Meaning of PHP In Bahasa Indonesia

Keren Meaning In Indonesia

Halo semuanya. Ketemu lagi dengan saya, Iman Prabawa. This time, I'm going to talk about the meaning of the word [keren] in Bahasa Indonesia. As always, we are going to be watching examples from movies, comics, and others where Indonesians use the word [keren].

Keren Meaning In Indonesia

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So, let's jump right in.

Keren In Bahasa Indonesia

Keren means awesome, amazing, superb, cool, wicked, fantastic, incredible, and other words that show appreciation when you see something so amazing. 

Next, we will learn how to pronounce the word [keren].

How to Pronounce Keren

Let's hear how to pronounce the word [keren] in bahasa Indonesia below.

Moving on, I will give you example sentences using the word [keren].

Example Sentences Using Keren

First example sentence.
Cewe itu keren banget ya? Ngga cuma cantik tapi juga jago nyanyi. (That woman is so awesome, isn't she? Not just she has a pretty face but she also can sing beautifully.)
Second example sentence.
Dia keren banget sih tapi sayang dia udah punya pacar. (He's so awesome, but unfortunately, he already has a girlfriend.)
Third example sentence.
Ini buatan loe? Keren banget! Ngga percaya gue! (You made this? It's so dope! I don't believe you made this!)
Moving on, we will watch cut scenes from movies where the word [keren] is spoken.

Example of Keren In Use

The first example we are about to watch is from Komedi Modern Gokil (2015). Let's watch the short clip below.

Below is the conversation from the short scene above with English translations.

Karin: Serius, Cha? Boris sama Dodit udah dapet kerjaan? (For real, Cha? Boris and Dodit already got a job?)

Icha: Iya, trus katanya mereka juga dapet mobil. (Yup, and from what I heard, they also got a car.)

Karin: Mobil? (A car?)

Icha: Iya. (Yup.)

Karin: Keren banget! Aduh. (Wow. That's awesome!)

In the scene above, the situation is that they have friends whose names are Dodit and Boris, who just came to Jakarta. They are looking for jobs, and in a short time, they get a job that gives them a car.

So Karin is impressed. That's why she said,
Keren banget!
Now, let's learn the vocabulary used in the scene.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Udah] is a common reduction for [sudah] = already. This kind of reduction is common in conversational Indonesian.

[Sama] = with.

[Dapet] is informal for [dapat] = get.

[Kerjaan] = jobs.

[Trus] is informal for [terus] = then.

[Katanya] = from what I heard. [Katanya] is used when you hear the news from someone.

[Banget] = very. For more about this, you can read my article here, Banget In Indonesian.

The second example is from a movie called Tertusuk Cinta Sate Padang (2017). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the short clip above with English translations.

Audy: Tapi menurut gue, loe keren sih orangnya. (But I think you are cool.)

Ryan: Keren? Loe lagi muji apa ngehina nih? (Cool? Is this a compliment or an insult?)

Audy: Enak aja! Eh, gue itu ya orangnya itu straight to the point. Kalau gue suka, gue bilang suka. Kalau gue ngga suka, ya gue bilang ngga suka. (I'm serious! I'm a straight to the point person. If I like something, then I will say I like it. If I don't like it, then I will say I don't like it.)

Ryan: Iya, gue tahu kok. (Yeah, I know that.)

In this scene, Audy thinks Ryan is cool, and she says it bluntly. She says,
Loe keren sih orangnya.
Now, let's learn the vocabulary used in the scene.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Gue] is informal for [saya] = I. For more about this, you can read my article here, Gue In Indonesian.

[Loe] is informal for [Anda] = you. For more about this, you can read my article here, Loe In Indonesian.

[Sih] in the sentence [loe keren sih orangnya] is to emphasize that she really means it by saying that he is cool. For more about this, you can read my article here, Sih In Indonesian.

[Lagi] = [sedang]. Here, the sentence [loe lagi muji apa ngehina nih?] means that the person is in the process of doing something. [Lagi muji] = At the moment, he is praising someone.

[Muji] is a common reduction for [memuji] = to praise.

[Ngehina] is the colloquial form of [menghina] = insult.

[Nih] is informal for [ini]. For more about this, you can read my article here, Nih In Indonesian.

[Enak aja] is used when you disagree with someone. For more about this, you can read my article here, Enak Aja In Indonesian.

[Bilang] = [ngomong] = [mengatakan] = to tell.

The third example is taken from Rumput Tetangga (2019). Let's watch the clip below.

Below is the conversation from the scene above with English translations.
Ben: Hayo, lagi liatin apa? (Hey, what are you looking at?) 
Kirana: Eh.. Itu Lidya. Keren ya dia, Ben? Kariernya bagus, sukses. Sebentar lagi jadi ibu. (Hey-- I'm looking at Lidya. She's amazing, isn't she? She has a good carrier. She's successful, and soon she will become a mother.) 
Ben: Hehehe.. Kamu tuh! Kamu juga keren. Kamu ngurusin aku. Ngurusin anak-anak. Makasih ya. (Hmm. Oh, you! You're also amazing. You takce care of me. You also take care of the children. Thank you.)
Let's learn vocabulary from the short scene above.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Hayo] is used to get someone's attention.

[Lagi] here informs that the person is in the process of doing something. In this case, the person is looking at something.

[Liatin] is the colloquial way of saying [melihati] = to look at something again and again. It's like analyzing something.

[Ya] in [keren ya dia, Ben?] is used to ask for other people's approval. [Keren ya dia?] = Isn't she cool?

[Sebentar lagi] = soon.

[Tuh] is informal for [itu] = that. For more about this, you can read my article, Tuh In Indonesian.

[Juga] = also.

[Ngurusin] is the colloquial way of saying [mengurusi] = to care for something or someone.

[Anak-anak] = kids.

[Makasih] is a common reduction for [terima kasih] = thank you. For more about this, you can read my article here, How to Say Thank You In Indonesian.

The fourth example is from a movie called Susah Sinyal (2017). Let's watch the scene down below.

Below is the conversation from the scene above with English translations.

Kiara: Oma, video audisi aku udah tembus 15ribu lho viewsnya. (Grandma, my audition video have hit 15 thousand views!)

Kiara’s Grandma: Ha? 15ribu? Keren! (15 thousand views? Wow! Awesome!)

Kiara: Aku berangkat dulu ya, Oma? (I’m leaving now, grandma.)

Kiara’s Grandma: Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh! Abisin! Terus ini. Jangan sampe ngga abis! (Hey, wait! You have to finish this first. And this. You better finish this too!)

Kiara: Daaah. (Bye.)

Let's learn the vocabulary used in the scene above.

Vocabulary From the Scene

[Oma] = grandma.

[Aku] is informal for [say] = I.

[Tembus] literally means penetrate, but in this context, it means have hit specific numbers.

[Aku berangkat dulu ya] <--- This phrase is usually used when someone leaves the house to go to their workplace, school, or someplace. 

[Abisin] is the colloquial form of [habiskan]. It means to make it empty in literal meaning, but in this context, her grandma asked her to finish her drink.

[Sampe] is the colloquial form of [sampai] = until.

[Jangan] = don't. [Jangan] is usually used if you want to prohibit someone from doing something.

[Daah] is short for [dadah]. This word is usually used when somebody is leaving. It's like [bye] in English.

That's all for now. If I find another example, Insya Allah, I will update this article again. Take care and bye-bye now.
