Aku Meaning In Indonesian

Learn Bahasa Indonesia Through Movies #03

Halo semuanya? Apa kabar? Hello, how's it going? This time we will continue our lesson. If you haven't followed my previous lesson, you can first read my previous lessons so that you can follow along.

     Learn Bahasa Indonesia Through Movies #01

     Learn Bahasa Indonesia Through Movies #02

Learn Bahasa Indonesia Through Movies #03

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If you had read my previous lessons, then let's begin!

Scene 3 From the Movie

Let's first watch this scene, and then I will explain it to you, and we'll learn words and phrases through this scene.

Here is the conversation in the scene with English translation.
(1)Tetangga(Neighbors): Selamat pagi, mas Adi. (Good morning, Adi.) 
(2)Adi: Hmm. 
(3)Angel: Heh! Kamu kenapa sih ngga bisa ramah dikit? Aku cape kalau lagi arisan ibu-ibu diomongin terus kamunya. Kenapa sih suaminya cuek banget? Ngga pernah mo ngumpul ama tetangga-tetangga. Gitu! (Heh! Why couldn't you be nice a little? I'm tired of being asked by mothers when we gathered. They said to me, "Why is your husband being so nonchalant? He never wants to hang out with neighbors". That’s what they said to me.) 
(4)Adi: Aku ramah kok. Kan tadi aku jawab. Aku bilang, "Hmm." Gitu. (I was nice, though. I answered their greeting with “hmm”. That’s how I answered them.) 
(5)Angel: Heh! Tau ah. Saatnya mulai bergaul. Yuk. Ayo. (Yeah, whatever you say! Now, it's time to mingle. Let's go!) 
(6)Adi: Ngapain sih? (Why are we doing this?) 
(7)Angel: Kenapa sih ah? (What's with you?) 
(8)Adi: Angel, aduh! (Angel, come on! I'm not doing this.) 
(9)Angel: Kenapa sih? (Why?) 
(10)Adi: Udah jangan macem-macem deh. (Please, don't you do anything foolish!) 
(11)Angel: Senyum! (Smile!) 
(12)Angel: Hai. (Hi.) 
(13)Bastian, Bintang: Hai. Hello. (Hi. Hello.) 
(14)Angel: Kita tetangga yang di sini ini rumahnya. (We are your neighbor who live in this house.) 
(15)Bastian, Bintang: Ooo. (Oh, okay.) 
(16)Angel: Baru pindah ya? (Just moved here, aren't you?) 
(17)Bastian: Iya, mba. Baru juga kemarin kita pindah. (Yes, we are. We moved here yesterday.) 
(18)Angel: Ooo, oke. Um, saya Angel. Hai. (Oh, okay. By the way, I'm Angel. Hi.) 
(19)Bastian: Hai. (Hi.) 
(20)Bintang: Nama mba Angel? (Your name's Angel?) 
(21)Angel: Iya. (Yup.) 
(22)Bintang: Pasti baik kaya malaikat. (You must be very nice, just like an angel.) 
