Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Di Situ Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya. Apa kabar? Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. In this article, I want to talk to you about the meaning of the phrase [di situ] in Indonesian, and as always, we will watch cut scenes from movies where the phrase [di situ] is spoken.

Di Situ Meaning In Indonesian

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So, without further ado, let's dive right in.

Meaning of Di Situ In Bahasa Indonesia

[Di situ] refers to places close to the listener or reasonably far from both the speaker and listener if they're side by side.

I'll give you an example. You are looking for your glasses, and then ask your friend whether they see it or not.
You: Loe lihat kacamata gue ngga? (Did you see my glasses?) 
Your friend: Tuh di situ. (It's right there.)
Your friend points to a place not far from the two of you where your glasses lie.

How to Pronounce Di Situ 

Here is how you pronounce [di situ] in bahasa Indonesia.

Next, we will watch cut scenes from movies to better understand this.

Video Examples of Di Situ In Use

The first scene we are about to watch is from Surga Belok Kanan, Episode 1 (2023). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene with English translations.

Sakti: Enak banget, gila nih! (This is so good.)

Abud: Seger banget ya? (It's so refreshing, innit?)

Gagah: He'eh. (Yup.)

Sakti: Bentar, bentar, bentar! (Hey, wait a sec!)

Abud: Apa? (What?)

Sakti: Baju, kek.. kek gue kenal itu? (Those clothes, I guess I've known 'em.)

Abud: Sabar, sabar. (Relax, man.)

Gagah: Eh, baju kita mah aman. Udah loe ga usah mikir ke sono. Ya? Tenang! (Our clothes are safe. You don't need to worry about it. Okay? Relax, man!)

Abud: Loe kan tadi pada rencana mo naro baju di situ ya? Takut basah kena aer? Gue pindahin ke tempat yang aman biar ga kena aer. (You guys wanted to place your clothes over there, right? Coz you're afraid that water will get them. I secured them to a safer place so that water couldn't reach them.)

Sakti and Gagah: Di mana? (Where?)

Abud: Di sit.. (Right ther..)

Gagah: Aaahh!! Di situ! Abud! (Oh my God!! Over there! Abud!)

Sakti: Ah! (Oh, damn!)

In this scene, the three of them just escape from prison, and then they find a river. They then take a bath, and without them knowing, their clothes suddenly drift into the river.

When Gagah says the phrase [di situ], the clothes are far from the three of them but not too far away. If the clothes are too far away from them, Gagah will say [di sana] instead of [di situ]. [Di sana] usually refers to things that are too far away from your place.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Enak banget] is a phrase you can use when you eat something very delicious or comforting, like in this scene. Sakti feels taking a bath in the river is very comforting for him because he can't have that luxury while he is in prison.

[Gila nih] literally will translate to [this is crazy], but [gila nih] in this context is just to emphasize that it is very comforting, so you don't need to translate it.

[Seger] = [segar] = refreshing. In conversational Indonesian, it's common to hear Indonesians say [seger] instead of [segar]. [Segar] is the formal form.

[Banget] is the conversational way of saying [sekali] = very. [Enak sekali] = [enak banget] = very delicious, very comforting, [tinggi sekali] = [tinggi banget] = very tall. For more about this, you can read my article, Banget Meaning In Indonesian.

[He'eh] is when you agree with what someone says. For more about this, you can read my article here, He'eh Meaning In Bahasa.

[Bentar] is short for [sebentar] and is used as a request to delay an action, departure, or decision for a short time. In this context, Sakti says [bentar, bentar, bentar] to attract the attention of Abud and Gagah because he then wants to say something.

[Kek] is the conversational way of saying [kaya] = like.

[Kek gue kenal itu?] is usually said when you recognize something or someone. In this scene, Sakti just sees clothes that are passing by, and then he says the phrase because he thinks he recognizes the clothes.

[Sabar], in literal meaning, means to be patient. But in this case, Abud tells Sakti not to worry about the clothes by saying the word.

[Eh] is a word used to attract someone. For more about this, you can read my article here, Eh Meaning In Bahasa.

[Mah] in this sentence [eh, baju kita mah aman] doesn't have any meanings; you can omit it. Its function is just to emphasize that their clothes are safe.

[Aman] = safe.

[Udah] is a common reduction for [sudah] = already. In this context, [udah] is used by Abud to stop Sakti from worrying about their clothes. [Udah loe ngga usah mikir ke sono] = [Loe ngga usah mikir ke sana] = [Anda tidak usah berpikir ke sana] in literal translation will translate to [you don't need to think to that direction].

[Loe] = [lu] = [lo] = [elo] = [elu] is slang for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article here, Loe Meaning In Bahasa.

[Ke sono] in the conversational style for saying [ke sana] = to that place.

[Tenang] = calm down, relax.

[Mo] is the colloquial way of saying [mau] = want.

[Naro] is the conversational style of [menaruh] = to put.

[Aer] = [air]. In conversational Indonesian, native Indonesian speakers tend to say [aer] rather than [air], but [air] is the formal form.

[Basah] = wet.

[Pindahin] is the conversational way of saying [pindahkan] = to move something to a new place.

     Read also: Sarapan In Indonesian

I guess that's all for now. If I find another scene where the phrase [di situ] is spoken, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye now.
