Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Paling-Paling Meaning In Indonesian

Halo semuanya, ketemu lagi ama gue, Iman Prabawa. In this article, we are going to be talking about the meaning of the phrase [paling-paling] in Indonesian. As always, we are also going to be looking at examples taken from movies, comics, and others where Indonesians use the phrase. 

Paling-Paling Meaning In Indonesian

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Without further ado, let's get into this.

Paling-Paling In Indonesian

The first meaning of [paling-paling]: It is usually said to someone who is very naughty or has excessively bad behavior or when you tell something to someone, and that person is listening but never does what you told them to do.

Example sentence:
1. Loe mah paling-paling deh! Tiap dikasih tahu sama nyokap loe sendiri, pasti ngga pernah didengerin.(You're such a dickhead! You never want to listen whenever your mother advises you with something good.) 
In this sentence, [paling-paling] has the same meaning as [keterlaluan].
2. Anak itu emang paling-paling! (That kid is so naughty!)
In this sentence, [paling-paling] means that the kid has the most difficult behavior to deal with.

The second meaning of [paling-paling]: It is used to indicate that something is small or insignificant. It has the same meaning as [sebanyak-banyaknya] or [setinggi-tingginya], which translates to English as [at the very most].

Example sentence:
1. Penghasilannya dalam sebulan paling-paling hanya cukup untuk membeli makanan saja. (His income in a month, at the very most, is only enough to buy food.) Here, it means that his income is very small.
2. Gue bilang sih biarin aja dia, ngga usah dicegah usahanya untuk kabur dari rumah. Paling-paling nanti dia pulang lagi karena takut hidup sendiri. (If I could advise you, don't stop him from getting out of this house. At most(/I bet), he'll come back again because he is afraid of living alone.)

How to Pronounce Paling-Paling

Here is how you pronounce [paling-paling] in Bahasa Indonesia.

Moving on, we will look at examples where the phrase [paling-paling] is used by Indonesians.

Examples of Paling-Paling In Use

The first example we are about to watch is taken from a TV Serial called Calon Bini, Episode 1 (2011). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene above with English translations.

Ibunya Akbar: Tinggal satu yang belon elo penuhin, ye? Heh, dengerin! Tuh pan! Tuh pan! Elu kudu buru-buru nyari bini, ye? Yang cakep, yang bae..yang, ee.. cocok ama Enyak. Ye? Eh! Dengerin kalo orang tua ngomong. (There's only one thing left that you haven't fulfilled yet. Hey, listen to me! Hey! Hey! You must quickly find a wife. She has to be beautiful, nice and can get along well with me. Okay? Hey, listen to me when I speak!)

Akbar: Itu berantakan tu, nyak. (That one over there is a mess, Mom.)

Ibunya Akbar: Kaga ada berantakan. Elo tuh paling-paling, ye! Saben Enyak ngomongin soal bini, melengos aje. (No, no, no. You always act like this! Every time I talk about how you should find a wife, you always ignore me. You never listen to me.)

Akbar: Lukisannya ntar di sini nih, Nyak. (It's nice to put the painting here, Mom.)

Ibunya Akbar: Kaga ada, kaga ada! Dengerin! (No, no! You listen to me!)

In this scene, Akbar and his mother have just moved to a new rental house. Akbar has just graduated from college, and he also has just got a job. His mother is so happy, but one thing that Akbar hasn't fulfilled yet, in his mother's opinion, is that he hasn't got a wife.

Akbar's mother really wants her son to get married sooner. That's why she always talks about it again and again, and every time Akbar's mother speaks about it, he doesn't want to listen and tries to change the subject.

This behavior makes his mother say this sentence to him.
Elo tuh paling-paling, ye! (You always act like this, ye!) (*in the sense that Akbar always ignores his mother and tries to change the topic when his mother is talking about how he should get married soon.)
And then, she explains the reason after she says the sentence above.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Ibunya Akbar] = Akbar's mother.

[Tinggal satu] = there is only one left.

[Belon] = [belum] = not yet. In Jakarta, some Betawi people say [belum] as [belon], like Akbar's mother in the scene above.

[Elo] = [elu] = [loe] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article here, Loe In Indonesian

[Heh] here is used to attract someone's attention.

[Dengerin] is informal for [dengarkan] and is used when you want somebody to listen to you. [Dengerin] here means [listen to me!]. For more about this, you can read my article here, Dengerin In Indonesian.

[Tuh pan!] = [tuh kan!] = see? Here, Akbar's mother says this because she wants to show Akbar that he is always not listening when it comes to the topic of marriage.

[Pan] is usually used in Jakarta by Betawi people to replace [kan]. [Pan] has the same meaning as [kan], and for more about this, you can read my article here, Kan In Indonesian.

[Kudu] = [harus] = must.

[Buru-buru] = in a hurry, immediately.

[Nyari] is the colloquial way of saying [mencari] = to search.

[Bini] = [istri] = wife.

[Ye?] = [Ya?] = okay?

[Cakep] here means beautiful. For more about this, you can read my article here, Cakep In Indonesian.

[Bae] = [baik] = good, nice. In conversational Indonesian, sometimes you will hear Indonesians say [baik] as [bae], as in the scene above.

[Enyak] = mother.

[Kalo] is informal for [kalau] = if.

[Orang tua] = parents, old man.

[Ngomong] is the colloquial way of saying [berbicara] = to speak.

[Ngomongin] is the colloquial way of saying [membicarakan] = to talk about something.

[Kaga ada berantakan] above is a response from Akbar's mother when Akbar is trying to change the subject. Literally, it would translate to [there is no mess], but here, she tries to keep the subject while Akbar is trying to change the subject.

[Kaga] means no. For more about this, you can read my article here, Kaga In Indonesian.

[Saben] = [saban] = [setiap] = every time.

[Melengos] In this context, Akbar ignores his mother whenever his mother tries to talk about marriage topics.

[Aje] = [aja] is short for [saja] = just.

     Read also: Bakal In Indonesian

That's all for now. If I find another example, Insha Allah, I will update this article again. Thank you for reading my article, and I'll see you soon. Buh-bye now.