(23)Adi: Hehe, malaikat pencabut nyawa! (Haha, you're right! The angel of death!) 
(24)Angel: Ini suami saya. (This is my husband.) 
(25)Bastian: Hai. (Hi.) 
(26)Adi: Adi. Adi. 
(27)Bintang: Iya. (Okay.) 
(28)Bastian: Oh iya, hampir lupa. Nama saya Bastian, ini istri saya, Bi. (Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Bastian, and this is my wife, Bi.) 
(29)Angel: Oke. (Okay.) 
(30)Adi: Bi? 
(31)Bastian: He'eh. (Yup.) 
(32)Adi: Bi? 
(33)Bintang: Nama saya sih Bintang mas tapi sejak kita pacaran dari SMA Bastian selalu manggil saya Bi. (Actually, my name is Bintang, but since we were dating in high school, he always called me Bi.) 
(34)Angel: Ooo. (Oh, okay.) 
(35)Bastian: Iya. Bi! Soalnya istri saya ini kan manis kaya madu. (Yes, bee, that is! Because my wife is sweet, just like honey.) 
(36)Angel: Ooo.. haha. (Oh, I got it.) 
(37)Adi: Ee, kalo yang ini pait, enaknya dipanggil apa ya? Huhuhu. (This one's bitter. What should I call this one then?) 
(38)Angel: Eh, baru mau berangkat kerja ya? Kerja di mana? (So, now, you want to go to your workplace? Where do you work?) 
(39)Bastian: Kalo saya sales di perusahaan sabun cuci gitu lah. Baru juga sebulanan kerja. Kalo mba Angel sama mas Adi kerja di mana ya? (I work as a salesman in a soap company. Just started working about a month. What about you? Where do you guys work?) 
(40)Angel: Emm, kalau saya di Law Firm, kalau suami saya guru gambar di SMA Matahari. (I work at the law firm, and my husband works as a drawing teacher at Matahari highschool.) 
(41)Bastian: Ooo. Guru gambar? Wah, keren banget tuh mas! Keren ya. (Drawing teacher? Wow, that's cool! Isn't it?) 
(42)Bintang: He'eh. (Yup.) 
(43)Adi: Ya, bisa hiduplah. (Just to make ends meet.) 
(44)Angel: Hehehe, tapi pas-pasan. Eh, aku punya ide. Kenapa Bastian sama kamu ngga berangkat bareng aja? (Yeah, but the money is so little. I've got an idea. Why don't you and Bastian go to work together?) 
(45)Adi: Oh, ngga usahlah. Ngga usah! Ngga usah, ngga usah. (Oh, no need to. No need to! No need to, no need to.) 
(46)Bastian: Ngga kok, ngga repot kok. Saya malah senang. Kan berangkatnya jadi ada temen. (It's okay with me. I don't mind. I am happy instead because I've got company.) 
(47)Angel: Aku titip ya barang satu ini. Ya? Permisi, permisi ya. Yuk. (I entrusted this thing with you. Okay? Will you excuse me then.) 
(48)Bastian: Iya, iya. (Okay.) 
(49)Bintang: Bye. 
(50)Adi: Barang?? (Things??) 
(51)Bastian: Mas Adi, silakan. (Adi, after you.)

