Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Tahu Diri Meaning In Bahasa

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi sama saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article,  I want to talk to you the meaning of the phrase [tahu diri] in Indonesian, and as always, we will watch examples from movies where this phrase is spoken by Indonesians.

Tahu Diri Meaning In Bahasa

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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.

Meaning of Tahu Diri In the Indonesian Language

[Tahu] means know. For this word, you need to know that there is [tahu], which is pronounced with the letter [h], which means [tofu], and [tahu], which is pronounced without the letter [h] in it, [tau] and it means to know.

Here [tahu] with the letter [h] in it, and this is how you pronounce it, which means [tofu].

And here is [tahu] without the letter [h] in, and this is how you pronounce it, which means to know.

All are written with the letter [h] in them, and if you see from the context, you will know which one is used in a sentence that you are reading.

[Diri] means oneself. So, [tahu diri], in literal meaning, means to know oneself.

[Tahu diri] in figurative meaning means someone that knows their place. They know how to behave in certain situations. 

If you add [tidak] or [ngga] to this phrase, it becomes [tidak tahu diri] or [ngga tahu diri]. [Tidak tahu diri] or [ngga tahu diri] means the opposite of [tahu diri]. Someone who is called [tidak tahu diri] or [ngga tahu diri] means that person doesn't know his place and doesn't know how to behave in certain situations.

How to Pronounce Tahu Diri

This is how you pronounce the phrase [tahu diri] in the Indonesian language.

Next, we will watch examples, mostly from movies where the phrase [tahu diri] is spoken.

Examples of Tahu Diri In Use

The first scene we are about to watch is taken from a TV Serial, Dating Queen, Episode 1 (2022). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene above with English translations.

Dina: Yang terakhir dan yang paling sering manggil aku emak-emak adalah ini nih. Adik sepupuku yang paling sok tahu. Si Susan. She's like my sister. Dia ngga pernah tahu diri. Tapi aku ngga masalah dibilang jadi emak-emak. Karena aku emang lagi siap-siap buat jadi istri untuk Adrian. Pak. Ibu. Udah selesai. Sukses. (And the last one, and the one who calls me an old lady the most, is this one. My younger cousin, who thinks she knows everything. Her name is Susan. She's like my sister. She never knows her place. But I don't mind being called an old lady. Because right now, I'm preparing to be a wife for Adrian. Sir. Ma'am. It is finished. Success.)

In this scene, the sentence is,
Dia ngga pernah tahu diri.
There is the word [ngga] before the phrase [tahu diri], so it means the opposite of [tahu diri]. [Ngga pernah tahu diri] means never knowing their place or never knowing how to behave in certain situations.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Yang terakhir] = last one.

[Yang paling sering] = the most often.

[Manggil] is a common reduction for [memanggil] = to call someone.

[Aku] is informal for [saya] = I.

[Emak-emak] means mother but has a connotation of an old lady. So, [emak-emak] are women who are married and old. For more about this, you can read my article, Emak-emak Meaning In Bahasa.

[Adik sepupu] = younger cousin.

[Sok tahu] is a person who feels like they all know. For more about this, you can read my article, Sok Tahu Meaning In Bahasa.

[Emang] is a common reduction for [memang] = indeed.

[Ngga masalah] = [ngga keberatan] = don't mind.

[Dibilang] = [dipanggil] = to be called.

[Lagi siap-siap] = preparing for something.

[Istri] = wife.

[Udah] is a common reduction for [sudah] = already.

[Pak] is an honorific title to address older men who are married. For more about this, you can read my article, Pak In the Indonesian Language.

[Ibu] is an honorific title to address older women who are married. For more about this, you can read my article, Ibu In the Indonesian Language.

     Read also: How to Say I Have a Flat Tire In Bahasa

I guess this wraps up today's article. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading this article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
