Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Ngejogrok in the Indonesian Language

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [ngejogrok] in the Indonesian language. Actually, this word is derived from the Betawi language or the language used by people who live in Jakarta.

Ngejogrok in the Indonesian Language

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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.

Meaning of Ngejogrok in the Indonesian Language

[Ngejogrok] is derived from the Betawi language. [Ngejogrok] means to stay still in one place for a period of time. So, it's actually not an Indonesian language, but now it becomes vocabulary in the Indonesian language.

In Indonesia, there are many tribes, and every tribe has its own regional language, and Betawi is one of the tribes that have its own language. They usually bring that vocabulary, somehow when they speak in the Indonesian language, so you'll hear many vocabularies in Bahasa Indonesia, taken from many regional languages in Indonesia.

Let's see some example sentences where the word [ngejogrok] is used to understand this word better. Let's see this screenshot.

Ngejogrok Example Sentence 01

The first example sentence from the screenshot is,
Flat spot mengintai ban mobil jika kelamaan ngejogrok, begini pencegahannya. (Your car's tires will get a flat spot if your car stays for a long time in your garage. Here's how to deal with it.)
So here, this sentence is talking about what will happen to your car's tire if your car just stays in your garage. For example, you don't use your car for a long time, so your car will just stay in your garage and never moving anywhere.

The condition in which your car just stays still in one place for a period of time is what is called [ngejogrok].

Let's see another example sentence from another screenshot.

Example Sentence Ngejogrok 02

Let's see the example from the screenshot above.
Mobil tua bangka atau biasa disebut Motuba memang sudah biasa ngejogrok atau banyak diamnya di garasi rumah, dipakainya hanya sesekali dalam seminggu. (Old car, commonly called Motuba, is used to stay for a long time in a garage. It is only used once a week.)
Actually, in this sentence, who wrote the sentence, already gave an explanation about the meaning of the word [ngejogrok] in this sentence. You can see in this part [sudah biasa ngejogrok atau banyak diamnya]. He provides a description about the meaning of the word [ngejogrok] there, [sudah biasa ngejogrok = banyak diamnya].

Next, let's hear how to pronounce the word [ngejogrok].

How to Pronounce Ngejogrok

Let's hear how to pronounce [ngejogrok] in the video below.

Next, let's watch scenes from movies where the word [ngejogrok] is spoken to better understand the meaning.

Ngejogrok In Movie Scenes

The first scene is taken from a movie called Susah Sinyal. Let's watch the scene down below.

Conversation from the scene with English translation is as follows.

Ngatno: Hei! Nyi Blorong! Woi! Masya Allah. (Hey! You mistress of evil! Hey! Oh my God!)

Saodah: Ooo, ada elu! Maap! (I’m sorry! I didn’t know you are there.)

Ngatno: Maap, maap! Aku tu lagi fokus benerin radio. Kalo jadi tivi, gimana? (Sorry, sorry! Right now, I’m fixing the radio. What if this turns out into a TV?)

Saodah: Lagian lu ngapain sih ngejogrok di situ? (But, why are you fixing it right over there?)

Ngatno: Berisik! Cabe-cabean! (You are so noisy! Bitch!)

Saodah: Yang namanya blender tu emang berisik! Aah! (A thing named blender machine is always noisy! Aah!)

In this scene, Saodah is turning on the blender machine, but she didn't know that Ngatno was right close to her, and Ngatno was annoyed by the sound of the blender machine.

And then Saodah said this,
Lagian lu ngapain sih ngejogrok di situ?
What she meant by saying [ngejogrok] is, as you can see, Ngatno was sitting still fixing the radio. Or, if I use other words, then the sentence would become like this.
Lagian kamu mengapa ada di situ? (Why are you there?)
Here, I made the sentence into a more formal sentence.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Nyi Blorong] is an Indonesian mystical legend in the form of a beautiful woman, with a human body from the waist up and in the form of a snake from the waist down.

Nyi Blorong

[Masya Allah] is usually spoken when you are amazed by something. In this scene, Ngatno said, "Masya Allah," to show his surprise because of her not knowing that he was doing something important. In this context, it means like saying, "Oh, my God!"

[Elu] is informal for [Anda] = you. Saodah comes from Betawi's tribe, while Ngatno comes from Java's tribe. So, Saodah is using gua elu while Ngatno is using aku kamu when speaking. For more about this, you can read my article, Elu in the Indonesian Language.

[Maap] is informal for [maaf] = sorry. Depending on where a person is come from, they will pronounce it more like how they pronounce their regional language. Saodah is a Betawi people, so it's common to hear Betawi people say [maap] instead of [maaf].

[Tu] is short for [itu] = that. It's common for Indonesian people to drop letters, words, or syllables when they speak.

[Benerin] is the colloquial way of saying [memperbaiki] = to fix something.

[Kalo] is the colloquial way of saying [kalau] = if. But if you say [kalau] fast enough, you will hear it morph into [kalo].

[Ngapain] is the colloquial way of saying [mengapa] = why.

[Berisik] literally means noisy but usually is used to make someone shut their mouth. For more about this, you can read my article here, Berisik in the Indonesian Language.

[Cabe-cabean] is a term used to call female teenagers who have done some kind of like prostitution.

I guess this is all for now. If you have any questions regarding this topic, just leave them in the comment section down below, and I'll be happy to answer them. And if I find another scene where the word [ngejogrok] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.

Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
