that you have a crush on.

[Kabur] means [running away].

[Nyalahin] is informal for [menyalahkan], which means [to blame].

The third example is taken from a TV Program called FTV: Bidadari From Angkot. Let's watch the scene below.

The conversation from the scene with English translations is as follows.

Rafael: Woi! Gimana sih loe bawa mobilnya?! Loe kalo bawa mobil, hati-hati dong! Ngga bisa rem sembarangan begitu. Kebiasaan banget ni supir angkot. (Hey! Watch your driving! You need to be careful when driving! You can't just hit the brake like that! This thing is common for public transportation drivers.)

Aisyah: Iya, iya, mas. Sorry. Gue minta maaf. (I'm so sorry, sir. I've messed up. Please, forgive me.)

Aldo: Cuy, cuy. Cewe, cuy! Cakep lagi! Jangan terlalu kenceng ah. (Bro, bro. It's a woman, bro! And she's pretty! Don't be too hard on her.)

Rafael: Bodo amat! Emang ini udah kebiasaan supir angkot. Tahu ngga? Rem mendadak, rem mendadak, kan begini jadinya. (I don't fucking care! You know what? This is the habit of public transportation drivers. Suddenly hit the brake, and this is the result.)

Aldo: Pelan-pelan. Kenapa mba ngerem mendadak? Jangan ngerem mendadak, dong. Jadi ditabrak deh, tuh. (Calm down. Why are you suddenly hit the brake? Please, don't suddenly hit the brake. As a result, your car got hit by us.)

Aisyah: Iya, iya, gue minta maaf. (I'm so sorry.)

In this scene, Aldo reminds his friend that the person whose car hit them is a woman, so he asks his friend not to be too hard on her. And then Rafael said,
Bodo amat!
In this context, it means that he doesn't want to care about it. Now, let's learn the vocabulary from the scene.

Vocabulary from the scene

[Cuy] is a slang term. [Cuy] = bro.

[Kenceng] is informal for [kencang] = fast. [Jangan terlalu kenceng ah], if translated, literally means [don't go too fast], but in this context, it means [don't be too hard on her]. For example, 1. Bawa mobilnya jangan kencang-kencang dong. (Please don't drive too fast.) So, context is important. Different contexts can have different meanings.

[Pelan-pelan] means [slowly], but in this context, it means [calm down]. Aldo was trying to calm his friend down. That's why he said this phrase [pelan-pelan]. Example sentence for [pelan-pelan] that has a meaning [slowly]: 1. Bacainnya tolong pelan-pelan aja. (Please read it slowly).

[Banget] = very.

[Cewe] is informal for [wanita]. It means a woman.

[Hati-hati] = be careful.

[Sembarangan] = carelessly.

[Angkot] is short for [ANGkutan KOTa] = public transportation.

[Cakep] = pretty. For more about this, you can read my article here: Cakep In Indonesian.

[Emang] is informal for [memang] = indeed. You will hear it a lot in daily conversation.

[Gue] is informal for [saya] = I. For more about this, you can read my article titled Gue Meaning In the Indonesian Language.

[Loe] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article titled Loe Meaning In the Indonesian Language.

The fourth example is taken from a talk show from Tonight Show Net's YouTube video. Let's watch the scene down below.

The conversation from the clip above with English translations is as follows.

Dikta: Tapi kalo kucing tu kaya teman kosan, kan? Jadi, kalo kita tinggalin, dia bodo amat gitu kan? (Cats are like our roommate, right? If we left them, they wouldn't really care.)

Desta: Tapi kan suka berak sembarangan. (But, they like to pup anywhere they like.) 

Dikta: Ngga, dong. Kucing itu binatang yang kalo mo pup, dia nyari pasir. (Nope. Cats are animals when they want to pup, they will search for sand.)

Vincent: Oo. (I see.)

In this clip, Dikta explains the nature of cats, like, they really don't care if we left them. So, [bodo amat] here means [don't care].

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Kalo] is the colloquial way of saying [kalau] = if.

[Tu] is short for [itu]. In conversational Indonesian, you will hear Indonesian people drop letters, syllables, and words when they speak. For more about this, you can read my article here: Itu, Tu, and Tuh In Indonesian.

[Teman] = friend.

[Kosan] or [kostan] is a rented room. Usually, you can rent for a one-month minimum.

[Tinggalin] is the colloquial way of saying [tinggalkan] = to left (someone or something behind).

[Gitu kan?] is used when you want to emphasize what you just said or when you have doubts and ask for justification from others.

[Berak] is informal word for [buang air besar] = defecate.

[Sembarangan] = at random

[Mo] is the colloquial way of saying [may] = want.

[Nyari] is the colloquial way of saying [mencari] = to search for.

     Read also: Ogah In Indonesian

So, I guess this will wrap up this article, and if I find another example where the phrase [bodo amat] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.

Thank you, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
