Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Pas Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [Pas] in Indonesian, and we will also watch clips from movies, YouTube videos, and whatnot where Indonesian people use this word in their everyday lives so you can see for yourselves how this word is being used.

Pas Meaning In Indonesian

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So, without further ado, let's get started!

Meaning of Pas In Bahasa Indonesia

[Pas] can have different meanings based on the context and situations. 

The first meaning of [pas] is be of the right shape and size for. It also means the exact amount of something.
1. Baju ini pas banget di gue. (This dress fits me very well).
2. Tolong bayar dengan uang pas. (Exact change, please.)

The second meaning of [pas] is the particular way in which something fits.
1. Susah banget dapet pose yang mereka berdua pas. (It's really hard to get a pose that both of them fit perfectly together.)

Example of Pas 1

The third meaning of [pas] is when you are at the right moment, coincidently fitting in with something.
A: Eh, loe udah makan belum? (Hey, have you eaten?)
B: Belum sih. (No, not yet.)
A: Nah, pas banget! Gue juga laper banget ini. Nyari makan yuk? (Perfect! I'm really hungry right now! Let's have a bite?)
B: Ayo. (Okay.)

The fourth meaning of [pas] is at or during the time that.
1. Kangen mereka berdua banget pas nonton ini. (Really miss them when I'm watching this.)

Example of Pas 2

Next, I will show you how to pronounce this word.

How to Pronounce Pas 

This is how you pronounce the word [pas] in Bahasa Indonesia.

Let's see clips of videos from movies and whatnot where the word [pas] is spoken by Indonesian people to better understand how native Indonesian speakers use this word.

Examples of Pas In Use

The first scene we are about to watch is from Keluarga Cemara The Series, Season 1, Episode 1 (2022). Let's watch the scene below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Student: Pas istirahat nanti, enaknya kita beli apa ya? (What do you think we should buy during recess?)

In this scene, the meaning of [pas] falls into the fourth meaning. [Pas istirahat nanti] literally means at recess or break time of school later.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Istirahat] = to relax, but in this context, the word [istirahat] refers to the school's break time.

[Nanti] = later.

[Enaknya] is used when you ask for advice from someone; like in this example, the first student asks the second student what they should buy during recess.
Example: Enaknya nasi goreng ini ditambahin apa lagi ya biar tambah enak? (What should I add to this nasi goreng to make it more delicious?)

[Beli] = buy.

[Apa] = what.

The second scene we are about to watch is from the same movie, Keluarga Cemara The Series, Season 1, Episode 1 (2022). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Andi: Eh, Den! Kamu teh belum makan? (Hey, Den! Have you not eaten?)

Deni: Oh iya, belum. (No, not yet.)

Andi: Belum? Nah, pas atuh! Uwa buatin spesial buat kamu. (No? Perfect! My aunt made a special meal for you.)

Deni: Eh, meuni repot-repot. Bilangin salam sama makasih ya, Ndi? (Hey, sorry for troubling you. Say hi, and thank you to your aunt for me, Ndi.)

Andi: Yoi! (Will do!)

Deni: Terbaik uwa kamu teh. (Your aunt is the best.)

Euis: Ah, Deni makan segitu mah ngga akan abis atuh? (I think Deni won't be able to finish them all.)

Andi: Yee, kan kita teh makannya bareng-bareng. (Hey, we're gonna eat them together.)

Euis: Oke. (Okay.)

In this scene, the meaning of [pas] falls into the third meaning. Andi asks Deni whether Deni has eaten, and Deni answers that he has yet to eat. So, it fits perfectly with what Andi brings that day: a meal from his aunt.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Eh] is used to attract someone's attention. For more about this, you can read my article, Eh Meaning In Bahasa.

[Teh] in [kamu teh belum makan?] and [terbaik uwa kamu teh] and [kan kita teh makannya bareng-bareng] comes from the Sundanese language. [Teh] in this context means [itu] = that. [Kamu teh belum makan?] = [kamu itu belum makan?] The function of [teh] or [itu] in this sentence is to emphasize the question about whether Deny has eaten or not.

[Makan] = eat.

[Belum] = yet to be.

[Nah] is used when, at the moment in time, you agree, or you feel something really fits. Andi feels the moment that Deni has not yet eaten, with a meal that he brings from home coincidently fit. That's why he says [nah].

[Atuh] in [nah, pas atuh] and [Deni makan segitu mah ngga akan abis atuh] comes from the Sundanese language. Because the setting of the movie is in the West Java region, you hear many Sundanese words mixed with the Indonesian language. [Atuh] = dong, which doesn't have any meaning, but its function is just to emphasize that it really fits the moment.

[Uwa] also comes from the Sundanese language. [Uwa] is an honorific title you use when addressing your father's older brother or sister.

[Buatin] is the conversational way of saying [buatkan] = make.

[Buat kamu] = for you.

[Meuni repot-repot] = [repot-repot amat] = sorry for troubling you. [Meuni] comes from the Sundanese language, which means very.

[Bilangin] is the conversation was of saying [tolong bilang] = please tell (to someone].

[Makasih] is short for [terima kasih] = thank you. 

[Yoi] is used when you agree with what someone says or to reply to someone that you will do something. For more about this, you can read my article, Yoi Meaning In Bahasa.

[Segitu] refers to the amount of meal that Deni brings.

[Bareng-bareng] = together.

The third scene we are about to watch is taken from a TV Serial called Tetangga Masa Gitu (2014). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is what Adi said from the clip above with English translations.

Adi: Oke, di sini pas. (Okay, this spot is perfect.)

In this clip, Adi is going to draw and he finds the perfect spot to place the drawing board, and he finds the perfect spot for it. That's why he says, "Di sini pas." So, the meaning of pas in this clip refers to the second meaning of the word [pas] that I explained above.

     Read also: Ngga Enak Meaning In Bahasa

So, this wraps up today's article. If I find another example from another movie, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading this article, and I'll see you soon. Bye now.
