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Iman Prabawa
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Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk about the meaning of the word [anjing] in the Indonesian language. As usual, we will watch scenes from movies where this word is spoken.
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So, let's dive right in!
Anjing In the Indonesian Language
You have to be careful when using the word because it is one of the strong curse words in the Indonesian language. I will try to explain the meaning of this word as best I can so you don't misuse it.
[Anjing] literally means dogs. In literal meaning, [anjing] is not a curse word. It's just the name of an animal.
If you type in the word [anjing] on Google, you will see these pictures.
[Anjing], when used as a curse word, has the same meaning as [fuck] in English. It's a strong curse word, right?
I don't know why we use the name of animals as a curse word. Many curse words in the Indonesian language are the names of animals. For example, anjing(dog), babi(pig), kampret(bat), monyet(monkey), bangsat(bed bugs), bangsat(squirrels) are examples of the name of animals that are used as curse words.
You can differentiate [anjing] as a literal meaning and [anjing] as a curse word by looking at the context.
For example, let's see the picture below.
All these sentences use [anjing] in literal meaning, not as a curse word. So, all you need to do is see the context to know whether the word [anjing] is used as a curse word or its literal meaning.
Let's see the first sentence,
Aksi penyelamatan 9 anjing yang ditinggal pemiliknya. (The rescue of 9 dogs that were abandoned by their owners.)
The second sentence,
Mengenal sifat dan karakter anjing. (Get to know the nature and character of the dog.)
The third sentence,
1300 anjing liar sudah dia selamatkan. (1300 stray dogs have been rescued by him.)
The fourth sentence,
Begini cara merawat anjing pug. (Here's how to care for a pug.)
As you can see, the above sentences use [anjing] as a literal meaning. [Anjing] used as a curse word, for example:
Ini orang anjing banget deh! Ngeselin banget kelakuannya! (Fuck this man! His behavior is so annoying!)
Moving on, let's hear how to pronounce the word [anjing].
How to Pronounce Anjing
Here is how you pronounce [anjing] in bahasa Indonesia.
Next, we will watch movie scenes where this word [anjing] is spoken to see for yourself how this word is being used in a real-life situation.
Examples of Anjing In Use
In this section, we will watch clips from movies or others where the word [anjing] is spoken to better understand when the word [anjing] is used as a curse word or when it is used in its literal meaning.
The first clip is taken from a movie called Orang Kaya Baru (2019). Let's watch the clip down below.
The conversation in the scene with English translations is as follows.
Receptionist: Malam, pak. (Evening, sir.)
Owner of the Cafe: Ya. (Yes.)
Duta: Ah, tai! (Oh, this is shit!)
Security: Mas, kenapa sih, mas? Kok ngga sopan begitu? (What's wrong, sir? Why are you being impolite?)
Duta: Ngapain gue sopan sama orang-orang yang ngejual bangsanya sendiri. Buat apa? Ha? (Why should I be polite to people that sell their own country. What for? Ha?)
Security: Maksudnya? (What do you mean?)
Duta: Elo tadi ama bule, loe hormat-hormat. Ama orang sendiri, loe injek-injek. Kan anjing! (With a bule, you were respectful. With your own countrymen, you stepped your foot on. That's fuck, man!)
Security: Saya makin ngga ngerti mas ngomong apa. (I have no idea what you are talking about, sir.)
Duta: Tu bule pake t-shirt loe kasih masuk. Lah, gue tadi engga! (That western guy, he's wearing a t-shirt, and you let him in. But, me? You didn't let me in.)
Security: Mas, asal tahu aja ya! Dia pemilik kafe sini. (Sir, just as you know. He is the owner of this cafe.)
Owner of the Cafe: Ambo orang Padang. Ambo indak orang bule. (I'm from Padang. I'm not a western guy.)
In this scene, [anjing] is used as a curse word, not its literal meaning.
Vocabulary From the Scene
[Tai] = shit. This word is a curse word. I will explain this, Insha Allah, in another article.
[Kenapa] = why.
[Ngga] = [enggak] = [ga] = [gak] = no. There are a lot of writing variations on this word. All means the same.
[Ngapain] is the colloquial form of [mengapa]. Ngapain gue = why should I.
[Elo] is the colloquial form of [kamu]. It is used a lot by Jakartans. You can read this article, Loe In the Indonesian Language, for more about this.
[Ngerti] is the colloquial form of [mengerti]. It means [to understand].
[Ngomong] is the colloquial form of [berbicara]. It means [to talk].
[Tu] is short for [itu] = that. In everyday Indonesian, a lot of Indonesian people drop letters or words. In this case, Duta drops the letter [i] in [itu]. For more about this, you can read my article here, Itu In Indonesian.
[Injek] is the colloquial form of [injak]. It means to step foot on something. [Loe injek-injek] means you don't give proper respect.
[Ama] is the colloquial form of [sama] = with.
[Orang sendiri] here means your countrymen.
[Loe kasih masuk] = [Anda biarkan masuk] = [you let him in]. Literally, it would be translated to [you give him in] because [kasih] means [to give].
