Ngentot Meaning In Bahasa

List of Articles

Here is the list of articles I have made on this blog. If you don't find what you are looking for, write it down in the comment section, so someday I can write an article about that topic for you.

How to Say or Ask About Something In the Indonesian Language:

  1. Asking Price
  2. Where Is the Bathroom?
  3. Asking Someone Out
  4. How to Say Get Well Soon
  5. How to Say How Are You
  6. How to Say What Are You Doing?
  7. How to Ask Name
  8. Can You Take My Picture?
  9. How to Say How Old Are You
  10. How to Say I'm Finished
  11. How to Say Please Call Me
  12. How to Say Can I Come In
  13. How to Say Thank You
  14. How to Answer Terima Kasih
  15. How to Say Come On In
  16. How to Say Have A Seat
  17. How to Say See You Tomorrow
  18. How to Say I Don't Understand
  19. How to Offer Help: Conversational Phrases You Need to Know
  20. How to Say What Should I Do Next
  21. How to Say You're Pretty
  22. How to Say Your Name
  23. How to Say Sorry to Keep You Waiting
  24. How to Say Where Are You Going
  25. How to Say What Is This
  26. How to Say Have You Eaten
  27. How to Say I Have a Flat Tire
  28. How to Say What Are You Thinking About
  29. How to Say Excuse Me
  30. How to Say Who Are You
  31. How to Say Where Have You Been
  32. How to Introduce Yourself In Bahasa Indonesia
  33. How to Say What Are You Talking About

Learn Bahasa Indonesia With TV Series

Learn Bahasa Indonesia Through Comics


  1. How to Count 1-10 In Bahasa Indonesia


  1. How to Say Good Morning In Bahasa Indonesia
  2. How to Say Good Afternoon In Bahasa Indonesia
  3. Selamat Sore In Bahasa Indonesia
  4. How to Say Good Evening In Bahasa Indonesia

Honorific Titles:

  1. Bang
  2. Kakak
  3. Mba
  4. Mas
  5. Pak
  6. Ibu
  7. Jeng
  8. Mpok
  9. Nona
  10. Tuan

Words Meaning:

  1. ABG or Abege
  2. Ada
  3. Aku
  4. Alay
  5. Aja
  6. Ambis
  7. Amsyong
  8. Anjay
  9. Anjing
  10. Anjir
  11. Anjrit
  12. Aye
  13. Atasan
  14. Asik/Asyik
  15. Bacot
  16. Bangsat
  17. Bader
  18. Bakal
  19. Balik
  20. Banget
  21. Baper
  22. Bawel
  23. Basi
  24. Batu
  25. Beneran
  26. Bentar
  27. Berada
  28. Berisik
  29. Bete
  30. Beut or Bet
  31. Bispak
  32. Bokap
  33. Boleh
  34. Bolos
  35. Bucin
  36. Bujangan
  37. Bumpet
  38. Bunda
  39. Buruan
  40. Buset
  41. Cabut
  42. Cakep
  43. Capcus
  44. Cape
  45. Cemilan
  46. Cengengesan
  47. Cepetan
  48. Cuek
  49. Curhat
  50. Curcol
  51. Coy
  52. Cuy
  53. Dengerin
  54. Diemong
  55. Dongo
  56. Eh
  57. Emak-emak
  58. Ember
  59. Enyah
  60. Gabut
  61. Gaptek
  62. Gercep
  63. Gigit
  64. Gih
  65. Gila
  66. Gue/Gua/Gw
  67. Gokil
  68. Gombal
  69. Habis
  70. Halu
  71. He'eh
  72. Hoki
  73. Ini, Ni, and Nih
  74. Itu, Tu, and Tuh
  75. Jadul
  76. Judes
  77. Jutek
  78. Kabur
  79. Kaga
  80. Kali
  81. Kampret
  82. Kan
  83. Kecentilan
  84. Kegeeran
  85. Kelayapan
  86. Keles
  87. Kepedean
  88. Kepo
  89. Keren
  90. Kok
  91. Kulbet
  92. KW
  93. Labil
  94. Lebay
  95. Lho/Loh
  96. Loe/Lo/Elo/Lu/Elu
  97. Madol
  98. Males
  99. Mampus
  100. Manja
  101. Masa
  102. Medok
  103. Meninggoy
  104. Mentahnya
  105. Mokondo
  106. Mudik
  107. Narik
  108. Nembak
  109. Nemplok
  110. Ngaco
  111. Ngambek
  112. Ngapain
  113. Ngebut
  114. Ngegas
  115. Ngeh
  116. Ngejogrok
  117. Ngeles
  118. Ngentot
  119. Ngerjain
  120. Ngintip
  121. Nongkrong
  122. Norak
  123. Nyeletuk
  124. Nyokap
  125. Nyolot
  126. Papa
  127. Pas
  128. Pede
  129. Pegang
  130. Pengen
  131. PHK
  132. PHP
  133. PR, Pe Er, or Pe-Er
  134. Receh
  135. Ribet
  136. Sange
  137. Sarapan
  138. Sebel and Sebal
  139. Selingkuhan
  140. Seruput
  141. Sengak
  142. Seuprit
  143. Sewot
  144. Sih
  145. Sini
  146. Songong
  147. Sotoy
  148. Spada
  149. Spaneng
  150. Takis
  151. Taro and Taruh
  152. Tengil
  153. Tepar
  154. Teteh
  155. Tolol
  156. Tumben
  157. Ogah
  158. Ogut
  159. Oleng
  160. O'on
  161. Woi
  162. Yoi

Indonesian Phrases Meaning:

  1. Ada-ada Aja
  2. Ada Deh!
  3. Angkat Kaki
  4. Apa-apaan Ini
  5. Atas Nama
  6. Au Ah Gelap
  7. Apaan Sih
  8. Bau Kencur
  9. Basa-Basi
  10. Biasa Aja
  11. Bikin Malu Aja
  12. Bodo Amat
  13. Cek Ombak
  14. Cenat-Cenut
  15. Darah Biru
  16. Deg-degan
  17. Dibawa Santai Aja
  18. Dilebih-lebihin
  19. Di situ
  20. Duluan ya
  21. Empat Mata
  22. Enak Aja
  23. Gila Banget
  24. Gila Ya
  25. Harga Miring
  26. Hari Ini Juga
  27. Jadi Ngga Enak
  28. Janda Kembang
  29. Jangan Macam-macam
  30. Ke Laut
  31. Kepala Dingin
  32. Klepek-klepek
  33. Loe Becanda
  34. Males Banget
  35. Muka Ditekuk
  36. Muke Gile
  37. Muter Otak
  38. Naik Daun
  39. Neko-Neko
  40. Ngga Becus
  41. Ngga Enak
  42. Ngga Habis Pikir
  43. Ngga Ngenakin
  44. Ngga Perlu Repot-repot
  45. Ngga Usah
  46. Pagi Buta
  47. Pake Nanya Segala
  48. Pala Loe Peyang
  49. Paling Bisa Deh
  50. Paling-Paling
  51. Parah Loe
  52. Pulang Kampung
  53. Salah Tingkah
  54. Sampe Gondrong
  55. Santai Aja Kali
  56. Sebelas Duabelas
  57. Sekate-kate
  58. Sok Tahu
  59. Sok-sokan
  60. Tahu Diri
  61. Tau-tau
  62. Tajir Mampus
  63. Tajir Melintir
  64. Terserah Lu Dah or Terserah Lo Deh
  65. Tingkat Dewa
  66. Ujug-ujug
  67. Ya Kan?
  68. Ya Udah

