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Iman Prabawa
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Halo semuanya, apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I'm going to talk about the meaning of the phrase [deg-degan], and as always, we are going to be watching clips from YouTube, movies, comics, or others where [deg-degan] is spoken.
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So, without further ado, let's talk about this.
Deg-degan Meaning In the Indonesian Language
[Deg-degan] is a state when you feel nervous because of something, for example, waiting for your exam test result or when you're about to perform on stage.
Synonym for the word [deg-degan] is [gugup].
How to Pronounce Deg-degan
Let's hear how to pronounce [deg-degan] below.
Next, we will watch a clip where this word [deg-degan] is spoken.
Example of Deg-degan In Use
The first clip we are about to watch is taken from a TV program called Masterchef Indonesia. Let's watch the clip below.
Chef Arnold: Gimana rasanya dicicipin sama Chef Juna? (How does it feel your cook being tasted by chef Juna?)
Masterchef Participant: Saya deg-degan sampai sekarang nih. (I'm still nervous until now.)
Chef Arnold: Deg-degan ya? (You are nervous, aren't you?)
Masterchef Participant: He'eh. Kedengeran ngga? (Yes. Can you hear it? My heart is pounding.)
Chef Arnold: Ngga denger saya. (No, I don't hear it.)
Masterchef Participant: Dag dug deg. Dag dig dug gitu. Ngga ya? (It makes a sound like this, dag dug deg, dag dig dug (*dag dud deg, and dag dig dug is onomatopoeia, she was trying to describe the sound of her heart pounding). You don't hear it, do you?)
Chef Arnold: Anyway, Opor Ayam ya? (Anyway, that's Opor Ayam that you made. Right?)
Masterchef Participant: Gimana, Chef? Suka? (What do you think, Chef? Do you like it?)
Chef Arnold: Sebenarnya opor itu salah satu masakan kesukaan saya. (Actually, Opor Ayam is one of my favorite dishes.)
Masterchef Participant: Iya. (Okay.)
In this clip, this woman is a bit exaggerating because, actually, you can't hear your heart pounding from that distance, right?
Vocabulary from the scene
[Cicip] = to taste something, usually food.
[Gimana rasanya..], this is a phrase if you want to ask about how someone feels about something.
[Sama] = with.
[Sekarang] = now.
[Sampai] = until.
[He'eh] means yes. For more about this, you can read my article here, He'eh In Indonesian.
[Denger] = [dengar] = to hear. Usually, in conversational Indonesian, you will hear [denger] a lot, like this in the clip.
[Ngga] is informal for [tidak] = no.
[Opor ayam] is an Indonesian dish that looks like in the picture below.
![]() |
Opor Ayam |
[Dag dig dug] is an onomatopeia. It comes from the sound of a heart that is pounding.
[Sebenarnya] = actually.
[Masakan] = dishes.
The second clip is still from Masterchef Indonesia. Let's watch the clip below.
Masterchef Participant: Perasaan aku sih deg-degan banget. Tapi aku yakin aku bakal ngasih yang terbaik buat juri. (I'm feeling very nervous right now. But, I believe that I will give my best to the jury.)
So, he was feeling very nervous because he had to present his dish to the jury.
Vocabulary from the scene
[Perasaan] = feeling.
[Banget] = [sangat] = [amat] = very. For more about this, you can read my article here, Banget In Indonesian.
[Aku] is informal for [saya] = I. For more about this, you can read my article here, Aku In Indonesian.
[Yakin] = believe.
[Bakal] = [akan] = will. For more about this, you can read my article here, Bakal In Indonesian.
[Ngasih] = [memberi] = to give.
[Terbaik] = the best.
Read also: Tumben In Indonesian
So, I think that's all for the update. If I find another one, Insha Allah, I will update it again. Bye now.
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Hello, I'm Iman Prabawa a.k.a Pak Guru Iman. I love to share about languages. My Instagram, @pakguruiman
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