Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Enak Aja Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, apa kabar? This time, I will discuss the meaning of the phrase [enak aja] in the Indonesian language. As usual, we will also watch scenes I took from Indonesian movies where this phrase is spoken to better understand this phrase's meaning.

Enak Aja Meaning In Indonesian Language

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So, without further ado, let's dive right in!

The Meaning of Enak Aja

Let's first translate it word for word before I give you a few meanings of this phrase [enak aja]. If translated word for word, [enak] means [delicious], and [aja] is short for [saja], which means [just] or [only].

So, if translated word for word, [enak aja] would be translated as [just delicious], which doesn't make any sense. It's not the meaning of this phrase.

The first meaning of [enak aja] is when you tell someone that they will not get what they want. 

Example sentence:

A: Eh, itu hape kan ngga loe pake. Buat gue aja ya? (Hey, you don't use that cellphone, do you? Why don't you just give it to me?)

B: Enak aja! Ini hape tuh suka dipake sama ade gue tahu. (You wish! Sometimes my little sister uses this cellphone.)

Let's hear the audio version down below.

The second meaning of [enak aja] is when you feel offended by what people have said to you because what they said is not true.

Example sentence:

A: Loe jam segini baru datang. Loe pasti belum ngerjain PR kan? (You just came here at this hour. I bet you haven't done your homework, right?)

B: Enak aja! PRnya udah beres dari kemarin kali gue kerjain. (What the hell, man! I finished my homework yesterday.)

PR stands for Pekerjaan Rumah, which means homework. Now, let's hear the audio version of the example sentence above down below.

In this sentence, A was guessing that B hadn't done his homework, and the truth was he had done it yesterday. So, B uses [enak aja] to say that B was wrong.

The third meaning of [enak aja] is when someone harms your belongings or uses something without your permission.

An example sentence for this would be. This is the situation: Your friend uses your phone when you are away, and then you find out what he did. And then you say this to him. 
Enak aja loe pake-pake telpon gue! Permisi dulu lah kalo mau minjem. (Hey, if you want to use my phone, you have to ask my permission first.)
And here is how you pronounce it.

So, you need to look at the context to know which is which.

How to Pronounce Enak Aja

Here is how you pronounce [enak aja] in Indonesian.

Next, let's watch scenes from Indonesian movies where this phrase is spoken because from movies you can see the context better.

Examples of Enak Aja In Use

In this section, I will gather examples from movies, videos, comics, and whatnot where the phrase [enak aja] is spoken.

The first clip is taken from a movie called Pacar Kontrakan (2010). Let's watch the scene down below.

The conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.

Caty: Kok loe bau banget sih? Loe ngga mandi ya? (Hey, why do you smell so bad? You haven’t taken a shower, have you?)

Aladin: Enak aja loe! Sebelum gue shalat Dhuha, gue udah mandi! (What the hell? Before I did my Duha prayer, I have taken a bath!)

In this scene, Caty says something that offended Aladin, and then Aladin replies with this phrase [enak aja] because he got offended by what Caty has said, and what Caty has said is not true.

So, the meaning of the phrase [enak aja] in this scene refers to the second meaning I explained above: when you feel offended by what people have said to you, which is, in fact, what they say is not true.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Loe] means you. It's an informal word. For more about this, you can read this article, Loe in the Indonesian Language.

[Bau] = smelly.

[Banget] = [sekali] = very. We usually use [banget] in conversational Indonesian instead of [sekali]. 

[Kok] = why.

[Udah] is the colloquial way of saying [sudah] = already. In daily conversation, you will hear Indonesian people say [udah] instead of [sudah].

The second clip is taken from a movie called 3 Hari Untuk Selamanya (2007). Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation from the scene with English translations is as follows.

Yusuf: Eh, kuliah gimana loe? Daftar di mana? Nganggur lagi, nih? (Hey, how about your college? Where did you apply? Or are you postponing again?)

Ambar: Belum kepikiran. Lagian pendidikan di sini juga jauh di bawah standar. Ngapain sih berlomba jadi yang gagal? (Haven't thought about it yet. After all, the education here is also far below standard. Why would you want to compete to be a failure?)

Yusuf: Daripada ngabis-ngabisin duit bokap loe? (It's better than wasting your father's money, right?)

Ambar: Weits! Enak aja loe. Dia tu ya lagi investasi buat perkembangan EQ gue, Suf. (Hey! I don't think so. He's investing for my EQ development, Suf.