Now, let's discuss and talk about the vocabularies and phrases that are used in this scene.

Learn Indonesian With the Clip

Let's see at a sentence in number (1).
(1)Tetangga(Neighbors): Selamat pagi, mas Adi. (Good morning, Adi.)
This is how you say good morning in Bahasa Indonesia. For this one, I already wrote an article about this. You can read in my article titled, How to Say Good Morning in Bahasa Indonesia. And about the word [mas], it is an honorific title that is used in Indonesia when addressing men. I've written about this in my article, Mas Meaning In Bahasa Indonesia.

Next, let's see at the number (2).
(2)Adi: Hmm. 
This expression in this context means something like, "Okay, I hear you" or "Yes." Adi said that because he was busy reading the newspaper, and then the neighbors are mouthing, saying something like this,
Sombong banget.
If translated into English, it means,
He's so arrogant.
Sombong means arrogant, and banget means very. The neighbors think that Adi was arrogant because he didn't answer it saying something like,
Selamat pagi juga.
But he was just humming "hmm," which considered not polite in Indonesian culture.

That's why as you can see, his wife, Angel nodded and smiled to her neighbors, and then she said to his husband, Adi, these sentences.
(3)Angel: Heh! Kamu kenapa sih ngga bisa ramah dikit? Aku cape kalau lagi arisan ibu-ibu diomongin terus kamunya. Kenapa sih suaminya cuek banget? Ngga pernah mo ngumpul ama tetangga-tetangga. Gitu! (Heh! Why couldn't you be nice a little? I'm tired of being asked by mothers when we gathered. They said to me, "Why is your husband being so nonchalant? He never wants to hang out with neighbors". That’s what they said to me.) 
Let's look at one sentence at a time.
Heh! Kamu kenapa sih ngga bisa ramah dikit? (Heh! Why couldn't you be nice a little?)
Heh! in this context means that Angel tries to get his husband's attention, and also she was kind of upset with her husband because of him not to answer the greeting from their neighbors.
Kamu = you.
Kenapa = why.
Sih = about this one, I have made an explanation in this article, The Meaning of Sih in Bahasa Indonesia.
Ngga = tidak = no, there are a lot of ways to write this word. Sometimes you will see it's written as [ga] or [engga] or [enggak]. All refer to the same word and also has the same meaning.
Bisa = able.
Ramah = friendly.
Dikit is short for [sedikit]. In daily conversation, you will hear a lot of Indonesian people shorten words like this one. Dikit = sedikit = a little.

Next sentence,
Aku cape kalau lagi arisan ibu-ibu diomongin terus kamunya.(I'm tired of hearing you being talked about by mothers when we gathered.)
Aku is an informal way of saying, "I am."
Cape = capai = tired.
Ibu-ibu = moms
Arisan is a social gathering that usually held by housewives, where they gather every certain period. They usually collect money when they gather, and then they will choose the winner by drawing lots.
Diomongin = being talked about. The basic form of this is [omong], which means to talk.
Kamu is an informal way of saying, "you."

Next sentence,
Kenapa sih suaminya cuek banget? (They said to me, "Why is your husband being so nonchalant?)
Suami = husband.
Banget means very.
Cuck = nonchalant. About this word, I've written an article explaining this word. You can read it here, Meaning of Cuek In Bahasa Indonesia.

Next sentence,
Ngga pernah mo ngumpul ama tetangga-tetangga. Gitu! He never wants to hang out with neighbors". That’s what they said to me.)
Ngga pernah = never.
Mo = mau. Mo and mau are the same. When they talk in daily conversation, you will hear it as [mo] rather than [mau], but when they talk more slowly, you will hear it [mau]. Both of these two mean the same, so don't get confused with these two words.
Ngumpul = gathered or hang out, this basic word from [ngumpul] is [kumpul]. [Ngumpul] is an informal way of saying [berkumpul]. You will hear a lot in daily conversations in Indonesia. If I change the sentence above and making it more formal, then the sentence will become like this,
Tidak pernah mau berkumpul dengan tetangga-tetangga.
Ama = sama = with. Ama is short for sama. You will hear [ama] being spoken a lot in daily conversations in Indonesia.
Tetangga = neighbor, when you repeat the word and become tetangga-tetangga, then it becomes plural or more than one.
Gitu! This is just to emphasize the sentences before. That's why I translated into "that's what they said to me" to give you an explanation to you that this "gitu!" that she uses in her sentence is to emphasize the sentences before.

Next sentence,
(4)Adi: Aku ramah kok. Kan tadi aku jawab. Aku bilang, "Hmm." Gitu. (I was nice, though. I answered their greeting with “hmm”. That’s how I answered them.) 
Let's discuss one by one here. Let's look at the first sentence,
Aku ramah kok.
Ramah = friendly, being nice.
Kok here is just to emphasize, that's why I translate this into "though," to emphasize that I was nice.

Next sentence,
Kan tadi aku jawab.
Kan here is just a filler, to emphasize the word [tadi].
Tadi = just now.
Jawab = answer.

Next sentence,
Aku bilang, "Hmm," Gitu.
Bilang = say.
Gitu here, as you can see, I translated this word into "that's how I answered them" because [gitu] refers to what he has just said or sentences before the word gitu. This is just like the word [gitu] above.