[Asal tahu aja] is a phrase used when you want to let someone know about something. In English, it's like [just so you know].
[Pemilik] = owner.
[Ambo] = [saya], but [ambo] is from a local language in Indonesia. It's Padangnese.
[Bule] is a term Indonesian people used to refer to white people or Caucasians.
[Indak] = [tidak, bukan]. This word is also from the Padang language, a local language in Indonesia.
The second clip is taken from a jazz performance by Tompi, a famous jazz singer in Indonesia. He performed with Idang Rasjidi, one of the Indonesian jazz legends. Let's watch the video below.
What is being said in the video with English translations is as follows.
Idang Rasjidi: Adakah.. (Is there…)
Tompi: Inilah sebuah fenomena. Tentang aku. Di saat aku jatuh cinta. Dan saat kubernyanyi "Selalu Denganmu." Entah kenapa, orang-orang itu, yang berusaha menirukan aku, bernyanyi dengan cara yang didengarnya, "Adakah.." Padahal tak seburuk itu. Terdengar janggal di awalnya. Tapi bisa bikin kau tak tidur. Bermimpi bermalam-malam. Seolah senja malam, malam minggu. Ow. Dan kasihan, yang ngga punya pacar. Atau pernah punya pacar. (This is a phenomenon. About me. When I fall in love. And when I sing the song "Selalu Denganmu." For some reason, those people, who were trying to imitate me, were singing in a way they could hear, "Adakah...(*in a nasal tone)" Even though it wasn't that bad. Sounds awkward at first. But it can make you sleepless. It can make you dreaming for nights. As if twilight is night, Saturday night. Ow. And pity, who doesn't have a girlfriend. Or have had a girlfriend.)
Idang Rasjidi: Anjing! (You fool!)
Tompi: Termasuk duda. Ngga papa kok, om. Duda halal. Biasa duda tu saling support. Makanya tadi habis ngeledek gue, dia lari ke belakang. (Including widowers. It's okay, uncle. The widower is okay. Usually, the widowers support each other. That's why just after he made fun of me, he ran to the back.)
In this performance clip, Idang Rasjidi made fun of Tompi by trying to mimic his voice. Tompi's voice has a kind of nasal character, and Idang Rasjidi attempted to exaggerate the nasal voice when he said, "Adakah.." to make it funny. [Adakah] is part of the lyrics in Tompi's song titled "Selalu Denganmu."
Then, Tompi replied to him, and suddenly, he made up some words to respond to Idang Rasjidi and made fun of him back. And then, Idang Rasjidi replied with, "Anjing!" It means like, "Damn you, man!" But it was said in a rhythm that was flowing with the song's rhythm. That's why the audience was laughing then.
Vocabulary From the Clip
[Jatuh cinta] = falling in love.
[Menirukan] = to mimic, imitate.
[Buruk] = bad.
[Janggal] = awkward.
[Bermimpi] = dreaming.
[Tu] is short for [itu] = that. It is common in daily conversation; Indonesian people drop letters and words when they speak. For more about this, you can read my article here: Itu, Tu, and Tuh In Indonesian.
[Ngeledek] is the colloquial form of [meledek]. It means to make fun of someone.
The third clip is taken from Drum N Drum YouTube channel's video. Let's watch the clip down below.
The conversation in the clip with English translations is as follows.
Sandy: Gaes, gue mo kasih pilihan. Ini adalah lagi booming, lagi viral sekarang. Ini adalah helmnya PAS band. Dan ini adalah snare custom gue. (Guys, I wanna give him an option to choose from. This one is really popular. This is PAS Band's helmet. And this one is my custom snare drum.)
Yoiqball: He'eh. (Okay.)
Sandy: Kalo Deden disuruh milih. Loe mo milih yang ini atau yang ini? Ini boleh.. Ini baru gue kasih lho, bukan main-main. (If Deden has to choose. Which one will you choose? This one or this one? I’ll give it to you, seriously.)
Yoiqball: Oke. (Okay.)
Sandy: Pilih yang mana? (Which one will you choose?)
Deden: Dua-duanya boleh ngga? (Can I have both?)
Sandy: Ngga! Satu! Gue gampar ya! Kadang-kadang ya! Tadi ngga terima kasih sama bininya. Anjing! (No! Choose one! I'll slap your face! You can be a real shit sometimes! He didn't say thanks to his wife. You bastard!)
Yoiqball: Atau gini aja, kang? Kita kasih challenge dulu dia. (Or, how about this? We give him a challenge, first?)
Sandy: Oke. (Okay.)
In this clip, Sandy wanted to give Deden something. But he wanted Deden to choose. Sandy gave him two options to choose from, and then Deden asked whether or not he could get both.
Vocabulary From the Clip
[Gue] is the informal way of saying [saya] = I. You can read this article, Gue in the Indonesian Language, for more about this.
[Kasih] in this context means to give something.
[Pilihan] = option.
[Ini adalah..] is usually used when you want to explain something. In English, it's like, "This is..."
[He'eh] is usually used when you agree with what someone has said. In this context, it means okay.
[Pilih yang mana?] <--- You can use this question to let your friend choose between available options.
