Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Madol Meaning In Bahasa

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the word [madol] in the Indonesian language. As always, we will watch examples from movies, youtube videos, and whatnot where the word [madol] is used.

Madol Meaning In Bahasa

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Let's talk about it, shall we?

Meaning of Madol In the Indonesian Language

[Madol] is a slang term. It has the same meaning as [bolos], but [madol] is specific to the school. So, when you skip school, you are told that you are doing the act of [madol].

For the meaning of [bolos], you can check out my article here, Bolos Meaning In Bahasa. So, the difference between [madol] and [bolos] is that [madol] is more specific for students, and [madol] is a slang term where [bolos] is a colloquial word.

How to Pronounce Madol

Here is how you pronounce [madol] in Bahasa Indonesia.

Next, we will watch examples of [madol].

Examples Of Madol In Use

The first clip we are about to watch is taken from VINDES's Youtube Channel. Let's watch the clip below.

The conversation from the clip above with English translations is as follows.

Sophia Latjuba: Sabtu ngga pernah school. Kalo yang jaman dulu kan masih Sabtu kan masih sekolah. SMA. (I never went to school on Saturday. Back in the old days, students still had to go to school on Saturdays. High school.)

Desta: Sabtu cabut. (Saturday skipped school.)

Sophia Latjuba: Dulu Sabtu ngga.. Sabtu ngga pernah sekolah. (Back then. Every Saturday, we never went to school.)

Vincent: Diskotik. (Discotheque.)

Desta: Sabtu madol ya? Namanya madol dulu ya? (Every Saturday, you skipped school? Back then, it was called [madol], right?)

Sophia Latjuba: Madol. Sabtu madol gitu kan. (Yup, [madol]. Every Saturday, I skipped school.)

Vincent: Jaman itu diskotik ya? (Discotheque era at that time, right?)

Sophia Latjuba: Diskotik. Oriental. Tau ngga sih? Ngga ya? (Yeah, discotheque era. Oriental discotheque, you know that? No?)

Desta: Aku taunya itu jaman udah ini, ee.. Soph. M Place.. apa? M.. (I know only the era after this.. uhm.. Soph. M Place.. what? M something something.)

Sophia Latjuba: Eh, itu jauh sebelumnya. (No, it was still way back before.)

Desta: Fire?

Sophia Latjuba: Jauh sebelumnya. (Way back before.)

Desta: Stardust?

In this scene, Desta emphasized that [madol] was the term used in that era for someone who skipped school. I guess [madol] is rarely used nowadays by younger generations.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Sabtu] = Saturday.

[Ngga pernah] = never.

[Kalo] is the conversational way of saying [kalau] = if.

[Jaman dulu] = old times, old days. Sometimes, [jaman dulu] is shortened by Indonesian people into [jadul]. You can read my article, Jadul Meaning In Bahasa, for more information about this.

[Cabut] in this context means that you skip school. You can read my article, Cabut Meaning In Bahasa, for more about this.

[Jauh] = long.

[Sebelumnya] = before.

[Tau ngga sih?] = [tahu ngga sih?] <--- this phrase is usually used when you want to know whether the person you are talking to knows about what you are just talking about or not.

[Ngga ya?] <--- here she was guessing the person she talked to didn't know what she was referring to.

     Read also: Hoki Meaning In Bahasa

So, that's all for today. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading this article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