Replying to what her husband said, Angel, says this.
(5)Angel: Heh! Tau ah. Saatnya mulai bergaul. Yuk. Ayo. (Yeah, whatever you say! Now, it's time to mingle. Come on.) 
Let's see the first sentence,
Heh! Tau ah.
Heh! in this context means that Angel did not agree with what her husband said.
Tau ah is short for [ngga tahu ah] or [engga tahu ah] or [ga tahu ah] or [ga tau ah] or [ngga tau ah] or [enggak tau ah]. There are a lot of ways to write this phrase, but all of the written example that I gave you have the same meaning. Angel was saying this phrase [tau ah], meaning that she didn't want to confront her husband. Like saying, "Yeah, whatever you say!" when we don't want to argue about something.

Next, let's see this sentence.
Saatnya mulai bergaul.
Saatnya = it's about time.
Mulai means when you just started doing something.
Bergaul means to socialize, to mingle. The basic form of [bergaul] is [gaul].

Yuk. Ayo.
Yuk and ayo mean the same, that is come on. So, you can use yuk or ayo.

(6)Adi: Ngapain sih? (Why are we doing this?) 
In this situation, actually, Adi didn't want to get to know his new neighbor. He's not feeling comfortable to get to know his new neighbors.

(7)Angel: Kenapa sih ah? (What's with you?) 
In this situation, Angel was kind of like asking why did Adi don't want to get to know their new neighbor.

(8)Adi: Angel, aduh! (Angel, come on! I'm not doing this.) 
Aduh usually said when you're in pain. But, in here [aduh] used to express a feeling that Adi doesn't want to do what Angel wants to do.

When you're in pain, you can use [aduh]. I'll give you an example sentence for this.
  1. Aduh! Kakiku sakit nih. (Ouch! My leg's hurt.)
In here, aduh means ouch. When you're feeling in pain, you say aduh.

But, [aduh] can have other meanings too. For example, as a filler word to express emotion.
  1. Aduh, sayang banget deh kamu melewatkan kesempatan itu. (Too damn bad, you missed the opportunity.)
Aduh in here, just to express more, that it is so damn bad you missed the opportunity.

So, different situations can have different meanings.

Next sentence,
(9)Angel: Kenapa sih? (Why?) 
Here, Angel is kinda asking why her husband doesn't want to know their neighbor.
Kenapa = mengapa = why.

Next sentence,
(10)Adi: Udah jangan macem-macem deh. (Please, don't you do anything foolish!) 
Here, Adi kind of emphasizing to his wife not to do something stupid. By the way, I have written an article explaining the meaning of jangan macem-macem.

     Read also: Jangan Macam-macam In Bahasa Indonesia

Next sentence,
(11)Angel: Senyum! (Smile!) 
I think this sentence is self-explanatory. Let's move on to the next sentences then.
(12)Angel: Hai. (Hi.) 
(13)Bastian, Bintang: Hai. Hello. (Hi. Hello.) 
And these two sentences you can also understand without me explaining it. So, let's move to the next sentence then.
(14)Angel: Kita tetangga yang di sini ini rumahnya. (We are your neighbor who live in this house.) 
Kita = we.
Tetangga = neighbors.
Di sini = over here.
Rumah = house.

Next sentence,
(15)Bastian, Bintang: Ooo. (Oh, okay.) 
This "ooo" is an expression that Indonesian people use a lot when they know something for the first time.

Next sentence,
(16)Angel: Baru pindah ya? (Just moved here, aren't you?) 
Baru = new, but in this context, this phrase [baru pindah] means just moved.
Ya here it's just a filler to emphasize phrases or words before it.

Next sentence,
(17)Bastian: Iya, mba. Baru juga kemarin kita pindah. (Yes, we are. We moved here yesterday.) 
Here, you meet the word [baru] again. This phrase [baru juga kemarin] means it was only yesterday.
Pindah = to move.

Next sentence,
(18)Angel: Ooo, oke. Um, saya Angel. Hai. (Oh, okay. By the way, I'm Angel. Hi.) 
I think this sentence is self-explanatory.

Next sentence,
(19)Bastian: Hai. (Hi.) 
I think this sentence is also self-explanatory.