[Bukan main-main] is said when you are being serious or something really good. Example sentence: Permainan bolanya bukan main-main. (His soccer skill is outstanding.)
[Dua-duanya] = both.
[Gampar] = slap on the face.
[Kadang-kadang] = sometimes. But in this context, [kadang-kadang] is a sentence fragment. He was going to say, "Suka aneh loe ya, kadang-kadang ya!" This sentence is used when someone asks you for another option that is not given, or you say something beyond the context of what is being discussed.
[Anjing] is used as a curse word in this context, but Sandy said it with a funny tone. That's why Yoiqball and Deden laughed.
The fourth clip is taken from a serial TV, Suami-suami Masa Kini (2022), Season 1 Episode 1. Let's watch the clip below.
Raka: Eh! By the way, gue jam 11 cabut ya? Jam 12 Tania ulang tahun. (Hey! By the way, I'll be leaving at 11 because at 12 Tania will have a birthday party.)
Yuda: Eh, ini belum mulai udah ngomongin bolak balik bolak balik. Ngga ada! Ampe pagi loe. Enak aja! Yuk ah. (What? We haven't started at all, yet you've already talked about going home. Nope! You are going with us till dawn. Let's go.)
Raka: Ya, elunya aja ampe pagi juga ngga papa. Nih, loe bawa karaokenya juga ngga papa. Yang penting gue jam 11 cabut. (If you want to have fun until dawn, it's okay. You can also bring this karaoke with you. But the important thing is that I have to leave by 11.)
Tobi: Raka, Tania tu udah 65 kali ulang tahun. Loe skip sekali juga ngga papa. Dia ngga bakal tahu kok. (Raka, Tania has 65 birthdays already. It will be okay if you skip just once. She wouldn't notice it.)
Raka: 50, anjing! (It's 50, you dummy!)
In this clip, those 4 men are best friends, and they want to spend the night doing karaoke at Yuda's office, but one of them, Raka, can not stay too long because his wife will celebrate her birthday in about hours. Then, Tobi tried to make Raka stay with them all night instead of going to his wife's birthday party.
In this clip, Raka is married to a woman who is older than he is. His wife's age is 50, but Tobi exaggerated her age and said that because this is Tania's 65th birthday, it is okay if Raka skips her birthdays for once.
When Raka heard Tobi say 65 instead of 50, he then said the curse word [anjing] after saying 50. The curse word [anjing] here is not that strong because it is said between best friends.
Vocabulary From the Scene
[Eh] is usually used to attract someone's attention. You can read my article, Eh In the Indonesian Language, for more about this.
[Cabut] is a slang term that means [to leave] in this context. You can read my article, Cabut In the Indonesian Language, for more about this.
[Jam] = o'clock. The way Indonesians use the word [jam] when talking about time is actually incorrect because the correct way is to use [pukul] instead of [jam]. But this is what you will hear, and it is really spoken in the real-life situation in Indonesia. Instead of saying, "Jam 12 Tania ulang tahun," the correct way to say it is, "Pukul 12 Tania ulang tahun." Instead of saying, "Gue jam 11 cabut ya?" the correct way to say it is, "Gue pukul 11 cabut ya?" But this is what Indonesians use when they speak in their daily lives.
[Belum] = not yet.
[Mulai] = start.
[Udah] is short for [sudah] = already. Indonesian people tend to drop letters or words in daily conversation, like in this example.
[Ngomongin] is the casual way of saying [membicarakan] = talking about something. [Membicarakan] is usually used in a formal setting.
[Balik] is the slang way of saying [go home]. There is another meaning of [balik]: come back or return.
[Eh, ini belum mulai udah ngomongin bolak balik bolak balik] <--- This sentence actually is just this, "Eh, ini belum mulai udah ngomongin balik." The word [bolak] used there is just to emphasize the word [balik] with a rhythm that matches with [balik]. If I turn this sentence into a formal sentence then it would become, "Eh, ini belum mulai sudah membicarakan pulang. (We haven't started yet. You've already talked about going home."
[Ngga ada], in this context, means that Yuda won't allow Raka to go home at 11. [Ngga ada] can also have different meanings in other contexts.
[Ampe] is short for [sampe]. [Sampe] is the casual way of saying [sampai] = until.
[Ampe pagi] in literal translation is [until morning], but usually, when we say [ampe pagi], it means that from dusk until dawn.
[Enak aja] Here is an expression to tell someone that they will not get what they want. Raka wanted to go home early, but Yuda didn't allow it. You can read my article, Enak Aja In the Indonesian Language, for more details.
[Yuk ah] is an expression to suggest to depart. It's like [let's go] in English.
[Ngga papa] = [ngga apa-apa] = it's okay. [Ngga papa] is used more in casual daily conversation.
[Ulang tahun] = birthday.
Read also: Anjir In Indonesian
So, I think that's all for now. If I find another scene where this word is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again.
If you have any questions, just write them down in the comment box, and I'll be happy to answer them. Thank you, and bye-bye now.
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Hello, I'm Iman Prabawa a.k.a Pak Guru Iman. I love to share about languages. My Instagram, @pakguruiman
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