Yusuf: Investasi! (What? Investing?)

Ambar: Wah, yoi! (Yeah, man.)

In this scene, Ambar disagrees with Yusuf. That's why she said, "Enak aja loe!"

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Kuliah gimana loe?] = [Kuliah loe gimana?] = [How about your college]. <--- In this sentence, Yusuf asked Ambar about her planning for college. Both sentences mean the same. You don't have to be confused; sometimes, in Indonesian, you can switch the word order, and the meaning is still the same.

[Nganggur] is the colloquial way of saying [mengganggur]. Mengganggur means don't have a job, or in this context, she won't continue studying in college after graduating high school.

When you say [belum kepikiran] when someone asks you about something, it means that you haven't thought about it yet. [Belum kepikiran] is usually used in conversation. More formal than [belum kepikiran] is [belum terpikirkan], and if I turn this into a more formal and complete sentence, it would be [saya belum memikirkannya]. The meaning between the three is still the same.

[Ngapain sih berlomba jadi yang gagal?] is informal, and if I change it into a more formal, than the sentence would be [Mengapa berlomba menjadi yang gagal?] = Why would you want to compete for failure?

[Ngabisin] is the colloquial way of saying [menghabiskan] = to spend.

[Bokap] means father. It is an informal word. For more about this, you can read this article, Bokap in the Indonesian Language.

[Tu] is short for [itu] = that. It's common in conversational Indonesia to drop letters like in this example.

[Yoi] means yes. It is an informal word. For more about this, you can read this article, Yoi in the Indonesian Language.

The third clip is taken from a TV series called Suami-suami Masa Kini, Season 1, Episode 1 (2022). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene above with English translations.

Raka: Sayang, ni.. (Honey, this..)

Tania: Halo. Raka? (Hello. Raka?)

Raka: Sayang. (Honey.)

Woman From the Ad: Aah, gede banget. Ih, mau dong! (Wow! It's so big. I want that!)

Tania: Oh, my God! Raka, itu suara perempuan siapa? Kamu lagi ada di mana? Kamu lagi ama siapa? (Oh, my God! Raka, whose voice is that? Where are you now? Who are you with?)

Raka: Bukan, sayang. I.. itu.. su.. suara.. Halo? Halo? (No, honey. It's the voice.. Hello? Hello?)  

Tania: Halo. Raka? Damn! (Hello. Raka? Damn!)

Tobi: Kasih tahu langsung. (Go tell her.)  

Raka: Mati handphonenya mati! (The phone is dead!)

Yuda: Heh, heh, heh, heh, heh! Enak aja loe pukul-pukul handphone gue! (Hey, hey, hey! Don't hit my phone!)

Raka: Ni gara-gara loe nih! Rumah tangga gue bisa ancur nih! (This, because of you! My love life could be ruined!)

Yuda: Heh, heh, heh, heh, udah, udah, udah, udah. Gila ya! (Hey, hey, hey, stop it! Get it together, man!)

In this scene, the four of them get trapped in an elevator, and then Raka tries to call his wife for help. All of a sudden, the phone is dead, and then Raka points out to the phone that the phone is dead by hitting it. Raka usually stutters when he is nervous, as shown in this clip.

Yuda then, who owns the phone, says this to Raka.
Enak aja loe pukul-pukul handphone gue! (Don't hit my phone!)
It means he doesn't like Raka hitting his phone and doesn't allow it.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Sayang] is a name you call someone you love or like very much.

[Gede] = big.

[Banget] has the same meaning as [sekali] = very. The difference is that [banget] is used in daily conversations, whereas [sekali] is used in a more formal setting.

[Gede banget] = [besar sekali] = very big.

[Mau dong!] is used when you want something badly.

[Suara] = voice.

[Perempuan] = woman.

[Kamu lagi ada di mana?] is used if you want to know where someone is = where are you?

[Rumah tangga] =household, but in this context, Raka is talking about his love life with Tania could be ruined because of the voice from the ad. Tania might think that Raka is having an affair with a woman.

[Ancur] is a common reduction for [hancur] = to be destroyed, ruined.

[Udah], in this context, is used to stop Raka from doing something terrible. [Udah] can also mean already. [Udah] is a common reduction for [sudah] = already.

[Gara-gara loe nih] is a statement used to put the blame on someone = this is because of you.

     Read also: Woi Meaning In Bahasa

I think that's all for now. If I find another scene in another movie where the phrase [enak aja] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again to see more examples from movies. Thank you and bye-bye.