Next sentence,
(20)Bintang: Nama mba Angel? (Your name's Angel?) 
Nama = name.
Mba is an honorific title you use when addressing older women in Indonesia. I made an article explaining mba in here, Mba In Bahasa Indonesia.

Next sentence,
(21)Angel: Iya. (Yup.) 
Iya = yes. You can use this word for a formal situation.

Next sentence,
(22)Bintang: Pasti baik kaya malaikat. (You must be very nice, just like an angel.) 
Baik = nice, good.
Pasti = certainly.
Kaya = like.
Malaikat = angel.

Next sentence,
(23)Adi: Hehe, malaikat pencabut nyawa! (Haha, you're right! The angel of death!) 
Malaikat pencabut nyawa = angel of death

Next sentence,
(24)Angel: Ini suami saya. (This is my husband.) 
Suami = husband.

Next sentences,
(25)Bastian: Hai. (Hi.) 
(26)Adi: Adi. Adi. 
(27)Bintang: Iya. (Okay.) 
These sentences are self-explanatory.

Next sentence,
(28)Bastian: Oh iya, hampir lupa. Nama saya Bastian, ini istri saya, Bi. (Oh, I almost forgot. My name is Bastian, and this is my wife, Bi.) 
Lupa = to forget.
Hampir lupa = almost forgot.

Next sentences,
(29)Angel: Oke. (Okay.) 
(30)Adi: Bi? 
(31)Bastian: He'eh. (Yup.) 
(32)Adi: Bi? 
These sentences are also self-explanatory. I wrote an article explaining the meaning of He'eh, you can check it out here.

Next sentence,
(33)Bintang: Nama saya sih Bintang mas tapi sejak kita pacaran dari SMA Bastian selalu manggil saya Bi. (Actually, my name is Bintang, but since we were dating in high school, he always called me Bi.) 
Sejak = since.
Pacaran = dating.
Manggil is short for memanggil, means to call.

Next sentence,
(34)Angel: Ooo. (Oh, okay.)
This sentence is self-explanatory.

Next sentence,
(35)Bastian: Iya. Bi! Soalnya istri saya ini kan manis kaya madu. (Yes, bee, that is! Because my wife is sweet, just like honey.) 
Manis = sweet.
Istri = wife.
Kan here doesn't mean anything, it's just emphasizing the word before it.
Madu = honey.

Next sentence,
(36)Angel: Ooo.. haha. (Oh, I got it.) 
This sentence is self-explanatory.

Next sentence,
(37)Adi: Ee, kalo yang ini pait, enaknya dipanggil apa ya? Huhuhu. (This one's bitter. What should I call this one then?) 
Pait is short for pahit, means bitter.
Enak = delicious, but when added [nya] the meaning here changed. Enaknya usually used when you ask for any suggestions. For example:
1. Enaknya ngapain ya sekarang? (Literal translation would be: What do you think is good to do now?)
2. Makanan ini enaknya diapain ya? (What do you think I should do with this food?)
Yang ini = this one.

Next sentence,
(38)Angel: Eh, baru mau berangkat kerja ya? Kerja di mana? (So, now, you want to go to your workplace? Where do you work?) 
Baru mau is used when you just want to do something. For example:
1. Saya baru mau pergi nih. (I'm just about to go now.)
2. Saya baru aja mau tidur. (I'm just about to go to bed now.)
Berangkat = is going to.
Kerja = work.
Di mana = where

Next sentence,
(39)Bastian: Kalo saya sales di perusahaan sabun cuci gitu lah. Baru juga sebulanan kerja. Kalo mba Angel sama mas Adi kerja di mana ya? (I work as a salesman in a soap company. Just started working about a month ago. What about you? Where do you guys work?) 
Kalo is an informal form of [kalau]. The function of [kalo] here is just a filler word.
Perusahaan = company.
Gitu lah is also filler words.
Baru juga is used when you are just doing something for a short amount of time. For example:
1. Baru juga duduk, udah disuruh berdiri aja. (I just sat here for a moment, now you want me to stand up.)
2. Baru juga tidur, udah harus bangun lagi. (I just slept for a while, but now I must get up.)
Sabun cuci = washing soap.
Sebulan = a month, when you add [an] in this word then it means roughly. So sebulanan means roughly a month, in literal translation.
Mba and mas are honorific titles used when you addressing people in Indonesia. By using the honorific title, you are being polite.

Next sentence,
(40)Angel: Emm, kalau saya di Law Firm, kalau suami saya guru gambar di SMA Matahari. (I work at the law firm, and my husband works as a drawing teacher at Matahari highschool.) 
Guru = teacher
Guru gambar = drawing teacher.
SMA stands for Sekolah Menengah Atas = high school.
Matahari = sun, but in this case, Matahari is the name of the high school, so I didn't translate it.

Next sentence,
(41)Bastian: Ooo. Guru gambar? Wah, keren banget tuh mas! Keren ya. (Drawing teacher? Wow, that's cool! Isn't it?) 
Keren = Cool, dope.

(42)Bintang: He'eh. (Yup.)
I think this is self-explanatory.

Next sentence,
(43)Adi: Ya, bisa hiduplah. (Just to make ends meet.)  
Bisa hidup here literally means able to live the life using the money that Adi gets from his salary as a drawing teacher.
 (44)Angel: Hehehe, tapi pas-pasan. Eh, aku punya ide. Kenapa Bastian sama kamu ngga berangkat bareng aja? (Yeah, but the money is so little. I've got an idea. Why don't you and Bastian go to work together?) 
In this dialogue, Angel emphasizes that his husband's salary is only able to pay the things that they need by saying [tapi pas-pasan]. She means the money from his husband's profession as a drawing teacher gave them very little money.
Aku punya ide = I've got an idea.
Kenapa = why.
Bareng = together.
Berangkat = to go.

Next sentence,
(45)Adi: Oh, ngga usahlah. Ngga usah! Ngga usah, ngga usah. (Oh, no need to. No need to! No need to, no need to.) 

Ngga usah = no need to. [Lah] here is to emphasize the phrase before it.

Next sentence,
(46)Bastian: Ngga kok, ngga repot kok. Saya malah senang. Kan berangkatnya jadi ada temen. (It's okay with me. I don't mind. I am happy instead because I've got company.) 
Ngga = engga = ga = enggak = no. You will see many versions of this word in writing. This is informal for [tidak].
Repot = troubled.
Kok here is just to emphasize the phrase [ngga repot].
Malah = even, instead.
Temen is informal for [teman]. You will hear this [temen] spoken in daily conversation in Indonesia.

Next sentence,
(47)Angel: Aku titip ya barang satu ini. Ya? Permisi, permisi ya. Yuk. (I entrusted this thing with you. Okay? Will you excuse me then.) 
Titip = entrusted.
Permisi = excuse me.
Barang = things. Here Angel says [barang] when she refers to her husband. She should use the word [dia] instead of [barang]. That's why later, her husband, Adi, kind of like amazed by how his wife called him.
Yuk = let's go, but here, this word [yuk] means that she asks permission that she is leaving them now.

Next sentences,
(48)Bastian: Iya, iya. (Okay.)  
(49)Bintang: Bye. 
I think these two are self-explanatory.

Next sentence,
(50)Adi: Barang?? (Things??) 
Barang = things. Here Adi was amazed by what her wife called her. She should have called him [dia] instead of [barang]. That's why he was kind of confused and saying that word [barang?]

Last sentence,
(51)Bastian: Mas Adi, silakan. (Adi, after you.)
Silakan is used when you let a person go ahead before you or to let a person do something.

Okay, I think that's all for now. It's a long lesson but I hope you can keep up and get something from this long lesson. If you have any questions that you would like to ask, don't hesitate to ask me. Just leave your questions in the comment section down below, and I'll be happy to answer your question. Bye now.
